Showing posts with label healing of the soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing of the soul. Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2012

Shine LIGHT On Your Darkness

Our planet is set to transform. We are in the process of chaos before the birth of our magnificence. We are being asked to let go of those energies, beliefs, thought forms, programs, repetitive behavioral patterns and limitations that have kept us bound to the 3rd dimension of duality and separation consciousness.

In order to RE-member who we truly are, we must let go of the old so we can make room in our energy field for the reunion of our true divine essence. The healing of this planet will occur, when each of us have become self actualized, and have had a direct experience of God/Goddess/Oneness with all things. Through the purification of our energy/chakra system we open ourselves up to our TRUTH, and it is the truth that will set us free.

The LIGHT is the truth, and it is increasing on this planet through solar flares from the sun, crystalline energies from the galactic center and divine feminine energies from the center of the Earth. All darkness, limitations, shadows, and fears will be brought forth for us to "see" and transcend.

Whenever you find yourself in a moment of deep healing and purging.... consumed by the darkness of your perceived limitations, know that this is when the greatest LIGHT/TRUTH/KNOWLEDGE can be discovered. State:

"Great being of LIGHT ~ please shine down on me! Show me ~ what it is, I need to see, so I can move forward into greater awareness for my highest and best good. ~ Thank you."

Visualize this LIGHT coming from above, below and all around are in this LIGHT, and you have become ONE with it. Silence your mind and listen with your heart.....this is the guidance that will help you heal and transcend any chaos or discord you may be experiencing.

Know that you are made from the LIGHT and the LIGHT is always with you. From the power of your own free will, call forth the LIGHT when you need it! The comforts of our illusions and denials will no longer serve forth the LIGHT so you can see and step into the LIGHT of greater awareness.

~ Sabrina

Photograph By: Sølve Sundsbø in Vogue Italia, February 2011

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Each Person Is Responsible For Their Own Level Of Vibration.

It is important to have compassion and empathy for others.... it is a natural human characteristic to have feelings and emotions about the pain existing on our planet. However, it is also important for us to recognize when we are getting absorbed in another soul's lesson and experience. Everything that ever happens to us is an opportunity for soul growth. We don't have to choose pain and suffering as a way to learn and evolve.....but many of us will choose this route to discover more about our selves. Pain and suffering is a order to eliminate it from our lives ~ each person is responsible for healing it within their OWN being.

Understand that when we resonate "strongly" with the pain and suffering in others, it is a reflection of our own inner pain that has not been healed. STRONG REACTIONS to anything outside of ourselves is always a reflection of our own inner turmoil. Many people are completely consumed with the suffering of animals ~ oftentimes, falling into the traps of strong opinions, righteousness, anger, negativity and judgments. They are consumed with the pain of "others ~ everything outside of themselves" which lowers their vibration and generates even more pain and suffering ~ within their very own energy field, as well as, the energy field of the entire planet.

This is simply a distraction from their own pain they have not dealt with within their own being. It is far easier to recognize the pain and suffering in "others" than it is for us to be truthfully honest with ourselves about the pain and suffering within our own being. If we "see" the pain within ourselves ~ then we have to accept responsibility for it, and make changes.....since most of us don't want to make the changes....we blind ourselves and resonate more with the pain of "others" which only generates more pain. The vicious cycle of pain and suffering is intensified because the root issues never get one one wants to accept personal responsibility for their own distortions.

When you find yourself having a strong reaction to an external issue ~ STOP. Turn it around and say ~ "this is my stuff". This is your place of POWER ~ because you are accepting responsibility for yourself/your emotions/your feelings/your vibration ~ and only then will you be able to tap into the underlying truth of the issue so you can create change.

Then ask yourself ~ What am I feeling right now? What fear is this bringing up in me? Where is this coming from.....the past or the future? Once you figure these out you will be brought into the NOW moment of your current feelings and level of vibration, where you can make a choice as to how you want to direct your energy.

If you stay in the turmoil of the past or the fears of the future then you will not be able to understand where your strong reactions, opinions, angers and judgments are coming from, and you will continue to perpetuate more chaos, pain, drama and duality for yourself, and the entire vibration of the Earth. Our place of power is in the NOW. Become present, accept responsibility for your emotions and feelings....stay on the inner path of salvation not the outer path of projection, denial and illusion. This is how we create change on the person at a time accepting responsibility for their own level of VIBRATION and direction of their energy.

It is time for us to stop expecting someone outside of ourselves to make the changes on this planet we so desire to see. Our power for change revolves around the person at a time. ~ Sabrina

ART BY: Michael Michael Motorcycle

Friday, November 4, 2011


I was listening to a spiritual show the other day and the teacher was explaining triggers. The teacher was saying how important it was that we be “triggered” by others so we can activate our Christ Consciousness. Having been on the spiritual path for some time now....I was somewhat in agreement with what the teacher was saying. It is true that our greatest teachers are the ones who push our buttons and trigger a reaction or an emotion within us that needs to be released, healed and transcended. Before we incarnated we set up contracts with our soul mates to act out certain parts throughout our life that will help our soul’s evolve. Each soul has specific energy traits within their energy field such as past life fears, primary and secondary life purposes, psychological imbalances, and karma we have chosen to balance. So yes ~ triggers, soul test and lessons are very much a part of our soul’s evolution towards being the love and the light of our very own Christ Consciousness. 
The teacher began to say, we should not hang out with like minded individuals....that we should not go to meditation circles or groups of people who thought just like we do ~ that we should not put ourselves in a bubble of bliss where we never get triggered where everything flowed with ease and grace. I was intrigued and continued to listen.....the teacher said your boss who is always on your case, your mother in law who criticizes you ceaselessly, and never has anything nice to say you, your husband who no longer pays any attention to you sits back and drinks beer all day and watches football etc......these are all your greatest teachers and you should stay put in these situations and simply breathe......we were told we should take our adversaries, those people who drive us absolutely crazy, on vacation for a week and even sleep in the same bed....that we should not separate ourselves from those who we feel harm us. Hmmmm, I thought....this teaching is getting extreme, and I am totally loosing resonance with it, because my teaching paradigm is about balance, self love, boundaries and empowerment.
I started thinking about alcoholics and how important it is for them to remove themselves from their drinking buddies, the environments they use to hang out in and all the people, places and things that might trigger them to drink excessively. Drug addicts who need to remove themselves from certain people and surroundings so they can overcome their addictions and make better choices for themselves so they can have the time, space and energy they need to heal. Husbands and wives who are abusive to each other and are miserable in their marriages, but are so attached to each other and dependent on each other they will never separate, and therefore continue to swim in a cesspool of negative energies.....which will greatly effect the well being of their children, and directly effect their children’s future because the parents are the children's greatest teachers.....they are showing the children how to behave. 
Then I woke up this morning to find out one of my daughter’s high school friends, who was gay, jumped off a high rise building and killed himself because the football team at his high school had been bullying him so much that he reached a breaking point and committed suicide. Absolutely heart breaking! I thought about his pain, and his energy and how fragmented his soul must have become due to the continued torture and negativity that was projected towards him. He most likely felt like he had no he was stuck and had no other way out. It is very likely he was surrounded around people who’s consciousness was filled with the distorted belief systems of religion, judgment, separation, elitism, self-righteousness and sin. 
I reflected on my studies of energy, in particular the human energy field and how damaging it can be to our soul’s energy if we are constantly around people and energies that continuously traumatize and fragment our energy. Here is an excerpt from a channeling from Jesus through Kim Michaels:
Before the Fall of Man, planet Earth did not have any of the negative conditions found in the world today.  Therefore, souls could descend into the material world and take on a physical body without being exposed to some of the traumatic experiences that are common in today's world. This meant that the soul ran virtually no risk of having its original matrix and blueprint fragmented or destroyed. 
After the Fall of Man, a number of imperfect conditions started appearing on this planet.  This meant that many souls were now exposed to traumatic experiences that were NEVER part of God’s original plan.  The reality of the situation is that the soul is an instrument for experiencing the material world and for helping to co-create this world. The soul therefore has a desire to experience the positive aspects of the material world, but it has no desire to experience the imperfect conditions that are currently found on this planet. So when the soul is in a physical body and is exposed to a very traumatic situation, the soul can indeed decide that it does not want to experience that situation. However, because the soul is trapped in the body, it cannot escape the situation. What happens in such situations is that the soul fragments; it splits into two or more smaller parts.
The original blueprint of the soul has two components. One is the outline and the other is the substance that fills the outline. You might envision that the crystalline structure of the soul is made of metal pipes that form a cage. Inside the cage is a softer substance that one might envision as balls of Styrofoam. As the soul experiences a traumatic situation, a part of it decides that it does not want to have that experience. Therefore, it breaks off and separates itself from the main part of the soul. One might envision that some of the balls inside the cage break away. The cage itself remains but it now has a VOID inside of it. 
You might have heard the saying that nature abhors a vacuum.  When a part of the soul’s substance has been split off, there is a vacuum inside the crystalline structure of the soul, and something is going to fill that vacuum. Because of the imperfect conditions found on this planet, it is highly likely that the vacuum is invaded by non-material beings (other energies that are not of the soul). 

When a soul’s crystalline structure is invaded by outside influences, the soul finds it difficult to draw the boundary between itself, meaning its original blueprint, and the outside world. The soul can no longer discern what is of itself and what is an external influence; it can no longer discern what is real and what is unreal.....the soul has become divided and can become very confused.
I can tell you that due to the violent past of planet Earth, there are very few souls who are complete and whole. The vast majority of human beings have some kind of split or fracture in their souls, and therefore they have been invaded by outside influences.  For most people this invasion has not reached a critical mass that prevents them from functioning at the level which is currently called normal, but which is actually far below the soul’s true potential.
For some souls, the fracturing has become so severe that they do not have enough soul substance left to have a clear sense of their identity. That is why their sense of identity begins to break down, and they experience difficulties in drawing proper boundaries around their identities.  This can lead to schizophrenia, split personality syndrome and a number of other psychological symptoms.  In fact, every psychological symptom known to man can be traced back to the fragmentation of the soul. ~ Kim Michaels
Therefore, it is VERY important that we do not continue to put ourselves in situations that continue to fragment our soul. I think it is important for each of us to understand that yes, we are learning soul lessons and have soul contracts with certain individuals, but we also have freedom of choice. Nothing is set in stone, and when we learn a specific lesson the contract with that person dissolves and we have the choice to stay in the relationship and heal it or we can leave the relationship with loving forgiveness and compassion. In addition, we do NOT have to learn through negative ways. That is a distorted belief! We can learn just as many lessons through light filled interactions as we do through the dark. If we believe we always need to be triggered in order to advance our soul’s then that is exactly what we will create for ourselves. We will create trigger after trigger after trigger to such a point that we may fragment ourselves so much that we no longer have the strength to advance our souls. There is no need to stay in any kind of abusive relationship. These relationships can teach us lessons....mainly they can show us what we don’t won’t to experience anymore. Once we decide what we don’t want we can release the old behavioral patterns that previously bound us so we can make space for something more divinely aligned with our highest and best good. We are Creator beings....yes we are learning but there are many, many ways to learn....they do not always have to be chaotic and drama filled unless that is what we want. Remember, it is our beliefs that create our reality....whatever we believe to be true, will be true for us regardless if it is really TRUTH or not. 
Every second of every day we are given the opportunity to recreate, to make changes, to let the old die and the new be re-birthed. No need to stay stagnant and punish yourself through hurtful situations ~ make choices for yourself that make your soul sing, and open your heart. The Christ Consciousness is activated through the heart. If you are constantly around people, places and things that continue to fragment and wound your energy you will never be made whole, and you will never be able open and expand your heart because you will remain in a state of woundedness. 

One of the greatest lessons ALL souls are learning is SELF yourself enough to use your own free will to create the life of your dreams. With continued spiritual practice and the use of proper discernment ~ making LIGHT filled choices for your self ~ your heart will E ~ X ~ P ~ A ~ N ~ D and form a magnet that will magnetize your soul fragments back to you. Always remember that everything in this universe is subject to your FREE WILL...... you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. BE CONSCIOUS, BE AWARE....... there are subtle forces out there that don't want you to be whole and empowered...they will trick you. They will cause you to unknowingly relinquish your free will...where you will loose your discernment, leading you into situations that will further fragment your soul. 

The energy of suffering is over ~ the new energy of the new Earth is empowerment and freedom....step into your empowerment and use your discernment to choose what fills LIGHT for you.  YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR OWN LIFE ~ YOU GET TO CHOOSE! ~ Sabrina

If you are serious about figuring out your Soul's Plan and the Lessons you came to learn including the psychological imbalances you are here to overcome, I highly recommend having a Natal Chart done from "Your Soul's Divine Plan"

Art By: Tin and Ed Fragmentation

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Your Soul Plan: Channeled Reading By Mother Mary Through Kim Michaels

Your Soul Plan: Channeled Reading by Mother Mary
[Beginning of channeled reading] - "I have briefly mentioned the concept of a divine plan, but it is now time to talk about this plan in more detail.  This plan truly is the blueprint for your current lifetime but very much a part of the blueprint for your entire sojourn in the material universe. Before you come down into your next embodiment, you will have several councils with your spiritual teachers, in which you will define a very specific divine plan for what you want to accomplish in your next lifetime.  What I am saying here is that before you came down into your current embodiment, you met with your spiritual teachers and created a very detailed plan for what you want to learn, what you want to experience and what portions of your past karma you need to overcome in this lifetime. My beloved, the greatest joy you can experience is to know that you are fulfilling your divine plan, that every aspect of your life is in alignment with that plan.  This truly is the abundant life. 
We might say that as the Conscious You descends into the dense energies of the physical body, it is almost inevitable that you forget your divine plan.  Even the most spiritually aware people forget most of their divine plan, although many people have a strong intuitive sense, of what they want to do in life. Therefore, as a spiritual seeker you should expect that you need to make an effort to reconnect to your divine plan.  
Why is it important to reconnect to your divine plan?  Well, besides the goal of attaining greater peace of mind and a deep sense of meaning, it will also give you very specific directions for your current lifetime.  You might even look back at your life and see that you have had certain unpleasant experiences or have done certain things that might seem life mistakes.  Yet when you reconnect to your divine plan, you are likely to discover that this was something you had to do.  The reason might be that you needed to learn a lesson, that you were trying to help other people learn a lesson or that you had some karma from past lives that brought about this experience.
Your mortal self will do everything it can think of to prevent you from acknowledging your divine plan. It will try to make you so attached to the expectations you have built in this lifetime, that you simply will not look beyond them.  Your mortal self will want you to become so attached to temporary desires and pleasures that you will ignore the true desires of your lifestream, as expressed in your divine plane.  You see my beloved, the prince of this world (the anti-christ), does not want you to fulfill your divine plan, does not want you to express your true being, your true genius, in this world.  The prince of this world is engaged in an impossible quest of attempting to control every aspect of life on planet Earth.  And the prince of this world knows that if you were to reconnect to who you truly are and begin to express who you are, begin to manifest your divine plan, you could not be controlled any more than Jesus could be controlled.  So your mortal self and the prince of this world do not want you to reconnect to your divine plan.  They want you to live your life as a normal, average human being who does not rock the boat and go beyond the norm.
Before you came into this lifetime, you met with your spiritual teachers, and you outlined a very specific plan for how you could deal with the fact that you are somewhat identified with the duality [anti-christ] consciousness and that you created karma in past lives that is coming due in this lifetime.  Obviously, the goal for this part of your divine plan is to help you overcome the karma before it becomes physical and learn the lessons you need to learn so that you can overcome your dualistic [anti-christ] beliefs. My point here is that your divine plan is very specific in terms of where you chose to be born, your family and even the characteristics of your physical body.  
You might indeed have karma from past lives with your parents and siblings, and it is part of your divine plan that you interact with these people and hopefully develop a more loving relationship that allows you to rise above that karma.  The same holds true for your spouse and children who are also part of your divine plan.  And truly, the goal is that you rise above any approach to each other that is based on negative feelings and replace it with an approach that is based on love.  It is possible that your divine plan specify that you need to be in a situation where you do not have material abundance.  If you find yourself without material abundance, it is usually because your greater Being wanted you to learn a lesson from this situation.  Once you have learned that lesson, you will transcend the need to be in situation where you do not have abundant supply.
You need to accept the reality that everything that happens in your life is an opportunity for growth.  You chose those circumstances because they give you a unique opportunity to rise above your dualistic [anti-christ] beliefs and your karma.  No matter what circumstances you encounter, you should assume that they are part of your divine plan.  In other words, instead of seeing yourself as a victim of circumstances beyond your control, you need to see yourself as a person who is constantly in the process of learning your lessons in life.  Therefore, every situation you encounter is an opportunity to learn a lesson and take another step up the spiral staircase.
When you reconnect to your divine plan, you will see that all the experiences you have had in this lifetime represented unique opportunities to learn a specific lesson.  My beloved, look at the lives of so many people who run into the same problem, the same crisis, over and over again.  For example, some people have one failed relationship after another.  Yet every time they move out of one relationship and move into another, they simply attract the same kind of person and have the same kind of problem.  Many of these people fail to understand why they keep attracting the same circumstances over and over again.  Yet is it not obvious that they do so because their divine plan specifies that they need to learn a particular lesson in this lifetime. 
Your divine plan is very carefully designed based on a realistic assessment of your current level of spiritual awareness, of self-awareness.  Therefore, you will not be presented with challenges that you are incapable of overcoming.  You will not be presented with a lesson that you cannot learn.  For example, if you are facing the challenge of a difficult relationship, it is easy to focus on the other person, and if only the other person would change, the problem would be solved.  In reality, the key to an improvement of your personal situation is that you must change.  You must go within and discover the lesson that you are meant to learn from that particular situation.  And when you learn that lesson, the outer situation will magically change.  Even if the other person does not change, the very fact that your attitude toward that person has changed will manifest an improvement in your experience of the relationship.
Once you start reconnecting to your divine plan, you will begin to see that there is method behind the seeming madness in your life.  If your life has been chaotic, you will begin to realize that it is simply because you have particular lessons to learn.  You keep attracting situations that force you to deal with the problem in your own psyche instead of running away from it.  The moment you accept that you have a lesson to learn and begin to look beyond the outer circumstances, you will see that the situation will change fundamentally.  When you discover the hidden lesson and learn that lesson, you will suddenly find that you will no longer attract a certain type of situation or a certain type of people.  You will then know that you have taken a major step up the spiral staircase.
My beloved, your divine plan is based on a realistic assessment of your potential for growth in this lifetime.  It has a certain range of what could be accomplished.  In other words, there is the lowest potential and there is the highest potential.  If you truly adopt the right attitude, you can fulfill the highest potential for your divine plan instead of settling for the lowest potential.  There are indeed many people on this Earth who are stuck at a certain level of the spiral staircase because there is one particular lesson they refuse to learn.  My point is that if you are willing to truly look for the lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime, you can shorten the process.  In one lifetime you will be able to learn the lessons that could otherwise have taken ten or twenty lifetimes to learn.  This is truly what I desire to see happen to you.
My beloved, there is one more aspect of your divine plan that I would like you to understand.  Because the Earth is currently burdened by so much misqualified energy, it is indeed common that the more spiritual people will volunteer to take on a certain amount of the energy or karma in the collective consciousness.  For example, some people carry diseases in their bodies, or lack of material abundance, as a result of carrying the energies of humankind.  Many of the spiritual people on Earth have volunteered to take on certain burdens and limiting conditions in order to set forth the example for other people that it is possible to rise above any physical condition and manifest a more spiritual form of life.  When you attune to your divine plan, you can also begin to attune to the specific ways whereby you can overcome the limitations you are facing.
My beloved, what I am hoping to convey to you here is that life is not a random game of chance or the punishment of an angry God.  Life is not a chaotic process that seems to have no meaning or direction.  Can you sense that when you uncover your divine plan, you will discover a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.  It helps you realize that even seemingly mundane conditions carry an opportunity to learn a lesson and to overcome a limitation.  Thereby, you can demonstrate to others that it is possible for humankind to rise to a higher level and come ever closer to bringing God’s kingdom into manifestation on Earth.  Mother Mary"  [End of channeled reading] – By Kim Michaels, Master Keys to the Abundant Life, Chapter 21.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

2012 And The Flowering Of The Heart

Yet another perspective on 2012 and what it may mean for us.
From: Aluna Joy Yax'in Newsletter

Sri Kalki Bhagavan says: "Most of you know that the earth has got a magnetic field. As the earth's molten core is rotating; the magnetic field is created. The thought sphere of the human mind is located in the earth's magnetic field. This mag-netic field has been weakening dramatically over the last ten years.... Now, in physics there is a parameter called “Schumann's Resonance”. Using that we can determine the strength of the earth's magnetic field. While for many centuries, it was constant around 7.80 cycles per second, during the last 7-8 years, it has risen to 11 cycles per second and is continuing to increase dramatically. If you work it out mathematically, it appears that, by the year 2012, the "Schuman's Resonance" is likely to be 13 cycles per second. When this reso-nance is 13 cycles per second, the earth’s core would stop rotating with mag-netic field gone, your mind is gone. When I say "your mind", what I mean is your "samskaras". The pressure of the past 11.000 years of samskaras will vanish.

In the Dharma, we also say, “Mind is Karma”. All actions start from your mind. The mind is nothing but a storehouse of samskaras or past life vasanas from which all action emanates. This is stored in the earth’s magnetic field. So in the year 2012, it will become zero for a few days. After that the core will start rotating again. This would be a fresh beginning for man or the dawn of the Golden Age. This is the significance of the year 2012. How do we know, it will happen? The study of fossil records has shown that, it happens roughly after 11.000 years. It’s only a short time away and then we can all start afresh. That is why I want you to become enlightened by 2012. If you are enlight-ened, with all your samskaras gone, we can begin a new yuga, which can be called Sathya Yuga or the Golden Age. Man will enter into a new state of al-tered consciousness.

As I told you already, the earth’s resonance is increasing which means the earth’s heart is undergoing a transformation. The earth has got a physical body, like you have a body. It has got a consciousness as well. Now as the resonance is increasing the earths heart functioning very differently from before. Now, your heart and the earth’s heart are connected. The earth’s heart can be influ-enced by your heart and vice versa. That is why, it is essential that your heart-beat synchronises with the earth’s resonance. This means your heart must flower. Your heart will flower when you discover love in your relationships.

If you have discover love, you must stop judging your parents, spouses, etc., internally. Nobody can be judged as the whole universe directly influences all events, even the behaviour of the people.

So learn to experience life. Life has to be experienced, be it pain or pleasure."

Art By: Lydia Erickson "Flowering of the Heart":
This represents the beautiful state that happens when the heart chakra awakens.

Our Negativity Must Rise So We Can Transform It

Before we can align ourselves with our highest truth (spiritual self)......all the untruths, distortions and serpentine lies within us will rise up and be shown to ourselves, and others.... through our negative behaviors. When we act them out, we can no longer hide them ~ they are visible for all to see. It is during these times we must accept responsibility for our distortions, and stop projecting them onto others. It is only then ~ when we choose to look at our darkness ~ that we can transmute it into the LIGHT of greater awareness and soul transcendence. What we resist, if we are ready to truly do the work to heal ourselves, we will allow the distortions to rise. We will look at them with blatant self honesty, and we will choose to learn from our mistakes so we can dissolve the energetic imprints within our being that continue to draw the same repetitive circumstances in our lives time after time. ~ Sabrina

Image By: Girl By Black

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Earth Game....It is All About Frequency.

We are playing a game. 

The Earth game is a game of energetic frequency. 

The "perceived" controllers and dominators....whether it be our governments, leaders, different countries, religions, enemies, families, the dark forces etc........"WIN" when they can create fear, negativity and lower vibrations within our energy fields.

In order for us to WIN ~ our vibrations will need to be raised to the point where nothing can effect us. In order to reach this sustained vibration of love and light ~ our energy fields will need to BE the Love and the Light~ which means we will need to purify all the things within us that are NOT love.

These things may be soul trauma or distorted egoic/shadowy thoughts, emotions, fears or beliefs. In order for us to WIN we will need to transmute the negativity (darkness) within our being so that we can gain and SUSTAIN a higher vibrational frequency of SOUL LIGHT.

As each human chooses to raise it's vibrational frequency "THE LIGHT WITHIN THEM" will be activated. Each human is a cell on the Earth's body....when the majority of the cells have activated their LIGHT then the LIGHT will be amplified and will spread across the Earth body transforming and healing everything in its path.

The Earth game is not necessarily a game of winners and losers ~although the perceived duality makes it seem that way ~ the Earth game is really about activating the LOVE and LIGHT of Unity Consciousness, knowing that when we heal and activate the LIGHT within us, we will actually help activate the LIGHT within others.....even the so-called controllers and dominators. 

All beings, all the key players, including the Earth herself will "WIN" this game of energetic frequency we have signed up for. As Lee Harris says, "We can not fight the darkness, we can only amplify the LIGHT." 

As above in human group consciousness, so below on Earth ~ the more LIGHT we have in our consciousness the more LIGHT will be reflected on Earth. ~ Sabrina

I have written a book that will take you on a journey of vibrational purification. It will help you heal yourself and return you to the truth of your Soul/Divine LIGHT. When you heal yourself, you help heal the Earth ~ YOU do make a difference. You can purchase the book ~ CLICK HERE RAISE YOUR VIBRATION BOOK

Friday, August 19, 2011

Transmutation of the Soul

We have entered a pretty intense period for emotional clearing. None of us like to feel the negativity arise within us. Not only are we dealing with stored pain from our past ~ in this life ~ but, also from all our previous lives....and we don't even consciously know what that is. The negative energetic imprints (our karma) we stored in our energy fields, way back when, travel with us until we finally release them. 

This uncomfortable process has been going on for so many years within me ~ I now know what is happening to me, and I can literally feel the transmutation happening within my energy field. It feels terrible and if you are not aware of what is going on within will create resistance, confusion, doubt, overwhelm, and additional negative energies within yourself because you start to question what is wrong with me? Why do I feel so terrible? This is not a high vibrational way to be. I don't like feeling this way etc......can't I just think it away? And the answer is NO ~ you can not just think it away ~ you must fully feel it away. 

The best way to bring yourself to the present, NOW, moment is to feel what is here ~ NOW. Just feel it, so you can release it. What is happening to you is every day through your continued spiritual practice, your spiritual self is coming closer and closer and closer. The more you raise your energetic frequency ~ the closer your spiritual self can get to the physical body. As the spiritual self moves receive more of it's higher vibrational energies and love. This "LOVE" will stir up everything within you that is not love and you will feel it.....ick! 

I like to think of us as a cup...a chalice, the holy grail. The spiritual self will come in and its energetic connection (through a tube above our head) begins to act like a straw that will stir up all the old residual debris from the bottom of our Cup (Holy Grail). This straw like action creates a little spinning tornado of dark, disrupted energies within our system, bringing them to the surface so they can be sucked up through the straw ~ the tube above our head that connects us to our spiritual self. The spiritual self will absorb all the dirty water and filter through it ~ transmuting the density into a higher vibration and then it will refill our chalice (body) with fresh clean pure water. 

While this is occurring it feels very icky, because everything has been stirred up, and it can create a lot of confusion within our being because last week we most likely were feeling great. The best thing we can do is surrender to the process. Just let it happen and be kind to your self. When this is occurring within me, I go into hibernation. I do what needs to be done for my family, but I also take extra time for me. I cancel all social arrangements, I take little naps, curl up in a blanket and read books, I take slow walks in nature, lots of hot salt baths, I avoid crowded areas, go to the ocean and float around on a float and look at the clouds and the beauty that surrounds me.....I even like to stay home and organize drawers. Whatever works for you ~ do it. Be a little selfish during these times ~ say NO to all the additional things that require a lot of your energy and time.....perhaps order food to go etc. Be loving and compassionate to your self and also be aware that others are going through this too. Take nothing personally. 

Be grateful for the opportunity to release all the density you have been carrying around for 26,000 years.....let it go with sheer joy to experience and learn so much. It is graduation time.

In Full Surrender ~ Sabrina

ART By: Cyndarion

Click Here to purchase my book or E-Book to help you with your personal healing and transformation of your soul: PURCHASE HERE

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How Do We Heal Illness and Disease?

QUESTION: How do we heal illness +"disease" that we know we are ready to let go of?

How to Raise Your Vibration ANSWER: TRUE healing can be a long and very painful process because we have to address and heal the things within us that created, attracted or manifested the dis-ease in the first place. I highly recommend Barbara Brennen's book called "Light Emerging, A Journey Through Personal Healing" and Louise Hays book "You Can Heal Your Life." I also highly suggest people locate a Master Teacher DNA Theta Healer. They work with your team of guides and the Creator of All That Is to remove the subconscious programs (emotions, beliefs, feelings and trauma held over a very long period of time) that create the energetic blocks and distortions in the energy field that manifest as illness and dis-ease in the physical body. All illness and discord starts in the energy field FIRST and then makes it's way to the physical body and announces itself as pain and illness. A Theta Healer will greatly accelerate our healing journey, BUT we also must be very active participants in the healing process because truth be told ~ no one can heal us but ourselves ~ however, healers will help us access the parts of ourselves that we may be attached to, and even unaware of, that we don't want to let go of. To truly heal, I believe we need a 3 part agreement: SELF (most important aspect), the healer and SPIRIT. We also need to work on all levels of our being (not just physical) ~ Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual. Love, Sabrina​How-to-Raise-Your-Vibration/20​4840666199710

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dreams & Cleansing Bed Sheet Procedure

Are you waking up in the morning feeling exhausted? 

So much is going on in our sleep. We are being activated by our ascension team and we are processing through the muck in our subconscious releasing what no longer serves us at an accelerated rate. Some of us are working in the astral realms or are attending schools in the higher dimensions receiving information to bring back to humanity. 

Many people have been talking about stressful dreams. I have one friend who has been going through a long divorce and she had a dream she was taking a shower in a parking lot while everyone watched her. It is so symbolic of the time of transparency, coming out into the open and deciding to finally come clean. 

She had been unhappy in her marriage for quite sometime and had hidden her painful marriage to her family and friends. It has taken her two years, but she is finally in the finalization stages of her divorce and she is stepping into her power and her true enlightened authentic self. This dream is symbolic of her finally washing off the energetic residue of all the pain, secrets, shame, negative emotions and feelings she had stored in her subconscious mind throughout her marriage. 

She woke up and said it was a very stressful dream.....what happens is while we sleep and our subconscious clears we re-experience the fears, emotions and feelings as they are being released. Because of the rapid acceleration that is going on we are clearing a lot of negative energy. Once a week it might be a good idea for you to wash your sheets and linens in baking soda and sea salt to clear off any of the negative energies that may have accumulated in your sheets during your sleep state.

Laundry Detergent (normal amount)
1/2 Cup sea salt
1/2 Cup baking soda
Wash as normal in the laundry machine.

You will sleep so much better! Blessings ♥ Sabrina​ages/How-to-Raise-Your-Vib​ration/204840666199710

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How Do You Tap Into SELF LOVE?


QUESTION: I really appreciate that. It is very hard for me to picture people so far along on their Path being in a state like I have been in. It is really helpful to see how far you have traveled. It gives me hope. If you could name one thing that helped the most in learning to Love yourself what would it be? Or is that just impossible to answer? 

HTRYV ANSWER: Meditation. When I started to meditate, I began to tap into the truth of who I was. It was difficult at first as the spiritual vibrations I began to tap into were very subtle and I had to deal with my ego mind chatter (This is a waste of time, I can't sit still for 15 minutes, I'm doing it wrong, This is weird, what a waste of time....I should be cleaning the house, This is never going to work, am I going crazy?, Oooh what if I discover something scary within me, Why would God waste time on me? I wonder what people would think if they knew i was doing this?) I eventually moved past the ego chatter ~ after about a month of shear will power and absolute commitment to myself and God, I started to tap into some very lovely energies and vibrations running through my system. Meditation became my comfort zone ~ where I could go to feel the love of my soul ~ I began to look forward to it everyday, in fact I would get very cranky if I didn't do it. During my deep, deep healing process, I meditated 30 minutes everyday and even did little 5 minute quick-fixes where I brought gold light into my body through my crown chakra whenever I felt bad. I would do it in the school pick up line in my car while I was waiting for my kids to get out of school, at stop lights, in doctors offices while I was waiting.... I was determined to heal myself....NOTHING could get in my way and I also asked for help from my highest guides and angels and God everyday to help me. Then one day, I tapped into the love of my God Self and the love of Mother Earth. I experienced my connection and oneness to everything and my life flashed before my eyes. I realized that the things I had done in my past AND the things others had done to me were done out of our lack of awareness and consciousness ~ and they were allowed by God because every experience helps us to grow as souls ~ I also understood that I had balanced a tremendous amount of karma in this lifetime and it was my higher self's choice to go through these experiences.....the people I was angry with, were the ones who actually helped me balance this karma. They actually gifted me with an opportunity to advance very rapidly even though it was a very, very painful experience. I was able to forgive myself and everyone because I realized none of us knew who we were and because of this, we all experienced tremendous pain, therefore we inflicted pain onto ourselves and each other. I also discovered we had contracts with each other to help us evolve ~ how we responded to these circumstances was up to each soul and determined whether we would advance or not.....some of us were going to have to repeat certain circumstances again because we had not learned loving ways to respond. With this awareness I knew that I wanted to evolve and that it was time for me to STOP doing the same things over and over again....I was tired and wanted to behave differently ~ I was ready to be pro-active on my souls journey. I walked away from that experience knowing God's unconditional love and knowing who I was ~ I was part of this amazing God energy and only I could choose to step into my empowerment and BE the change I wanted to see in my reality. I also knew if I didn't love myself, then I didn't love God. After this experience it took effort for me to change the negative subconscious programs that were running through my system. Some of these programs were projected into my energy field by the mass consciousness, by my parents, society etc....a lot of them weren't even mine but they had become mine because they were in my energy and I was the only one who could transform them into a higher vibration. Everyday, I would look in the mirror and tell myself, "I love you Sabrina" The first 2 months were hard....I barely could look in my eyes. When I got in the shower I told my body how much I loved it and gave thanks to it for housing my spirit and soul. Every cell in my body had to be re-programmed to love because I had hated myself for so long. Now, I am able to look myself in the mirror everyday with shear joy to be alive and gratitude for the love I feel towards myself, others, God and the Earth. Whenever I have an off day, I have compassion for myself and know that whatever I am feeling will pass and I will simply love myself through it because I know I am a divine aspect of God ~ fully supported and deeply loved. AND SO ARE YOU! ♥

Making the choice to love and heal yourself, MEDITATION, Sheer determination and willpower to stick with the spiritual path ~ which is the inner path ~ Conscious awareness of your negative dialogue, Telling yourself how much you love yourself, Focused attention on God and asking for help from your highest white light guides and angels will transform you into the being you know you can be. It does take a lot of effort in the beginning, but eventually it becomes your becomes becomes a part of you. Your whole being returns to love and you awaken the spiritual being you have always been but have forgotten about.

If you want to heal yourself and return to your truth which is ~ You are God/ will need to thirst for Truth like a parched man dying of thirst, thirsting for water.....then the flood gates of heaven will open and the cleansing waters of God/Goddess will be brought forth into your being cleansing everything within you that is filled with distortion and illusion. You are God/Goddess ♥ Sabrina

I also had the help of energy healers. I became attuned to Reiki. I loved it so much I became a Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner. I received healings from Reiki practitioners and DNA Theta Practitioners. Energy work greatly helped me clear out the subconscious programs and blocks within my chakras and energy fields. The help of a energy worker is priceless....some of the blocks we have ~ we are attached to, and we are unable to release them on our own. The subconscious mind is powerful~ seek out help from someone qualified to help you. ♥​ages/How-to-Raise-Your-Vib​ration/204840666199710