Showing posts with label alchemy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alchemy. Show all posts

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Violet Flame To Transmute Negativity: By Sabrina Reber

One of my favorite ways to transmute any kind of negativity within my being is to invoke St. Germain's Violet Flame. Whether it be negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, painful memories, records from past lives, negative cords, projected energy from others, unforgiveness, illness or karma ~ the violet flame is a magical elixir. The more you do it, the stronger and quicker it works.

The violet fl
ame changes negative energy into positive energy, which makes it an effective tool for healing. According to St. Germain, "The use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to you and to all mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet."

The violet flame is easy to use. It only requires prayer, invocation and visualization. It can be accomplished anywhere. My favorite times to do violet flames are when I am exercising, taking walks, doing the dishes or taking a bath. I usually start with myself first and then I finish with violet flames for the Earth and all beings.

First state a prayer: (Any prayer will do, state what you want)
I call in the Creator of All That Is to please be present with me as I invoke the violet flames of transmutation to heal all negativity, discord, karma, illness and imbalance within my being. Creator, please surround me with my highest guides, angels and beings of the highest Christ Light to assist me with my healing. Creator please send to me St. Germain and his mighty violet flame to transmute all lower vibrational energy into a higher vibrational energy. Thank you, it is done, it is done, it is done."

Visualize: St. Germain standing in front of you. Witness him igniting the violet flame below your feet all the way up and around your entire being. You are completely immersed in the all consuming fire of the violet flame.

Mantra: State for at least 5 minutes and up to 15. "I Am a Being of the Violet Fire, I AM the Purity God Desires".

With the power of your intention, words and the power of visualization you will be creating rapid changes within your being. This is a very, very powerful tool you will want to use everyday to help you with your ascension process. Namaste ~ Sabrina

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Experiencing Doubt On The Ascension Journey By : Sabrina Reber

STATEMENT: No matter how much I try and try all I keep getting is pain, illness, negative thoughts like what if all of this is FAKE! Then I try and try again and feel wonderful for a couple of days then into darkness again. Today is especia
lly hard for me. It started about 3 am and I just can't shake it off and make it go away. I'm afraid I'm going to miss the whole thing this December.

RESPONSE: No way! If you resonate with any messages about ascension, then you are ascending! Your uncertainty, fear and doubt is just your ego acting up as it continues to get dissolved more and more into the light of your higher self. When this happens, it does not feel so great because you are processing through all your distortions as they rise to the surface.

We all go through a period of extreme uncertainty and doubt about our ascension process, but your heart (soul), higher self and your ascension teams will keep you on track. Look for the signs and confirmations along the way....the little syncronicities they will provide for you, and don't let your human mind dismiss them.

Also, 2012 is not the end all be is simply the time when the planet will begin to spin within a new frequency. Right now, we are dropping density at an alarming rate so our systems can handle the upgrade in vibration! The healing crisis many are experiencing is actually a blessing, and is a sign of your rapidly ascending we are taking our bodies with us.

After the Earth begins to spin within a new torque and all the portals and chakras on the Earth are functioning in their full will take time for the new light filled "Christed" crystalline energies to be "fully integrated" into our being. We are in the thick of our muck right now, but in 2013 things are expected to get a little easier for us, because we will be operating with greater awareness and spiritual faculties....many of us will be accessing the truth of our multi-dimensionality ~ which will help us establish greater strength and faith to continue with the healing and transformation of the entire planet.

YOU are a transformer ~ LOVE your self through this.

~ Sabrina

Friday, August 19, 2011

Transmutation of the Soul

We have entered a pretty intense period for emotional clearing. None of us like to feel the negativity arise within us. Not only are we dealing with stored pain from our past ~ in this life ~ but, also from all our previous lives....and we don't even consciously know what that is. The negative energetic imprints (our karma) we stored in our energy fields, way back when, travel with us until we finally release them. 

This uncomfortable process has been going on for so many years within me ~ I now know what is happening to me, and I can literally feel the transmutation happening within my energy field. It feels terrible and if you are not aware of what is going on within will create resistance, confusion, doubt, overwhelm, and additional negative energies within yourself because you start to question what is wrong with me? Why do I feel so terrible? This is not a high vibrational way to be. I don't like feeling this way etc......can't I just think it away? And the answer is NO ~ you can not just think it away ~ you must fully feel it away. 

The best way to bring yourself to the present, NOW, moment is to feel what is here ~ NOW. Just feel it, so you can release it. What is happening to you is every day through your continued spiritual practice, your spiritual self is coming closer and closer and closer. The more you raise your energetic frequency ~ the closer your spiritual self can get to the physical body. As the spiritual self moves receive more of it's higher vibrational energies and love. This "LOVE" will stir up everything within you that is not love and you will feel it.....ick! 

I like to think of us as a cup...a chalice, the holy grail. The spiritual self will come in and its energetic connection (through a tube above our head) begins to act like a straw that will stir up all the old residual debris from the bottom of our Cup (Holy Grail). This straw like action creates a little spinning tornado of dark, disrupted energies within our system, bringing them to the surface so they can be sucked up through the straw ~ the tube above our head that connects us to our spiritual self. The spiritual self will absorb all the dirty water and filter through it ~ transmuting the density into a higher vibration and then it will refill our chalice (body) with fresh clean pure water. 

While this is occurring it feels very icky, because everything has been stirred up, and it can create a lot of confusion within our being because last week we most likely were feeling great. The best thing we can do is surrender to the process. Just let it happen and be kind to your self. When this is occurring within me, I go into hibernation. I do what needs to be done for my family, but I also take extra time for me. I cancel all social arrangements, I take little naps, curl up in a blanket and read books, I take slow walks in nature, lots of hot salt baths, I avoid crowded areas, go to the ocean and float around on a float and look at the clouds and the beauty that surrounds me.....I even like to stay home and organize drawers. Whatever works for you ~ do it. Be a little selfish during these times ~ say NO to all the additional things that require a lot of your energy and time.....perhaps order food to go etc. Be loving and compassionate to your self and also be aware that others are going through this too. Take nothing personally. 

Be grateful for the opportunity to release all the density you have been carrying around for 26,000 years.....let it go with sheer joy to experience and learn so much. It is graduation time.

In Full Surrender ~ Sabrina

ART By: Cyndarion

Click Here to purchase my book or E-Book to help you with your personal healing and transformation of your soul: PURCHASE HERE

Monday, May 16, 2011

Turning Our Darkness Into Light

Once negativity (darkness) has been created within our energy fields, simply ignoring it and not focusing on it will not make it go away. What we resist~ persists. In order to gain more LIGHT ~ we need to move through our darkness so we can transmute it. Learning the lessons our darkness is trying to teach us, fully feeling the negativity within ~ so we can release it ~ and asking the pain of our darkness questions will help us bring the LIGHT of awareness into our being. Once negative energy, blocks, distortions, painful emotions/feelings, karmic miasims and fear has been created ~ it has to be transformed! Energy never dies. Distorted energy forms stay with us until we are ready and willing to consciously participate in the alchemical process of turning our coal (darkness) into gold (light). ~ Sabrina

What are the questions we need to ask ourselves? Suggestions please.

Here are a few suggestions. Once you give yourself permission to ask your darkness questions ~ you will be perfectly guided by your higher consciousness to ask the perfect questions for yourself so you can get to the root of your darkness that needs to be extracted. Self Honesty and willingness to go there are key. You can also ask for help from God to help you excavate ~ but always ask for this to occur with ease and grace and for your highest and best good.  ♥ ♥ 

First State your intention and say a prayer: 

"God, please help me to name the negativity within me, that I am currently experiencing, so I can release it from my being, heal myself and return to a state of balance. I ask for this to be done with ease and grace and for my highest good." Thank you.

Begin to ask yourself questions. What is the name of the negativity within me? (INSERT: fear, irritation, stress, impatience, pain, negative emotion, negative thoughts, hurt feeling, childhood wound, anger, hate, abandonment, fear, jealousy, guilt, resentment, unforgiveness, shame, etc........) 

What is this ______ trying to teach me? 
What does this________feel like? 

Where did this ________originate? 

What core belief do I have that created this_________? 

What behavioral patterns do I have that continue to create this ________? 

How does this _______make me feel? 

What do I need to do to transcend this __________? 

Once you name it ~ you can send love to it, feel it, release it, heal yourself and learn the lesson it was trying to teach you.  

When you are ready to release it: Command for the healing light of God to come into the area where the negative energy has accumulated. It could be in the body or around the body. Visualize white light moving into it and dissolving it or you can watch it float up to God for god to transmute it. ♥ ♥ ♥  Whatever you visualize the energy form to be ~ is perfect for you....sometimes it is simply a black blob. Don't get hung up on the logistics of visualization. Simply state your intention, ask the questions and heal it with God's white light through whatever visualization shows up for you. 

You are a powerful co-creator ~ You are a healer. With the help of God you can heal any problem in your life. Never underestimate your abilities to create change within your life. Believe in yourself and your connection to the divine ~ Let go of all the distortions within you that keep you small. 

If you are attached to your pain and are having doubts about releasing the distortions I highly suggest you find a great healer to help you. Reiki, DNA Theta, Rolfing, Cranial Sacral are all great modalities. Also, continue with your daily meditations knowing that every time you meditate you are bringing in the LIGHT of your God Self which is fully connected to the Creator of All That Is. This LIGHT will transmute your denseness and raise your energetic frequency ~ intention to heal, prayer, visualization and meditation are your greatest transformational tools.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Changing The World Through The Inside

If we truly want change in our world ~ we need to stop looking for change outside of ourselves. Change will not happen in the world (outside) until we first change ourselves on the inside. The chaos pain and drama we are witnessing on our planet is a reflection of the chaos, pain and drama in our collective emotional and mental bodies. As long as we are in denial of our negative emotions and feelings we will never be able to transmute and release them. The energy we have created for ourselves, within our own energy fields, cannot be destroyed. Energy never doesn't just disappear ~ we can't just think or choose it away ~ it must be transformed / transmuted. Our negative energy stays with us until we decide to transform it into a higher vibrational energy ~ it's an alchemical process where we turn our darkness into gold. If we want to see peace in the world we will need to create peace within ourselves. Peace ~ Sabrina