This blog spot has been created to assist you in the Raising of your Vibration. It will provide tips, tools, techniques and knowledge to help you expand your consciousness and raise your energetic frequency.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Getting Picked On! By Sabrina Reber
My main job is that of an artist. I am blessed to have a local restaurant where I can display my art on the walls as my art gallery. I use a 3D technique, and I have had people literally pick the paint off of my art trying to figure out what kind of products I use. Unfortunately, it happened again. A labor intensive, large sea turtle I painted was physically abused with a significant portion of it's leg picked off. Given that there is always a lesson in everything that happens in our lives I have tried to figure out what the "message" might be....why do people keep picking at my art displaying absolutely no respect for me, and the time I have put into my creations? I reflected on my week, and realized I have also had people being disrespectful of my time and effort "picking on me" and my messages on Facebook.
As with all things, there is always a lesson for ALL people involved in any kind of negative interaction. I have figured out a few of the lessons, and realized that some of this could be me balancing some of my karma from my past unconscious behaviors. But the main lesson Spirit keeps reminding me is, we are in a dimension with many, many different levels of consciousness and some people have not learned respect or gained a conscience....they are vibrating at a different level! That is why Earth is a highly desired place for souls to creates a breeding ground for very profound soul lessons to be learned to help souls evolve into their mastery.
Mastery requires testing! It requires us to interact with people in difficult situations so we can learn how to use our energy in a positive direction through the mastery of patience, compassion, respect, forgiveness, unconditional love, acceptance, surrender, tolerance, proper use of our free will (yes or no) BOUNDARIES, SELF LOVE, thought control, soul strength etc.....and one of the most important lessons we need to learn is how to maintain a high vibrational frequency no matter what is going on around us.
Mastery requires us to master our energy bodies (chakra system)! When we are grounded and in our center our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies are balanced and free flowing. When one of the energy bodies is out of balance it affects all of the energy bodies, and we literally contract our energy creating blocks within our being, which will block us from our highest spiritual guidance. Whatever we are going through, whether it be a positive or negative experience, there are lessons to be learned and opportunities for us to demonstrate to our higher self how far we have evolved our souls. We have the free will choice to allow other people's lower level of consciousness disrupt our energetic balance or we can take responsibility for ourselves and our vibrational frequency.
This week has definitely been full of little tests for me. It does not matter what level of consciousness we are on....all of us will go through periods of revelations where those things that are hidden from our conscious awareness will be brought forth from the depths of our shadows to reveal themselves to us for a final healing with the purpose of transcendence and transmutation. Every time we clear the energy of an old behavioral pattern, negative emotion, program or belief system from our being not only do we raise the vibration of our soul signature, we also help raise the vibration of the entire planet!
When difficult times arise state to your self: "I AM THE MASTER OF MY FREQUENCY!" We have to learn to not let other people's negative behavioral patterns attach to us bringing us down to their level. This serves no one! Many people think they need to be doing something spectacular or grandiose in order to help with the healing of the planet, but truly the greatest gift we can offer for the highest level of healing on the Earth is the stabilization of our OWN energetic frequency! When we are truly able to not let our emotional and mental bodies (ego) take over our being we will be able to stay aligned with our higher self and remain in the higher vibrations of love, joy, calm, peace and happiness.
Becoming the MASTER OF OUR OWN FREQUENCY is truly how we master the Earth Game. In order to maintain our frequency we need to keep our energy fields balanced so we can hear our highest guidance ~ which may ask us to make different decisions in our own life, set boundaries with others, or even remove ourselves from unhealthy situations. We can not control how others behave but we can control our SELF. If everyone made this their highest priority ~ to be responsible for the healing of the SELF ~ our world would reflect what we truly all want.....Heaven HERE On Earth! ~ Sabrina
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Can We Just Think Ourselves Into A Higher Vibration Without Meditation?
QUESTION: I had a thought today, if we adhere to quantum physics and our thoughts create everything then couldn't we theoretically think we are already vibrating higher and receive "downloads" without meditation?
ANSWER: Sure we can think our way into a higher vibration. HOWEVER, it will require TIME to shift the vibration in our being because it is our "thoughts from our past" that have created our current level of vibration ~ so just shifting our thought today does not change our energy make up because our energy signature is a culmination of every thought, every deed, every emotion, every belief we have ever had. What meditation does, is it invites healing energies into our being that will clear out the distortions and off pitched vibrations from our past (karma) ~ that are stored in our chakra system ~ that block us from our flow to Spirit. Our tubes and channels to our spiritual self have been clogged up with distorted beliefs, emotions and karma that need to be healed and released before we are able to truly tap into the spiritual energies from the higher dimensions within our being. When our tubes and channels are cleared and spiritual energies are able to flow through us....we are in the FLOW, it feels good, loving and blissful and we WANT to meditate because we get rejuvenated by the increased flow of Spirit. When we are truly in the flow, meditation isn't something we have to do, but something we want to do because we FEEL our connection and deep LOVE from our soul and Spirit. Soooo, if we are naturally high vibrational and in the flow of Spirit....yes we will receive the incoming downloads and light codes naturally, but we also naturally want to meditate because we have developed a relationship with Spirit, we enjoy our connection with the FLOW and we want to experience it in a deeper, more loving, thoughtful way. The ego will put up HUGE resistance and make you not want to meditate. Be aware! It will come up with all kinds of reasons why you don't have to do will even tell you, you can't do it and meditation is a waste of time. However, now more than ever we have tremendous support to help us open up the flow to our spiritual self.....we just need to show the universe that we are willing to do our part. After all, we do have free will....we can allow the ego to control us. It is up to us to decide who we are going to listen to....the ego or the soul. The ego will keep you separated from your flow.......the soul will connect you. ~ Sabrina
The "Raise Your Vibration" Book will assist you with your healing so you can reclaim your divine right to be in the FLOW of your higher soul and loving abundance from Spirit:
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
What Is A Dark Night Of The Soul?
The "Dark Night Of The Soul" is very common for people during the process of soul transmutation or alchemy where all the stored darkness (unprocessed emotions, feelings, old traumas, karma, distorted beliefs) that are stored in our chakras ~ rise to surface for us to process through so we can permanently release them from our energy fields.
A Dark Night Of The Soul is like a little death ~ death of the ego and shadow consciousness. Many people on the ascension path will experience the dark night of the soul several times throughout their journey to higher and higher states of consciousness. During this time period one may feel very alone, confused, sad, depressed, overwhelmed and uncertain of what direction they are headed in. The dark night of the soul can be a lengthy and profound absence of light and hope. Many people have said they feel like they are dying inside.....and actually, the old energies within them, that no longer serve them, are dying.
Part of personal soul ascension involves the kundalini snake or coiled dormant creator energy that resides in every human, at the base of our spine, to rise up from the root chakra and burn away the blocks and barriers within each chakra until it finally makes its way up to the crown chakra where divine illumination and the experience of God and ONENESS, with all things, occurs. As the kundalini rises, it prompts the transmutation of the distorted, off pitched vibrations in our chakra system to be purified. And this process can feel terrible because energy never dies! Once negative energy is created within our being it doesn't just disappear....the lower vibrational energies must be raised in frequency in order for it to be transformed into LIGHT. During this process, the negative energies come up for us to shine the light of our conscious awareness on them so we can FEEL them, and release them from our energy fields. It is basically ~ soul alchemy ~ where we turn our darkness (lead) into light (gold). Gold is symbolic of the christ consciousness.
The best way to move through this very difficult time period is to simply surrender to the process. It is our resistance to our pain that creates more pain. When we allow the density within us to rise to the surface and we fully feel it.....we let go of it. And this is the key ~ TO LET GO OF IT. We need to learn to take the medicine (soul lesson) and leave the pain behind. Feel the pain, understand that it has a lesson for you.....learn from it, gather the wisdom it has to offer, give gratitude for it, and move forward without getting stuck in your "story". If we get stuck in our "story"....we have not taken responsibility for ourselves and we have not gained the wisdom! The "story" will drain our precious life force energy!
The main point of soul ascension/soul healing is to get rid of the old energies that keep us stuck in a vicious cycle of recreation. If we allow ourselves to fully feel the energies that arise ~ they flow right through our entire chakra system and out of our bodies. If we resist our feelings, we contract and create blocks within our chakra system that block us from an abundant free flowing spiritual life force energy from our higher self.
The Dark Night Of The Soul is temporary. Just like a baby moves through the darkness of the birth canal before its birth..... an ascending soul will also move through the chaos and darkness of the void before the birth of it's magnificence.
~ Sabrina
I have written a book called "Raise Your Vibration" as a source of support and wisdom for you during these transformational re-birthing times.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
What Is The Best Way To Help The Animals?
QUESTION: What if something we are passionate about (in my case animal rescue) brings me sadness and feelings of helplessness. I buried my head in the sand for many years because it was too painful to face the cruelty that exists and sometimes I still want to pretend it doesn't happen. How do I raise my vibration when I come home to hundreds of animal cruelty postings? How do I raise my vibration when these postings make me feel so sad?
ANSWER: I understand how you feel about the animals. It saddens me too....but there are many grotesque things going on, on planet Earth right now ~ even to human beings, and look at our Mother Earth and the atrocities that are being done to her! We need to understand the greatest catalyst for change is to expand human consciousness, and that begins with the healing of the SELF. Until we heal our SELF, we are unable to create change in the "outer" areas (external environment), because our consciousness has not expanded enough to tap into the higher perspectives of reality ~ which means most of us are working from ego consciousness and not from our soul and higher self consciousness. We also can not give to others what we do not the best way to help the animals, the Earth and all humans is to spend time raising our vibrations so we can activate the LIGHT within our own being so we can be a conduit for the LIGHT from the higher realms to infiltrate this planet and shine down on the darkness so it can be exposed and transmuted into a higher vibration and way of living. Each human is a conduit for LIGHT, but it must be activated! If we want to heal the Earth, and all the beings on the Earth we need to do our part and activate our LIGHT by healing and activating our chakra system, which will expand our consciousness and connect us with our divine birthright of unadulterated guidance from our higher selves.
Please understand that there are systems set up on this planet to keep people from looking within and healing themselves.....they do not want us to activate our LIGHT, because when each person activates their empowerment and ability to TRULY create change the beings that are of a lower vibration will no longer be able control this planet. How do they control this planet??? They control us through FEAR ~ by generating low vibrational feelings and emotions. The low vibrational beings know that humans are very emotional and sensitive ~ where as these beings have no emotions or feelings....they are what I would call soul less because they are running on pure ego. They are called the dark workers, and they are responsible for teaching us our greatest lessons....we have to use our free will to choose whether we want to support their work and spread fear or whether we want to activate the LIGHT within, and spread LOVE. Fear or is our choice.
With the best of intentions, many people who are awakening to the truth, lies and distortions on this planet fall into the very deceptive trap of the dark ones. They actively participate in the spreading of MORE horror, fear and lower vibrations by sending out traumatizing videos that keep people enslaved in fear ~ through the shock, overwhelm, pain and emotional instability these videos generate. If the dark ones can keep humanity feeling overwhelmed, emotionally distraught and powerless ~ keeping us in a low frequency ~ we will not be able to activate our LIGHT, and they will be successful at keeping the planet suppressed in the lower vibrations of a fearful, dualistic environment.
Now I am not saying, if it is your soul’s mission to be an animal activist, that you should not honor that call to create change! What I am saying is first each person needs to work on the SELF, healing the old distorted knee jerk behavioral patterns and tapping into a higher consciousness where the inner (soul/spirit) and outer wills (ego) are in balance. In order to do this line of work effectively, we need to be able to ground our LIGHT, and unfortunately a lot of people are working solely from their outer will, which will never create the change they so desire because the change must come from within ourselves first before we are able to truly create change in our outer environments.
The organizations and industries creating great harm on this planet are fear based, and they are trained to unground you and suck you into the lower vibrations of overwhelm, anger, judgment and hate. These industries are takes a very strong soul to be able to stand up to the corporation giants exposing their systems, while at the same time remaining focused on bringing forth the LIGHT and vibrations of LOVE to these areas. We also need to understand, and KNOW from the depths of our being, that we do have power to help the animals, the Earth and other humans through the power of our prayer. We don't have to create confrontation or duality within these systems.....we can work behind the scenes using the power of the spiritual realms to create change. Oftentimes, our inner will....the will of our Spirit is far more effective than our outer will (ego) to create the change we so desire. The power for change truly resides within! So my recommendation is to not watch or read anything that is emotionally upsetting to you. There is no need to suffocate yourself with the horror over and over again. You have awakened your self to the truth, and you know what is going on. You already know the animals, the Earth and humans are being need to focus and intensify those vibrations in your being any longer. Take the knowledge and awareness that you have and pray for assistance from the higher realms to please come down to Earth to help us create change. The more people that use their free will, and ask for help, the greater response we will receive......unfortunately, many of us have forgotten about the power of our prayer, we are using only our outer will ~ that of the ego ~ to create change, and this will continue to get us absolutely no where. Here is a prayer I state everyday, it is simply an example. Feel free to use it or create your own....speak from your heart ~ that is the most important thing. When we truly generate a heart felt prayer, not a mind prayer, the spiritual realms “feel” and “hear” it. They will respond:
"Creator Of All That Is, I ask for you to please send down additional beings of the highest vibrations and light to the Earth to assist the Earth and all beings with their transformational process. I ask for these beings of the highest LIGHT to please go to those areas of density where there is great chaos, pain, destruction and suffering and we ask for them to transmute all lower vibrations of fear into the highest LOVE vibration that those areas can hold and attain at this time. We ask for all beings on Earth ~ in all time frames and dimensions ~ to be uplifted into a higher consciousness for their highest and best good, so that we may ALL return to our truth. Thank you. It is done, it is done, it is done.
In order to generate the greatest amount of change on this planet we need to first activate the LIGHT within our SELF, and we also need to stay focused on spreading information that will activate the LIGHT within others. All fear based messages diminish our LIGHT.....fear generates more fear. Only read and send out messages that help people grow. Horror and Fear will only stifle and paralyze people, and generate more hate. We also need to understand that everything that is happening on our planet right now is a reflection of humanity’s previous level of consciousness. We are all waking up to the truth, but it will take time and spiritual effort to generate the changes we so desire to see in our NOW moment. Our previous level of vibration, our lack of consciousness, our karma, and our willingness to give away our power in the past is what got us into this place in the first place and it is us ~ HUMANITY ~ with the use of our FREE WILL to invite SPIRIT into our lives to create change that will be the greatest catalyst for planetary transformation. ~ Sabrina
Raise Your Vibration Book To Help You Activate Your Light So You Can Create The Most Change Here On Earth: CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE AND READ REVIEWS
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Judy Satori Mantra's from SPIRIT to help with ASCENSION Changes.
CLICK HERE For Audio of the Mantras and Detailed Description:
Listen to the energy activations and try to say the words exactly as they are said in the class. It is not so much the way they are written, it is the way they sound and the intonation and pauses that are important.
However, the words as they sound are written below. It is suggested that you mark the sounds with the your own descriptive words after listening to the audio tracks. AUDIO OF THE MANTRAS
Mantra to Ground and Balance: This mantra is very good when we feel out of phase with Earth Energy due to high energy days when we are expereicing Energy Downloads, Solar Flares etc...
Stand with your feet about a foot apart with your arms and hands stretched out wide at the level of the core star (in the center of the torso at the level of the solar plexus chakra). Turn your palms down towards the floor.
Visualise a diamond shape with a line of energy connecting your core star, to two points either side of the body three feet out from the body at ground level and a fourth point three feet under the surface of the Earth directly beneath you.
Kraj - ne - a - Allium - Ya - Sin-Day Mak- oi-ya-Sa
Say this three times, or nine times and repeat as required.
Mantra to Help with Mental Disorientation: Caused by Incoming Energy Overloading the Nervous System.
Stand with your feet 12-18 inches apart with your hands by your sides, palms facing forward and fingers pointing to the floor.
Kraj - ne - a - Allium - Ya - Sin- Day Mak- oi-ya-Sa
Allium – Allium – Allium – Om
Repeat three times and up to nine times as desired.