Showing posts with label Sabrina Reber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sabrina Reber. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

External Answers From Others Can Inspire You, But What You Really Seek Are The Answers From Within: By Sabrina Reber

QUESTION: What do you call the subject matter you talk about? What is the official body of knowledge called? Is there a set of classic literature or books that teach the same ideas as your book? For example christians study the New Testament, Jews study the old. What is the equivalent nomenclature and body of knowledge for your teachings? Where did you first learn of these concepts and how do you continue to study them?

ANSWER:These teachings come from going within and reconnecting with my higher self....attaining oneness. The key of my teachings has always been to get people off the external path of "religions" and egoic 3D teachings and get people to step onto the internal path of meditation and self observation tapping into our feeling natures, which is the intuition of the soul. This requires meditation and activating the wisdom body.....all the answers you seek are within. I am simply here to inspire you to find your own answers within.

QUESTION: So what do you call the study? Spiritualism? You still did not answer my question. 

ANSWER: I teach the inner path of salvation. All the answers you seek are found within your self. You can access your answers through meditation. I do not like to apply a 3D label to my teachings, they are universal/cosmic in nature. The kingdom of god is must be come your OWN seeker of the wisdom within. I am simply here to inspire YOU to do your own work. Regardless of any answers I give you, they will not fulfill you.....they may inspire you, but it is YOU that must do the work and have a direct experience of the God/dess wisdom contained within you. 

The "Raise Your Vibration" book has been written to help you release the distorted beliefs and distorted energies within you that keep you blocked from attaining ONENESS with your higher soul/spiritual self that resides in a higher vibrating dimension within your energy fields. You are a multi-dimensioanl being....if you remain stuck solely in the 3D aspect of your limited physical being ~ only following the teachings of what other people "stuck" in the 3rd dimension are teaching....then you will not evolve your consciousness. We can gain inspiration and guidance from the 3D teachings however, your truth resides in the non-dualistic, non physical, spiritual aspects of your being. The "Raise Your Vibration" book has been written to guide YOU to evolve your soul. I can not do the work for you, my teachings are based on my own experience of tapping into my higher soul and they are meant to guide you to do the same ~ if you do not apply the spiritual teachings of meditation, going within for the answers, clearing the ego and shadow consciousness and overcoming your fears and deeply ingrained belief systems of the 3D mass consciousness.... then nothing I say or do will fulfill the kind of answers you are seeking. Go within your self......feel your self, talk to your self,  heal your self and you will discover your loving, eternal, powerful essence and divine wisdom of ONENESS that has been there all along.

For guidance and assistance on your soul's ascension journey, the "Raise Your Vibration book will be of great service to you in the process of raising your vibration to your wisdom/spiritual body so you can experience direct knowingness from your higher self. Click This Link To Be Taken To The Book Store:

Art By: Robert Donaghey

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How To Open, Clear And Activate The Chakra System: By Sabrina Reber

Once the seven chakras have been purified ~ where 51% of our divine spiritual energy is able to flow through our system ~ the divine energy from the kundalini will rise, breaking the seven seals that have been placed over our seven chakras that have kept us veiled and bound by the duality of the 3rd dimension. Once the veils of amnesia/blocks are removed our higher/spiritual chakras will be activated, and we will continue to open and expand our being based on our commitment and level of dedication to our "spiritual practice". There are many, many chakras beyond the 7 ~ but it is the 7 primary chakras that are the rainbow bridge that connect our physical body to our Divine Spirit.

The best way to open and purify the seven chakras is through:

2. Meditation and Visualization
3. Energy work such as Pranic Healing, Reiki, DNA Theta, Cranial Sacral or any other energetic modality
4. Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi or any kind of exercise will increase energy circulation through our chakra system and break up old stagnant blocks.
5. Allowing yourself to process through your emotions and feelings by "FEELING" them. Stored unprocessed feelings create blocks in the chakras that block the flow of divine energy.
6. Practicing Self Love and Oneness
7. Living an AUTHENTIC life.
8. Speaking Our Truth with words of LOVE.
9. Expressing Gratitude.
10. Channeling Creative Energies through art, dance, cooking, writing, singing etc....
11. Energy activations such as a Reiki Attunement, Deeksha, DNA Activation etc.....

I have read several teachings where people are saying ~ if you do not focus on your higher chakras, those above the seven ~ you will be limited and holding yourself back. However, from my perspective, the only way you could hold yourself back is if you don't do any spiritual work at all, and you choose to keep your self stuck in shadow and ego consciousness. In addition, the higher spiritual chakras simply will not open until the lower seven have been purified. Each chakra is a doorway or portal into higher consciousness and once they are understood, opened and cleared we move into a state of wholeness bringing our Spirit down into matter. Once this occurs, then we can focus on the higher ones and our spiritual self will continue to open and expand those that we are ready to have activated ~ based on our level of vibration.

If we get over zealous in our spiritual practice thinking we can skip over the building blocks of our spiritual expansion we may run into problems. It is kind of like a baby learning how to walk. First we must build up our muscles to lift ourselves up, then we begin to crawl, then we begin to walk and then we begin to run! We don't just come out of the womb ready to run....there are prerequisites and stages to our development and we want our spiritual expansion to be safe and GROUNDED. Too much too soon can be overwhelming.

During meditations and visualizations, AFTER you have spent time with the intention to clear your 7 chakras, you can connect with your HEART and CROWN space directly above your head. Send love to these areas and know that you are deeply loved and fully supported. The raising of divine spiritual energy from the root chakra ~ all the way up the spine ~ to the crown chakra requires PATIENCE, TRUST, FAITH and SELF PURIFICATION. Divine energy will rise at exactly the right time for each soul's journey. Your focused attention on meditation and the clearing of your chakras/energy fields, as well as, your desire to live a life of "good will" will activate your dormant kundalini energy to rise when your system has been adequately prepared. Please do not force the process.

The "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION" book is also a wonderful resource to guide you through the process of soul purification and ascension in consciousness. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

CLICK HERE to be taken to a chakra clearing exercise.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Talking about Spiritual Concepts And Integrating Them: By Sabrina Reber

Talking about spiritual concepts, and integrating them into our being are two completely different things. The ego loves to keep us thinking and speaking about what we are learning ~ but the soul and higher self know that it is in the practice of silence and BEING where true expansion occurs. 

Read books, take classes, join spiritual groups, enjoy the Spiritual Facebook posts....but make sure you are taking the time to meditate, and be willing to observe your SELF in all of your daily interactions. Soul transcendence and salvation requires the constant willingness to improve and integrate more light into our being. It is a process.

Every night before you go to sleep. Reflect on your day.....acknowledge the behaviors that were shadowy....where did you project your shadows onto someone else? Be willing to see them so you can transcend them, and also notice the areas where you shined your LIGHT on your self and others. When you awaken ~ give thanks for your life, and set your intentions for your day ~ perhaps you could state some affirmations to help you improve those things that need to be brought into balance:

I RELEASE THE NEED TO BE RIGHT (This does not mean you don't speak your truth when you "feel" it is a VALID use of your energy. This affirmation simply means....I state my truth without being attached to whether people choose to accept it or not. State it, and then don't let the ego dual with others. (Duality and Separation Consciousness)

Whatever you had difficulties with the day before are wonderful examples of what your affirmations for the next day can be. One thing you DO NOT WANT to do is ask The Creator to help you achieve more ____________. If you do this, The Creator will give you soul lessons to help you learn how to be ___________. Just state what you want. For example, it is better to say I AM PATIENT because you actually create the energy of patience for your self. However if you say, "Creator please help me be more patient", then the Creator will lovingly help you by giving you one situation after another where people will trigger your impatience. 

The key is to create, and BE the energy you want for your self each day.....there is no need to talk about it. Create it and BE it! ~ Sabrina

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Staying In Alignment With Loving Energies So We Don't Feed The Fearful Energies: By Sabrina Reber

There are external and internal energies that can greatly affect us....but only if we allow them to! These energies have a very dim sputter of light left in their being ~ so in order to survive they need to stir up trouble and chaos within us so they can feed off of OUR LIGHT. Oftentimes, these energies are attached to other people who constantly give them the fuel they need to survive ~ and they
 will work through these people creating arguments, misunderstandings and negative situations so they can get their fix. Most of the time, painful arguments are not even between the people, but are between the negative energies that are attached to them.

As we continue to raise our vibrations we gain more LIGHT, so we need to be very conscious of the shadow forces working within us, and within other people. We have to learn to take responsibility for our energy, and the vibration we are emitting. In order to release our shadowy aspects we must first acknowledge they are working within us! If we don't acknowledge them ~ if we keep ourselves blinded ~ how can we possibly transform/heal our energy?

These shadowy energies love to knock us out of alignment. They feed off of the energy of fear. Fear is any kind of lower state of consciousness such as judgment, blame, criticism, anger, rage, control, greed, competition, duality, domination, lies etc. Basically anything that is not LOVE, JOY, PEACE, FORGIVENESS, ONENESS and COMPASSION is a lower vibrating fear based energy that we need to heal within our being so we do not release an "energy perfume" into the astral realms where these energies reside.

We always have a choice! Which energies are we going to magnetize to us and feed? The one's that uplift us, and make us feel good or the ones that create chaos, drama and pain? ~ Sabrina

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Violet Flame To Transmute Negativity: By Sabrina Reber

One of my favorite ways to transmute any kind of negativity within my being is to invoke St. Germain's Violet Flame. Whether it be negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, painful memories, records from past lives, negative cords, projected energy from others, unforgiveness, illness or karma ~ the violet flame is a magical elixir. The more you do it, the stronger and quicker it works.

The violet fl
ame changes negative energy into positive energy, which makes it an effective tool for healing. According to St. Germain, "The use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to you and to all mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet."

The violet flame is easy to use. It only requires prayer, invocation and visualization. It can be accomplished anywhere. My favorite times to do violet flames are when I am exercising, taking walks, doing the dishes or taking a bath. I usually start with myself first and then I finish with violet flames for the Earth and all beings.

First state a prayer: (Any prayer will do, state what you want)
I call in the Creator of All That Is to please be present with me as I invoke the violet flames of transmutation to heal all negativity, discord, karma, illness and imbalance within my being. Creator, please surround me with my highest guides, angels and beings of the highest Christ Light to assist me with my healing. Creator please send to me St. Germain and his mighty violet flame to transmute all lower vibrational energy into a higher vibrational energy. Thank you, it is done, it is done, it is done."

Visualize: St. Germain standing in front of you. Witness him igniting the violet flame below your feet all the way up and around your entire being. You are completely immersed in the all consuming fire of the violet flame.

Mantra: State for at least 5 minutes and up to 15. "I Am a Being of the Violet Fire, I AM the Purity God Desires".

With the power of your intention, words and the power of visualization you will be creating rapid changes within your being. This is a very, very powerful tool you will want to use everyday to help you with your ascension process. Namaste ~ Sabrina

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fearful Of Staying Committed To The Spiritual Path: By Sabrina Reber

QUESTION: I have everything I need in my daily life, but I can't find myself. I have tried meditation and I have also tried holotropic breathing, but I have not succeeded because I have been afraid to go further. Where am I mistaking?
ANSWER: You are allowing your ego to be in dominion of your true self. In fact, that is how the majority of humanity has been living for many, many lifetimes and people are not even aware that an impostor has been in control of their lives. 
Anytime you embark on the spiritual journey, the ego will put up a big fuss! The ego is an acronym for “Edges God/ddess Out” will literally keep your God Self from coming forward because the ego knows if the God Self comes forward, the ego will be out of a job and the egoic density/darkness will be absorbed by the LIGHT of the God Self’s greater awareness. So anytime you begin to meditate or do anything that is “light filled” ....the ego will build up a huge resistance! Mind chatter will increase, your heart rate may speed up..... fears, insecurities and doubts will come to the surface. 
This is something you must work through! You must stay committed to your spiritual practice. That is why it is called “spiritual practice” is something you practice and practice and practice on a daily basis  ~ the spiritual journey is one of transcendence. Everyday we transcend our egoic fears, distorted beliefs, illusions, thoughts and behaviors so we can integrate more and more of our greatness into our lower being.
In order to truly KNOW THYSELF, you will need to stay committed to re-connecting with your inner being ~ your soul ~ through meditation,  spiritual practice and conscious living. Be willing to “see your self” and all of the things within you that need healing ~ and understand that your truth is pure love, pure light that has simply been covered up by all the distorted beliefs the ego has created within yourself. ~ Sabrina
"I (the ego) die daily."  St. Paul 1 Cor. 15:31
For more information on how to integrate the negative EGO, here is a chapter from my book “Raise Your Vibration”: Chapter On The Ego

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Ascension requires everyone to understand that you nor anyone else is ever separated from the Creator. Therefore, the Creator is fully aware of everything going on within and around you. EVERYTHING happens for a divine reason.

The reason people are born into difficult situations is due to KARMA. Karma is not punishment. Karma is off pitched vibrations in the human energy system that simply seeks  energy balance. Each soul along with a team of spiritual advisors ~ with final approval from the Creator, chooses their major life lessons and key players before they even incarnate into a physical body. Yes, we each still have "free will" and not everything is set in stone, however family situations and major life events are agreed upon based on the lessons the soul needs to learn.

Absolutely nothing happens without higher self approval. No one is a victim! Whether it be through our own subconscious energy, the law of attraction, karma or simply an agreed upon life experience to learn and grow from ~ everything that happens to us is here to help us evolve and advance our souls so we can remember who we are and return to LOVE.

The longer people stay in victim, separation, dualistic, evil/good consciousness ~ refusing to accept personal responsibility for their own lives, soul lessons and healing the longer they will not be able to rise above the lower self/egoic consciousness that keeps them enslaved. The sooner people understand that whatever is happening to them is an opportunity for a deeper level of healing ~ the sooner they will be able to learn and integrate the soul lessons that are being shown to them.

If you are submersed in evil circumstances then you attracted those situations to you, and it is only you who will be able to shift your energy into a new direction so you can create change within your being for a better future. Evil is actually "live" spelled backwards....evil means you are living backwards from the universal laws of the Creator. Evil also means you  have a veil (evil) over your consciousness and you are veiled from your truth and light. The veil is of the ego and it must be removed before you will fully be able to put on 
your garments of light. 

The spiritual path is the path of personal responsibility is about transforming your self and your energy. If people do not accept responsibility for their creations, they will never be able to stand in a place of empowerment to create the change they so desire....they will always loose their power expecting someone else to make the changes for them when they had the power to create change all along. 

Denial of your creations will keep you in a vicious cycle of re-creation. The inner path of soul healing and self responsibility leads to salvation....the outer path of victim consciousness, projections and staying focused on other people's soul lessons will lead to the world of illusions and more pain. The spiritual path requires us to look at things from a higher perspective.....however the ego will keep you looking at things solely from the human perspective which is full of criticism, opinions, limitations and judgments......the ego can never see the spiritual solution. The ego "Edges God Out" and makes you feel like you are victim ~ when you are actually a Creator Being. 

Only those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will be able to see reality for what it truly is. In order to get to this place; we each must accept personal responsibility for the expansion, healing and transformation of our energy. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Someone Hurt Me...Should I make them Pay? By Sabrina Reber

QUESTION: When someone hurts me do I make them pay for what they did or do I just let it go, and not bring any more pain into the world?

ANSWER: The ego will want to make them pay for what they did, but the soul simply wants to grow and learn from the experience with greater love, compassion and forgiveness so the soul can get closer to Spirit.

You will be able to "let it go" once you process through the emotions and feelings this event brought up for you (true for-give-ness). Eventually, with time, you will be able to digest all of the lessons and hidden gifts in the experience and you will be able to express a sense of gratitude towards the other person for helping your soul to evolve.

However, be kind to your self and non judgmental of your normal natural human feelings.....allow your self the time to heal so you can process through any hurtful energies so they can be released from the energy field. Unprocessed distortions (stored emotions and feelings) that we put in a "deal with later" folder in our energy field are like little magnets that will ATTRACT another similar interaction in the future ~ perhaps with another person.

We want to rise out of duality and break the cycle of energetic entanglement with the other soul, and we also want to evolve out of re-creation which means we learn how to turn our wounds into wisdom! However, that does not mean we just let it go (deny that it happened), store the negative feelings in our energy field and not address the situation. You may need to speak up for your self and set a boundary with them....but make sure you do this in a grounded way and with words of love so you don't create any additional karma for your self.

As hard as it may be....send them a blessing, and you will be blessed as well. ~ Sabrina