Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rapid Shift in Consciousness can create a Transitional Crisis.

Rapid Shift in Consciousness can create a Transitional Crisis.
By Celia Fenn

I have been asked by Archangel Michael to write this article in order to help the many people who undergo the experience of a rapid shift into multi-dimensional awareness, or, the shift from the Indigo state to the Crystal state of consciousness.

There are people who make the transition in a relatively gentle way, but there are many who experience a crisis when this happens. These are usually the people who have chosen to open up to the higher dimensions. This choice is not made logically by the rational mind, but is rather a soul choice made in response to the available transitional energies of the Earth herself. So, sometimes a person is thrust into psychological, emotional and bodily changes for which they can find no logical explanation. This can cause a crisis. My experience has been that orthodox doctors and psychologists are of very little help as they have no idea of what the person is experiencing. When tests come back negative, the person is often considered to be hysterical or ungrounded or even schizophrenic.

This transition often happens to people who have been on spiritual paths and are better equipped to handle the shifts. But, my experience is also that Indigo Children, no matter what their state of spiritual awareness, are particularly vulnerable to the spontaneous experience of transiton or breakthough to the awareness of higher dimensions. I must also add that the use of any kinds of drugs, fairly common among Indigo adolescents, quite often precipitates this transitonal crisis before the person is really ready to deal with the effects.

Below are a list of the symptoms experienced in the process of crisis or breakthrough:

Sudden extreme sensitivity to people and environments. A person who has previously been sociable and active suddenly finds they can't bear to be in shopping malls or in crowded environments such as restaurants.

An increase in psychic ability and awareness. This most often manifests in the ability to almost "hear" the inner thoughts and feelings of others. This can be disconcerting if the person imagines that everyone else can also read their thoughts and feelings. Also an extreme sensitivity to negative energy in certain environments or people, including the inability to tolerate certain people who had previously been close.

This increased sensitivity can lead to panic attacks or anxiety attacks.
These can occur at any time, even when the person wakes up at night. Often there is no valid reason for the attack, although the person will often seek to find a reason.

The person might also find themselves "zoning out" for long periods of time, just wanting to sit and do nothing. This can be irritating to someone who has previously been very energetic and active. This is just the consciousness adjusting to spending more time in the higher dimensions and less time in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Related to this is the need to rest and sleep for far longer than previously, and a general slowing down.

Obssessive anxieties about humans being destroyed (by pollution, lack of resources, aliens, technology etc). This is because multi-dimensional consciousness can access all levels of the group mind, including that part which holds the fears and anxieties about the survival of the species. Since the person is often concerned about their own survival, they tend to resonate with this part of the group mind or morphogenetic field.

An obssessive need to understand what is happening, leading to the mind becoming overactive and the person fearing they are losing it or suffering from "burn-out". Also a fear of going mad and being unable to cope with everyday life in the future. Again, psychologists and doctors seem able to offer very little help.

Depression for no reason, or related to the crisis state. This is often just the consciousness clearing out old layers of energy that need to be released. It is not necessary to "process" or relive the experience, just allow the body to release the energy. Have patience with the process and know that it will pass.

Disrupted sleep patterns, often waking up to 3 times a night, or just at about 3am. Again this is just the consciousness adapting to new cycles of activity. Higher consciousness is often more active at night since the lower dimensions are quiet at this time.

Feeling strange electrical energy waves through the body. The Crystal body is incredibly sensitive, and feels solar and lunar waves, cosmic waves, and energies from the galactic centre. Often these energies are assisting in the process of "rewiring" the body to carry higher energies. Speaking from experience, I know how uncomfortable this can be. But the body eventually acclimates to dealing with these energy waves. You will probably find them to be more intense around Full Moon. The best way I have found of dealing with this phenomenon is to go outside and stand barefoot on the ground and imagine the energy running through your body and into the earth.

A whole range of physical sensations and experiences, usually related to detoxification. The Crystal body holds no toxins, but allows everything to pass through it. In fact the eventual trick to being Crystal is just to allow everything to pass through and hold onto nothing. The ultimate state of detachment. But at this stage the body needs to release years of "toxic" waste, whether physical, emotional or mental The release is always through the physical body, which presents symptoms such as intense fatigue, muscle and joint pains especially in the hips and knees, headaches, especially at the base of the skull, and neck and shoulder pains.

Dizziness and "spaciness". This is because you are in "higher" states of consciousness. You need to get used to being at these levels and staying grounded at the same time. These sensations tend to increase with solar flares and full moons as well.

Increased appetite and putting on weight. This is because the body needs huge amounts of energy to power this process.

The ability to see beyond the veils. That is, to become aware of spirits, devas,E.Ts and angels as a reality and to communicate with these. This can be very frightening if the person is not accustomed to this kind of other dimensional awareness.

Coping Skills for the Transition

The best advice I can give is to be accepting of the process and do not resist. My own transition has been going on for nearly 18 months (this was written in 2003). I found that the key was acceptance. I kept hoping that I was going to wake up one day and feel "normal" again. It was only when I accepted that I would never again feel "normal" as I knew it, that I was better able to feel more comfortable in my new space and to cope better. Then you can begin to explore the adventure or the positive side of this new state.

Below are some tips for dealing with the transitional crisis:

Be at peace with what is happening to your being. You are becoming a Crystal being. Another term for this is a "Christed being", which refers to a mutli-dimensional being with full access to 9 dimensions, and maybe even 13. My experience at this point is that some people only open to 5D, others go through to 6D. If you make it through to 6D then you will probably achieve full 9D awareness in this lifetime, if not in the very near future. What a privilege and a blessing!!

Be kind to yourself and nurture yourself. Remember, as a Crystal being you carry an equal balance of the "mother" energy and the "father" energy. The mother says, nurture yourself as you would a new-born baby, for in fact that is what you are. You will need time to grow in strength and learn the skills of your new environment. Trust is very important here. I made the transition as a single self-supporting person in my own business with very little resources. I was terrified that my physical state would prevent me from earning enough to survive. But I was held though the process, and still have my home and I have always had enough although there have been some close calls.

Don't take drugs of any kind if you can help help it. Obviously if you are on medication for your health then you will need to continue. But do not take recreational drugs of any kind, these will aggravate the process and you could get lost "out there" in the higher dimensions. Also try to cope without anti-depressants or tranqulizers, although again if you are on these you will need medical advice and should not just stop them. The best path to take is to use homeopathic and naturopathic medicine, and I have found that Flower Essences are very helpful as well.

Avoid crowds and crowded places. I have perfected the art of the weekly one hour shopping "blitz" in order to care for my needs while not spending too long in tiring and toxic environments. Gradually you will be able to tolerate more and more exposure to these environments. The key here, of course, is to hold your own peace and harmony so strongly that instead of you being affected by the environment, you in fact affect the environment in positive ways. The Crystal person always holds and carries positive energy, but you will learn to use it in incredibly powerful ways once you have gained your balance and are able to move among people again with ease.

Stay grounded and centred. This can be very challenging for those who are acclimating to higher dimensional awareness. You will often feel dizzy and spaced. But try to pay full attention to the physical and grounded aspects of life. The key here is to spend time on exercise, walking, food and artistic occupations. Don't spend hours in front of the TV or lost in computer games. These will only serve to increase the ungroundedness.

Spend as much time as you can in Nature. You will find spending time in fresh air and sunlight will assist to strenghten the new bodies. Also the devas are there to support your processes.
Eat simply and eat as much fresh vegetables and fruit as possible. I have been told by guidance that brown rice and vegetables are the best kind of food for this new body. However, indulge your cravings - mine have ranged from calamari to chocolate cake. This is not the time to diet. Your body needs huge amounts of nourishment to fuel the processes you are passing though. You may even put on weight, but you will need to accept that this is part of the transition.

Finally - Celebrate your transition. You are becoming a Galactic human, the next step in human evolution! You are entering into your birthright.

Article by Celia Fenn

Art By: Adam Scott Miller

Saturday, August 6, 2011



Sometimes if I have had an emotional interaction with someone (encountered a soul lesson) and I feel I have contracted my energy or stored feelings in my chakras I will need to do a Chakra Flossing Visualization to remove the blocked energy out of my energy fields. 

This is a very powerful meditation to clear your chakras. Whatever you visualize is perfect for you. When we visualize healing and ask for assistance from the spirtual realms we bring healing down into our reality. Our power to co-create is our imagination. Here are the general details of the visualization:

1. Say a prayer of intention. Any prayer will do:
"I command for the Creator of All That Is to please send to me angels to help me clear, balance and align my chakras. Thank you. It is done, It is done, It is done." Visualize them surrounding you. 

2. Begin your normal meditation with slow, deep, rhythmic breathing.

3. Focus your energy on the crown chakra. Visualize a white light above your head. Turn this white light into a piece of floss....whatever size ~ it doesn't matter. Sometimes it will be thin sometimes it will be a large, fat rope. Thread this floss through your crown, all the way down your spine and out your root chakra. Now visualize two angels on either side of the floss tugging and pulling the floss as it cleans out your central light column. You may witness chucks of dark matter flying off....watch an angel swoop down to escort it to the light.

4. Move to your spiritual eye center. Focus on the color indigo. Visualize the chakra opening in the front of your body and out the back.Thread an indigo colored floss or rope through this chakra. Watch the angels pull and tug the floss through the chakra clearing out any blocks and escorting the debris to the light of God/Goddess.

5. Continue this same procedure through the throat, heart, solar plexus and sacral chakras with the appropriate chakra color setting your intention for the floss to clean out each chakra.

6. When you get to the root chakra visualize a red energy at the base of the spine. Turn this red energy into a piece of floss or a rope. Thread it all the way up the spine and out the crown chakra. Watch the angels on both ends tug and pull the floss back and forth as they clean out the central light column. Watch the floss turn into every color of the chakras...it is now rainbow floss.....cleanse as above. Give thanks for the healing. ♥ Sabrina


I Would Like The Experience of.......

If you are having a difficult time with a particular situation in your life, tell the Universe what you would like to experience. Tell the Universe what you want. ~ Hans Christian King

What do you want?

" Creator, I would like the experience of________________________." 
Thank you. It is done.

making $10,000 every month.
having a loving experience with my family.
attracting loving relationships.
having a day that flows with ease and grace.
having a good nights sleep and waking up refreshed.
having a healthy body.
attaining oneness.
feeling like I belong.
being a teacher.
being a healer.
being an author.
learning how to fly an airplane.

It doesn't matter what you want....ask the universe to support you and apply energy towards what you want. Ask for help. Be prepared to let go of whatever it is that is blocking you from achieving what you want and don't miss the doors that will be opened to you. ~ Sabrina



Help me understand why my soul sees fit to be required to take abuses, bullying, meanness daily....what possible good can come from allowing this in my life? curious.....

Your higher self is trying to get your soul to to say NO and not allow abuse in your life. You will continue lifetime after lifetime with the very same painful soul imprints of abuse until you finally learn to love and respect your self enough and find the strength to remove yourself from any toxic, abusive relationships that continue to wound your soul and your divine energy. Each of us are being called to step up and create what we want. However, in order to do that, we have to let go of the things that are not serving us. Don't let the fear of change stop you from creating the happy, loving life you deserve.

There is a powerful saying: "Never let anyone or anything to disturb your ease because if you do, you will become dis~eased.

Art By Rita Lloyd: 

There Is Never Just One Reason For A Problem

It is important for us to move from thinking there is only one reason for an issue or dilemma to knowing there are "many" reasons. We are multidimensional, vast, ancient beings.....there is never just one answer or one reason for any problem we may be experiencing in our life. Break everything down into sections:

What is the physical reason I have this problem?
What is the emotional reason I have this problem?
What is the mental reason I have this problem?
What is the soul reason I have this problem?
What is the spiritual reason I have this problem?

If you have an illness for example say a cold....you did not contract it only by being around a person that has a cold. Let's break it down.

~ Physically, you may have been around someone who had a cold, you may have not been eating a balanced diet, you may not have properly been washing your hands, your immune system is in your digestive track so you also may not have had a balanced digestive track which made you more susceptible to hosting the virus.

~ Emotionally, you may have been stressed because you had to much going on and did not set appropriate boundaries ~ you were abusing yourself, upset or fearful which lowered your auric frequency and allowed a virus (alien invader) into your energy field and every cell in your body.

~ Mentally, viruses are attracted to worthiness issues. A virus is an energy form that is attracted to "like" frequencies based on our parallel belief systems. The energy form will be attracted to us through our negative mental projections and attach to us. A virus is a great example of us needing to learn a lesson in how we allow not only a virus to attach to us but also the equivalent of human parasitic energies through our family, friends, co-workers etc....

~ Soulfully, you may not be listening to the guidance from your soul, betraying yourself. What are you in denial about ~ why are you not wanting to see the truth? What is your resistance. Are you not honoring yourself? Are you allowing others to siphon off your soul energy?

~ Spiritually, you may not recognize your connection to the Creator of All That Is. You may still feel like you are separated. This distorted belief will block you from receiving a higher level of spiritual energies from your higher self. Lack of spiritual energies/life force energies will deplete your entire being and lower your vibration to the frequency level of viruses. A daily spiritual practice of meditation will help you maintain a higher vibrational level that will repel anything of a lower vibration from entering and attaching to your energy field.

This technique can be applied to any issue you are having. Everything is energy...everything has an energy form. If you are experiencing grief, depression, sadness, anger, illness, irritation....these are all energy forms that you have attracted into your being as a learning opportunity. Ask them questions, feel them, find out why they are here so you can release the negative charge and release them and not attract them in the future.

The highest vibration we can emit that keeps anything of a lower vibration from entering our field is LOVE. Do your best to make the highest and best choices for yourself that help you stay in a state of LOVE......and when you do find yourself in a negative situation, LOVE yourself through it.

♥ Sabrina

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Powerful Tool For Sending Love And Healing To The Earth

A powerful tool for healing the Earth. We are going to send healing energy to:

1. All bodies of water on the Earth.
2. The air of the Earth
3. The soil, rocks, crystals and molten lava of the Earth both on the exterior and interior of the planet.
4. The trees and all vegetation on Earth.
5. All living beings on the Earth.

For each aspect of the Earth we are going to state a command and witness the healing occurring:


Creator of All That Is, I command for love and healing energy to be sent to "all bodies of water on the Earth". I command for all negativity, toxicity and lower vibrations to be released ~ sent to your light, and transmuted into love. I command for healing energy to be released into all bodies of water raising their vibration to their highest expression of love that the waters can contain at this time. Show me: Watch as the Creator removes the toxins and sends them to the Creators light and fills all bodies of water on the Earth with glowing energy. Thank you it is done.


Creator of All That Is I command for love and healing energy to be sent to "the air all around the Earth." I command for all negativity, toxicity and lower vibrations to be released ~ sent to your light, and transmuted into love. I command for healing energy to be released into the air raising its vibration to the highest expression of love that the air can contain at this time. Show me: Watch as the Creator removes the toxins and sends them to the Creators light and fills the air surrounding the Earth with glowing energy. Thank you it is done.


Creator of All That Is, I command for love and healing energy to be sent to "the surface of the Earth and inside the Earth to the soil, rocks and molten lava." I command for all negativity, toxicity and lower vibrations to be released ~ sent to your light and transmuted into love. I command for healing energy to be released across the entire surface of the Earth and inside the Earth raising its vibration to the highest expression of love that the interior and exterior of the Earth can contain at this time. Show me: Watch as the Creator removes the toxins and sends them to the Creators light and fills the inner and outer Earth with glowing energy. Thank you it is done.


Creator of All That Is I command for love and healing energy to be sent to "to the trees and all vegetation on Earth." I command for all negativity, toxicity and lower vibrations to be released ~ sent to your light and transmuted into love. I command for healing energy to be released into to the trees and all vegetation on Earth raising their vibration to their highest expression of love that the vegetation can contain at this time. Show me: Watch as the Creator removes the toxins and sends them to the Creators light and watch as the Creator fills the vegetation of the Earth with glowing energy. Thank you it is done.


Creator of All That Is, I command for love and healing energy to be sent to "to all living beings on earth for their highest and best good." I command for all negativity, toxicity and lower vibrations to be released ~ sent to your light, and transmuted into love. I command for healing energy to be released onto to the planet assisting each being with their highest and best good, and raising their vibration to the highest expression of love that they are willing to contain at this time. Show me: Watch as the Creator removes the lower vibrations form the entire Earth and sends them to the Creators light and witness the Creator sending love and healing energy all across the entire planet. See the planet glowing with love and light. Thank you it is done.

Whatever you visualize is perfect for you. The Creator will show you in your mind a vision that is easy for you and specific for you. You may see gray clouds or gray energy leaving and going up to the Creators light and white sparkles being sent down as healing light or streams of white light that makes the Earth glow. Whatever you see is perfect. You can also write your own commands. Setting your intention, making a command to the Creator and witnessing the healing occur is a very powerful way for you to be pro-active in the healing and transformation of the planet. YOU do make a difference.

Thank you for sending love and healing to the Earth.  Love, Sabrina
How To Raise Your Vibration Facebook Page

Friday, July 22, 2011

Chakras Are Related to Our Health

Chakras are directly related to our health and well being. Each chakra is associated with a specific organ in our body. If a chakra is out of balance, it affects the correlating organs creating dis-harmony and disease. All illness begins in the energy body first, before it makes its way to the physical body. Thus all illness has a spiritual / energetic origin. A healthy human system occurs when all chakras are aligned, balanced and functioning properly. 
In Indian Sanskrit Chakras mean “wheel or disc”.  Chakras are entry gates to the aura or energy vortices that bring energy from the universal life field into our entire human system. They are regulators of spiritual life force energy, prana, or chi. Without properly functioning chakras our health is vulnerable due to a lack of healthy energy that is able to move through our chakras. According to traditional writings there are more than 88,000 chakras in our being! Today, we will only be focusing on the 7 primary chakras that directly affect our human body.

Chakra Energy System

CHAKRA                         LOCATION                       ORGAN                              DISEASE
First Chakra:
ROOT (RED)                     Perineum                            Adrenals                             Obesity,  Bones,                                      
Survival                                                                                                                    Legs, Hemorrhoids
“I Have”                                                                                                                      Constipation

Second Chakra:              Lower Abdomen                 Ovaries, Womb         Impotence/ Sexual Issues
SACRAL (ORANGE)                                               Prostate                                Emotional Disorders
Desire                                                                           Genitals                                 Uterus/Bladder 
“I Feel”                                                                                                                       

Third Chakra:                   Solar Plexus                        Adrenals                                 Diabetes
SOLAR PLEXUS (YELLOW)                                  Liver                                      Ulcers
Will                                                                               Pancreas                            Hypoglycemia
“I Will”                                                                        Gallbladder                              Digestive

Fourth Chakra:                     Heart                                Thymus                               Asthma, Hypertension
HEART (Green)                                                                                                        Lungs, Heart,
Love                                                                                                                            Arms, Hands
“I Love”

Fifth Chakra:                        Throat                                Thyroid                               Thyroid, Flu
THROAT (BLUE)                                                      Parathyroid                          Neck Problems
Communication                                                           Hypothalamus              Nose, Mouth,Throat, Ears
“I Communicate”

Sixth Chakra:                       Forehead                           Pineal                                       Eyes
BROW (INDIGO)                                                                                                     Headaches                         
Intuition, Visualization                                                                                                 Migraines
“I See Clearly”

Seventh Chakra:                Top of Head                       Pituitary                               Cen Nrvs Sytm
CROWN (VIOLET)                                                                                                 Depression
 Understanding                                                                                                     Confusion / Headaches
 “I Know”                                                                                                                Cerebral Cortex