Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fearful Of Staying Committed To The Spiritual Path: By Sabrina Reber

QUESTION: I have everything I need in my daily life, but I can't find myself. I have tried meditation and I have also tried holotropic breathing, but I have not succeeded because I have been afraid to go further. Where am I mistaking?
ANSWER: You are allowing your ego to be in dominion of your true self. In fact, that is how the majority of humanity has been living for many, many lifetimes and people are not even aware that an impostor has been in control of their lives. 
Anytime you embark on the spiritual journey, the ego will put up a big fuss! The ego is an acronym for “Edges God/ddess Out”.....it will literally keep your God Self from coming forward because the ego knows if the God Self comes forward, the ego will be out of a job and the egoic density/darkness will be absorbed by the LIGHT of the God Self’s greater awareness. So anytime you begin to meditate or do anything that is “light filled” ....the ego will build up a huge resistance! Mind chatter will increase, your heart rate may speed up..... fears, insecurities and doubts will come to the surface. 
This is something you must work through! You must stay committed to your spiritual practice. That is why it is called “spiritual practice”....it is something you practice and practice and practice on a daily basis  ~ the spiritual journey is one of transcendence. Everyday we transcend our egoic fears, distorted beliefs, illusions, thoughts and behaviors so we can integrate more and more of our greatness into our lower being.
In order to truly KNOW THYSELF, you will need to stay committed to re-connecting with your inner being ~ your soul ~ through meditation,  spiritual practice and conscious living. Be willing to “see your self” and all of the things within you that need healing ~ and understand that your truth is pure love, pure light that has simply been covered up by all the distorted beliefs the ego has created within yourself. ~ Sabrina
"I (the ego) die daily."  St. Paul 1 Cor. 15:31
For more information on how to integrate the negative EGO, here is a chapter from my book “Raise Your Vibration”: Chapter On The Ego

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fearful Of Being Around People, Sensitive, Is This Part Of My Ascension? By Sabrina Reber

QUESTION: I have become fearful of being around people which is affecting my day to day living. Could it be a part of my ascension or is it simply the result of too much identification with the ego mind? 

ANSWER: This is a stage of awakening. When we really start to understand that we are energy, and we are all ONE... we also understand that other people's energy can greatly affect us. We may go through a period of not wanting to be next to those who's energy feels heavy or dense.

HOWEVER, this is a lesson for us in learning "how to use our energy appropriately, and also learning how to keep ourselves self contained. We can not alienate ourselves from other people (it will shut down our root and heart chakras)...however, there may be a small time period where your sensitivity develops so rapidly and strongly ~ you may need to take a "small break" from large crowds etc....while you learn to manage your new sensitivities. The more "sensitive" we are, the closer to Spirit we are becoming. Many of us have been dense for so long, when we start to integrate more LIGHT into our being our spiritual gifts of intuition and sensitivity return to us, and we have to learn how to use them appropriately. This is part of our mastery and we are purposefully submersed in a breeding ground of a variety of mixed energies to experience and learn from. It will not serve your soul's evolution to remove yourself from interacting with people....in fact, long term alienation will stifle your growth process ~ as it is through our interactions with others where we learn our greatest lessons. My suggestion to you is to learn how to manage your energy:

1. Use your discernment! We must be discerning about who, what and where we choose to interact our energies with. What use to serve you when you were dense....may not serve your new energy anymore. Old behaviors and environments may not be a vibrational match for us anymore. Make WISE choices.....ask yourself if this event, relationship, environment, interaction serves your highest good?

2. Everyday when you awake. Place a shield of protection around you and ground to the Earth and higher dimensions. Also, pull your energy field in about arms length distance around your body. Here is an exercise:http://howtoraiseyourvibration.blogspot.com/2011/10/grounding-exercise.html

3. Keep in mind that what you send out ALWAYS comes back to you....so if you are sending out negativity, you will attract negativity from others. State: "Only good may come to me, only good may come from me."

4. Cut cords! Everyday we are creating energetic cords with the people we interact with. Even on Facebook, through email or through the phone....we are connecting! We need to cut cords everyday or our energy will get tangled up with others and we may experience their emotions, thoughts or feelings. Here is a cord cutting exercise:http://howtoraiseyourvibration.blogspot.com/2011/06/cutting-energetic-cords.html

5. I also suggest people take salt baths after they have been in a hospital, doctors office, stressful work environment, around an emotionally upsetting environment or around a lot of people. Add about 1 1/2 Cups of Himalayan sea salt or any kind of salt to your bath at night. When you are done, wash the salt water off of your body. The salt will draw out negative energy from your chakra and energy fields you may have picked up from others.

6. Every night before you go to sleep, place your consciousness as high up above your head as possible and state: "Creator Of All That Is, it is commanded for all energy that is not mine to be removed from my being ~ sent to your light for purification and returned to where it belongs to. Any energy that is mine, that I have left somewhere else, I command to be sent to your light, purified and returned to me."

This may sound like a lot of extra stuff to do, but with continued practice this will be quick and easy for you to do everyday. You can even do these things while you are taking a shower. The more you practice, the stronger your energy field and ability to create change will become!

Practicing spiritual hygiene and being conscious about our own energy (our thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs)....will also help us not attract anything to us that may disrupt our balance. Oftentimes, it is through our own "free will" that we create our own energetic disruptions. We must learn how to be very conscious with our energy and vibrations we send out....this is all part of us learning to master ourselves.

We are awakening and returning to our truth, which also means we need to learn how to take care of our energy. Energy maintenance, is our responsibility and it is also part of our mastery. Bringing in the Light of God daily meditation is also a wonderful thing to do as the light will come into your being and transmute density, as well as, balance your energy fields. Here is the meditation:http://howtoraiseyourvibration.blogspot.com/2011/11/bringing-in-light-meditation.html

~ Sabrina

When The Seven Seals Are Opened The Trumpets Will Blow And The Second Coming Of Christ Will Be Near By Sabrina Reber

QUESTION: In the Bible they speak of the 7 seals that will be opened by the Angels and that you will hear a trumpet which one of the Angels will play. There after, is suppose to be the 2nd coming of Christ. Does this relate to the rising of the kundalini and the 12 strands of DNA?

ANSWER: Yes! The Bible is symbolic with it's messages.There is an angel guardian (higher aspect of your SELF) over each chakra. There are seven main physical chakras with seals or veils over them that need to removed so more divine energy can flow through them which will open and activate our higher/spiritual chakras (8-12) so we can return to our TRUTH as divine beings.

As each chakra opens (which is shaped like a trumpet) a trumpet is blown and energy moves up to the next chakra to be opened. Each chakra holds a strand of DNA (whether it be physical or etheric in nature)...eventually, all 12 chakras/strands of DNA/angels or guardians merge with you and you become ONE. Your chakra system becomes unified and you are no longer separated from your SELVES. This is the return of the Christ Consciousness....ONENESS ~ which is also represented symbolically as the 12 apostles of Christ. The 12 apostles are actually representations of the 12 root races that seeded this planet with our DNA potential. We too, just like Jesus have our own 12 apostle council we can awaken ourselves to and become ONE, no longer separated by the duality of our energy. This is also symbolic of the 12 zodiac signs as each sign governs a specific chakra.

We are moving into our Christ consciousness....with each person on different levels of their ascension NOW! ~ Sabrina

The seven main chakras need to be purified in order for the seals to be removed so we can merge with our spiritual selves. This happens in PERFECT DIVINE TIMING when the souls energy has been purified. The "Raise Your Vibration" book is a tool book for those who would like to be proactive in their ascension process...it will help you navigate through your soul's purification. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE BOOK

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Ascension requires everyone to understand that you nor anyone else is ever separated from the Creator. Therefore, the Creator is fully aware of everything going on within and around you. EVERYTHING happens for a divine reason.

The reason people are born into difficult situations is due to KARMA. Karma is not punishment. Karma is off pitched vibrations in the human energy system that simply seeks  energy balance. Each soul along with a team of spiritual advisors ~ with final approval from the Creator, chooses their major life lessons and key players before they even incarnate into a physical body. Yes, we each still have "free will" and not everything is set in stone, however family situations and major life events are agreed upon based on the lessons the soul needs to learn.

Absolutely nothing happens without higher self approval. No one is a victim! Whether it be through our own subconscious energy, the law of attraction, karma or simply an agreed upon life experience to learn and grow from ~ everything that happens to us is here to help us evolve and advance our souls so we can remember who we are and return to LOVE.

The longer people stay in victim, separation, dualistic, evil/good consciousness ~ refusing to accept personal responsibility for their own lives, soul lessons and healing the longer they will not be able to rise above the lower self/egoic consciousness that keeps them enslaved. The sooner people understand that whatever is happening to them is an opportunity for a deeper level of healing ~ the sooner they will be able to learn and integrate the soul lessons that are being shown to them.

If you are submersed in evil circumstances then you attracted those situations to you, and it is only you who will be able to shift your energy into a new direction so you can create change within your being for a better future. Evil is actually "live" spelled backwards....evil means you are living backwards from the universal laws of the Creator. Evil also means you  have a veil (evil) over your consciousness and you are veiled from your truth and light. The veil is of the ego and it must be removed before you will fully be able to put on 
your garments of light. 

The spiritual path is the path of personal responsibility ....it is about transforming your self and your energy. If people do not accept responsibility for their creations, they will never be able to stand in a place of empowerment to create the change they so desire....they will always loose their power expecting someone else to make the changes for them when they had the power to create change all along. 

Denial of your creations will keep you in a vicious cycle of re-creation. The inner path of soul healing and self responsibility leads to salvation....the outer path of victim consciousness, projections and staying focused on other people's soul lessons will lead to the world of illusions and more pain. The spiritual path requires us to look at things from a higher perspective.....however the ego will keep you looking at things solely from the human perspective which is full of criticism, opinions, limitations and judgments......the ego can never see the spiritual solution. The ego "Edges God Out" and makes you feel like you are victim ~ when you are actually a Creator Being. 

Only those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will be able to see reality for what it truly is. In order to get to this place; we each must accept personal responsibility for the expansion, healing and transformation of our energy. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012


QUESTION: When that old stuff comes up and we re- live it, feel it all over again, it feels like it can hurt me or manifest something - it's scary. How do we feel it and NOT allow it to scare us?

ANSWER: I wish I could give you an easy remedy for that. Unfortunately, the only way to release these energies is to fully feel them, giving them the time and space they need to be transmuted into a higher vibration. Energy never dies, so whatever negativity we have created in our being, from our past, must be changed into a higher form. This is what is called soul alchemy....placing our darkness (coal) into the fiery energies of ascension transmutation so we can turn our negativity into GOLD (the gold energies of the christ consciousness). 

Because we have chosen as a group consciousness to participate in planetary ascension, we are no longer able to stuff our issues in a deal with later folder. We are having to face things head on, and we are not use to doing that! Whether we like it or not, all of our stored pain is coming up for a final clearing. Our higher self is ushering us through these clearings/initiations/soul lessons and we are learning to surrender to this process knowing that in our darkest moments is when we have the potential to gain the greatest amount of light.

Fear is a product of resistance.....when we allow and surrender, KNOWING that we are a child of God ~ NEVER separated from the Creator Of All That Is, it is much easier to release the fear and have faith in the process. Understand that your feelings and emotions are not really who you are...they are not eternal. They are temporary. The only thing that is eternal is the divinity of your Spirit. The truth of you is eternal.

Whenever you run into fear tune into your HEART and find a mantra that resonates with you, such as:

"Great Being Of Light Please Shine Down On Me"
"I AM One With The Light"
"I AM Love"
"God/dess Is Here!"

This is also a wonderful prayer from Christian Science you can state:

"There is no life, truth, intelligence nor substance in matter. All is infinite mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is ALL in ALL. Spirit is immortal truth; matter is immortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal. Matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God and man is his image and likeness. Therefore man is 

not material- he is spiritual." 

For more help and greater understanding during these transformational times you can purchase the "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION" ascension manual here: PURCHASE BOOK   

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Someone Hurt Me...Should I make them Pay? By Sabrina Reber

QUESTION: When someone hurts me do I make them pay for what they did or do I just let it go, and not bring any more pain into the world?

ANSWER: The ego will want to make them pay for what they did, but the soul simply wants to grow and learn from the experience with greater love, compassion and forgiveness so the soul can get closer to Spirit.

You will be able to "let it go" once you process through the emotions and feelings this event brought up for you (true for-give-ness). Eventually, with time, you will be able to digest all of the lessons and hidden gifts in the experience and you will be able to express a sense of gratitude towards the other person for helping your soul to evolve.

However, be kind to your self and non judgmental of your normal natural human feelings.....allow your self the time to heal so you can process through any hurtful energies so they can be released from the energy field. Unprocessed distortions (stored emotions and feelings) that we put in a "deal with later" folder in our energy field are like little magnets that will ATTRACT another similar interaction in the future ~ perhaps with another person.

We want to rise out of duality and break the cycle of energetic entanglement with the other soul, and we also want to evolve out of re-creation which means we learn how to turn our wounds into wisdom! However, that does not mean we just let it go (deny that it happened), store the negative feelings in our energy field and not address the situation. You may need to speak up for your self and set a boundary with them....but make sure you do this in a grounded way and with words of love so you don't create any additional karma for your self.

As hard as it may be....send them a blessing, and you will be blessed as well. ~ Sabrina