Showing posts with label becoming one. Show all posts
Showing posts with label becoming one. Show all posts

Thursday, November 29, 2012



I have been doing this same meditation for 6 years. I do this one first, and then I focus on my chakras, but "Bringing In The Light" is the only one you need to do. The more you meditate and visualize....the easier it will become.

Meditation and Visualization are powerful tools for healing and transformation! Creation is a thought in the mind of God. We are made in the image and likeness of God, therefore, we have the same creative powers as God. We must continue focusing on what we want to create in our lives! That’s why visualization is so important because it trains our mind to take our thoughts and put them into words and pictures. When we think about something, see it in our minds eye (visualize it) and allow ourselves to believe and feel it is occurring we create exactly what we are focused on. That’s how powerful we are! Visualization is real, do not let the ego mind trick you into believing this is fantasy.



Find a quiet place. Sit under a tree, lie on your bed or sit in your car. Make sure your spine is straight. It doesn’t matter where you are the light is always with you.

Close your eyes and ask God to surround you with his love and healing light. See your self surrounded and immersed in a bubble of white light.

Slowly take a minimum of TEN deep breaths filling your lungs to capacity and HOLD until you need to exhale. Deep breathing helps you enter into an altered state of consciousness and helps you relax. Deep breathing is very important and is an essential component to helping you connect to your soul getting the most out of your meditations.

Visualize a gold or white ball of light above your head. This is where your God self resides! Do not allow yourself to get hung up on the specifics of visualization. Whatever you visualize is what is right for you.
State your intention OUT LOUD:


See the light of your God self entering and filling the top of your head, moving down your face, neck, shoulders, arms, heart, stomach, pelvis, legs and out your feet into the Earth.

Observe yourself filled with Gods light and bask in it for as long as you like. Focus on the light, releasing all thoughts. Allow yourself to just “BE”. The longer you allow yourself to meditate the more relaxed you will become and the more likely you will be able to access a very positive mental state of Alpha and Theta brainwaves.

If you have areas in your physical body that need additional healing, you can focus your consciousness in that area filling it with additional light intending it to be healed.

When you are ready, give thanks to God for sharing his/her love and healing light.

Commit yourself to doing this meditation EVERYDAY. This meditation does not have to take a lot of time. I recommend 10-15 minutes a day to begin with. Everyone can find ten minutes out of their day to commune with their God self. Don’t let your ego make excuses! Like everything, visualization and meditation takes time to get use to. Obviously, the longer you stay in a meditation the greater the results. Make the decision to do this meditation everyday for one month. By the end of the month, it will not require as much focus and it will begin to come naturally. You will actually look forward to your quite time with your Spirit. You will also begin to notice subtle changes in your moods, emotions, ability to concentrate, reasoning skills and an overall since of inner peace.

In the beginning you may have thoughts racing through your mind, you may doubt or question the process. You may think this is silly, abnormal and a waste of your time and you may run into fear because you have never done this before. You may even think you are doing something wrong! This is completely normal. Don’t focus on it, allow these thoughts to surface and release them. Your egoic mind will try to tell you this is a waste of time because it knows meditation will bring your Spirit and ego into balance and your ego does not want to give up control! You cannot do anything wrong when you begin to meditate. Whatever occurs is suppose to occur and is part of you surrendering to your God Self and relinquishing your ego.

It takes time to train the mind to sit in silence. After your 10 minute meditation you can practice 3 minute fast-fix meditations throughout your day to keep you balanced and centered. The more you put into it the more you will get out of it. Your fast-fix meditations can bring in the light while sitting in the doctors office, waiting for the kids in the car pick up line, on your lunch break, before you get out of bed in the morning, during TV commercials, before you go to bed at night or when you have fallen off center due to some sort of upset. It doesn’t matter where you do it - just do it.

(Fast fix meditations are the same things as "bringing in the light" but they are done quickly.) ~ SABRINA