Showing posts with label self healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self healing. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cleansing Breath Meditation

Cleansing Breath Meditation

I learned this meditation when I attended my first Reiki class. My teacher told us if we applied the techniques learned in the class, and did not put them on a library shelf we would heal ourselves and our spiritual path would be greatly accelerated. I went home and practiced the techniques everyday....and I still use them in my life now.

This is one of the most powerful exercises she taught us. It is called Hatsu Rei-Ho in Japanese ~ which means to cleanse the mind with your breath ~ or Cleansing Breath. This exercise will accelerate everything. It is also a wonderful cleansing exercise after you have been in a crowded space or just feel like you need to bring additional life force energy into your being. If you are already attuned to Reiki this exercise will greatly enhance your Reiki channel.

1. Sit comfortably with spine straight.
2. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your two front teeth.
3. Place your hands on your lap palms facing upwards. If you have high blood pressure or heart issues, place your hands down on your lap.
4. Focus your attention on a white ball of light above your head.
5. Calmly breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in, visualize white light from above your head entering your crown chakra, moving down the spine to the Tanden area (just below the belly button ~ sacral chakra area). Hold it for a few seconds.
6. As you hold your breath, visualize the light from the tanden spreading throughout your body. Your body is full of white light.
7. As you exhale, visualize the white light in every cell of your body pushing and emanating out through the skin into your energy fields and out into infinity all around your body
8. Repeat for 2-3 minutes or as long as you like. Breathe the light inside your body and exhale it outside your body.

This exercise will cleanse and expand your being. This is an internal and external exercise. The energy moves in through your being vertically and expands out from your being horizontally. This is a powerful technique that brings a great deal of positive light filled energy into your body ~ I do this for several minutes before my meditations. It clears the mind and prepares your entire energetic system to reach a deeper level of consciousness. ♥ Sabrina

Friday, May 13, 2011

Changing The World Through The Inside

If we truly want change in our world ~ we need to stop looking for change outside of ourselves. Change will not happen in the world (outside) until we first change ourselves on the inside. The chaos pain and drama we are witnessing on our planet is a reflection of the chaos, pain and drama in our collective emotional and mental bodies. As long as we are in denial of our negative emotions and feelings we will never be able to transmute and release them. The energy we have created for ourselves, within our own energy fields, cannot be destroyed. Energy never doesn't just disappear ~ we can't just think or choose it away ~ it must be transformed / transmuted. Our negative energy stays with us until we decide to transform it into a higher vibrational energy ~ it's an alchemical process where we turn our darkness into gold. If we want to see peace in the world we will need to create peace within ourselves. Peace ~ Sabrina