Showing posts with label light body. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light body. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ascension Symptoms ~ Irrationality ~ Rapid Changes

QUESTION: Hypothetically, can one claim ascension symptoms are due to one's irrationality with how they deal with life? I have experienced most of what you have written about in your "Raise Your Vibration" book about the symptoms we may go through. Some would claim "so and so is going insane, they are having an identity crisis!!" It seems, most people subconsciously believe if you do not handle life in the most effective manner (their way) then it is doomed. What is an identity crisis? Why is it a crisis? Isn't it ascension at it's prime? Letting the old out to let the new in.
ANSWER: Ascension will be ongoing for quite some time. The planet will be fully activated by 2012, but the Earth and humanity will need time to fully integrate the new incoming energies......and that is why many of us are experiencing "ascension symptoms" because our energy fields like a snake are shedding the old, and we are having to recreate new more divinely aligned energy shields that protect us. This is exhausting requires a lot of energy and yes, you could say some of it is our irrationality with how we handle things because not only are we transmuting our energy, but we also still have to maintain sanity in a very insane, unconscious, unstable world where many of our soul mates are resisting the upshift in their consciousness. Not to mention we are being shown the issues within our being that need to be refined. Ascension is about the unveiling of our old shadow and egoic consciousness. Once we unveil within us what we have hidden for so many lifetimes we can heal it, but if it remains hidden lurking in the back ground of our subconscious (energy fields) our shadow and dark filled behaviors will remain. Ascension requires us to heal the ego and shadow so we can receive more light and this can create an identity crisis for us, as well as, for our loved ones because our old identity....the way we use to behave and respond starts to change....even our activities and things we use to enjoy doing fall away and this may upset our friends and family when we suddenly decide their way of being and living no longer resonates with us.....and many people, out of lack of awareness, will try to keep us from healing and changing because that means in order for us to still have a relationship that resonates they too will need to heal and change and that can be too much for many to accept. So my best advice to you is to stay committed to your ascension path no matter what others say to you ~ ascension is a personal choice ~ you actually may be a light house for others to follow in the future after you move through all the mucky waters of the shadow and ego consciousness, and come through with a greater sense of love, peace, spiritual abundance and joy. Everyone around you will start to ask what you did, and they will want your new found LIGHT and expansion of consciousness as well. We are all learning how to BE the LIGHT we have awakened ourselves to BE and that may mean that we make a few mistakes along the observant of your self and always be willing to constantly refine your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behaviors. The soul is always ascending.......we just happen to be in a time period where it is happening with rapid speed. It is the time of EN-LIGHT-EN-MENT but first all the things that aren't LIGHT within our being need to be released. Blessings on your journey. ~ Sabrina

Wednesday, December 21, 2011



1/2 CUP UNPASTEURIZED APPLE JUICE (juice your own or purchase from a health food store)
1 TABLESPOON LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL *UNFLAVORED* (purchase from a health food store)

*****If you don't have unpasteurized apple juice, you can use regular from any store. *****

Liquid Chlorophyll is miraculous. It is also a wonderful supplement to assist the body in its ascension process. It helps detoxify the blood ~ as well as ~ the organs and cells and it also helps us increase more light and life force within our being. Here are a few links with information on the benefits of drinking chlorophyll:

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cleansing Breath Meditation

Cleansing Breath Meditation

I learned this meditation when I attended my first Reiki class. My teacher told us if we applied the techniques learned in the class, and did not put them on a library shelf we would heal ourselves and our spiritual path would be greatly accelerated. I went home and practiced the techniques everyday....and I still use them in my life now.

This is one of the most powerful exercises she taught us. It is called Hatsu Rei-Ho in Japanese ~ which means to cleanse the mind with your breath ~ or Cleansing Breath. This exercise will accelerate everything. It is also a wonderful cleansing exercise after you have been in a crowded space or just feel like you need to bring additional life force energy into your being. If you are already attuned to Reiki this exercise will greatly enhance your Reiki channel.

1. Sit comfortably with spine straight.
2. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your two front teeth.
3. Place your hands on your lap palms facing upwards. If you have high blood pressure or heart issues, place your hands down on your lap.
4. Focus your attention on a white ball of light above your head.
5. Calmly breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in, visualize white light from above your head entering your crown chakra, moving down the spine to the Tanden area (just below the belly button ~ sacral chakra area). Hold it for a few seconds.
6. As you hold your breath, visualize the light from the tanden spreading throughout your body. Your body is full of white light.
7. As you exhale, visualize the white light in every cell of your body pushing and emanating out through the skin into your energy fields and out into infinity all around your body
8. Repeat for 2-3 minutes or as long as you like. Breathe the light inside your body and exhale it outside your body.

This exercise will cleanse and expand your being. This is an internal and external exercise. The energy moves in through your being vertically and expands out from your being horizontally. This is a powerful technique that brings a great deal of positive light filled energy into your body ~ I do this for several minutes before my meditations. It clears the mind and prepares your entire energetic system to reach a deeper level of consciousness. ♥ Sabrina

Friday, April 1, 2011

Chapter 20 From The Raise Your Vibration Book "Crown Chakra: The Thousand Petal Lotus of Spirit" By Sabrina Reber

Crown Chakra:  Thousand Petal Lotus of Spirit

Seventh Dimensional Chakra: (Crown):
It is associated with the color Violet, Gold and White
The Crown Chakra carries the energies of Enlightenment, Divine Illumination and God Realization. It is located on the top of the head and is the source of our higher consciousness. When fully opened, the Crown Chakra becomes the conduit through which our Holy Spirit, God Self, Christed Self, Buddhic Self or Divine Essence is brought down into our physical being. When all seven of the chakras are opened and aligned and we have purified ourselves and have become totally harmless, the “Gifts of the Holy Spirit” are returned to us. (1 Corinthians 12) 

Balanced Crown Chakra: Wisdom, Mastery, Unification of the God Self with Human Personality, Bliss, Intuition, Expanded Consciousness, Knowingness, Transcendence, Oneness, Deep Understanding, Service to Others, Spiritual Energy

Unbalanced Crown Chakra: Confusion, Lack of Understanding, Insensitive, Lack of Inspiration, Apathy, Greed, Overly Rational and Materialistic, Domination of Others, Spiritual Cynicism, Addiction, Attachment, Over Intellectualization, Disassociation to the Physical Body, God, Humanity, the Earth and the Animals, Desensitization to the Realms of Spirit

Trauma to the Crown Chakra: Forced Religion and Blind Obedience
Bodily Symptoms Expressing Blockage: Migraines, Inability to Focus / Confusion, Deterioration of the Central Nervous System, Emotional Depression, Desensitization, Lack of Feeling, Accelerated Aging / Deterioration of the Physical Body.

The Crown Chakra is often called the thousand petal lotus. Throughout history it has been depicted in paintings of Jesus the Christ, Buddha, Saints, Angels and other highly evolved beings as a golden white halo around their heads. When the Crown Chakra is fully opened an awareness of our divinity and the true essence of our being is understood and integrated. The crown chakra will not fully open until all seven of the chakras and corresponding energy fields have been purified enough for divine energy to be released activating the Kundalini. The Kundalini is a divine spiral of energy similar to a coiled snake that lays dormant at the base of each person’s spine (root chakra) until proper purification has occurred within a beings system for it to safely ascend up the chakra column. The crown chakra connects us to our masculine Father God while the root chakra connects us to our feminine Mother Goddess or Mother Earth. If the kundalini is able to move through each chakra and does not encounter any blocks it will move up into the crown chakra opening a pathway for each persons God self to descend into their physical body. Kundalini is Creator energy. It is our divine birthright to activate this part of ourselves so we can become conscious co-creators here on Earth. When our system is properly prepared, the descension of our God self washes over each of the seven chakras breaking the seven seals activating the creation of our divine luminous light body. This prepares us to move forward into Self Mastery where we have the potential to fully activate and embody our Holy Grail becoming a Divine Enlightened Human.

OM Sound Frequency:

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