Showing posts with label universal mirrors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label universal mirrors. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How To Deal With People Who Are Intentionally Trying To Hurt You

QUESTION: What is the advise in how to be around people who are intentionally trying to hurt or manipulate you?
ANSWER: Well, the first thing I would ask you is why are you around people who are intentionally trying to hurt and manipulate you? What is the lesson you are trying to learn by putting energy towards these kind of interactions? is our state of consciousness that creates our reality. Our consciousness is the totality of our being ~ both conscious and unconscious. Our consciousness is our energy system ~ particularly our chakras....and our chakras are full of past life trauma, distorted beliefs and karma that needs to be resolved. Until these issues within our consciousness are cleared we will continue to attract situations to us that will help us “SEE” and decide what we no longer wish to experience as a learning lesson anymore. Once we accept responsibility and choose to no longer blind ourselves from our SELF, and we actively choose to learn the lesson ~ we clear the distorted energy within our energy fields that continue to draw negative experiences to us to learn from.  
Here are a couple of areas you can look within yourself to see what the lesson may be for you:
1. Chakra Work: When an experience arises that creates a reaction within yourself ask yourself how are you feeling? This will help you locate the chakra that is out of balance and needs healing.
ROOT: Feeling fear, lack of trust, like you don’t want to be here anymore. When we don’t want to be here anymore we withdraw our Spirit from our body, and our being is not grounded in the body......we have no roots.....we are spacey and off into the ethers trying to escape physicality. This is very problematic! Oftentimes, this causes us to have scattered energy...we are all over the place, and not focused in the NOW moment which causes us to be over-reactive creating more karma for ourselves. Not being grounded also leaves us vulnerable and susceptible to outside energies. We can assist the ROOT CHAKRA by coming to terms with our past, forgiving those who have hurt us, and trusting again ~ as well as ~ getting in touch with the physical body through exercise, healthy habits and telling our body how much we love it. It is important for us to feel safe......we need to make sure we are not thriving on chaos and crisis ~ this chakra when it is out of balance creates a lot of duality. Focus your energy on people, places and things that nurture and create a sense of safety and well being. Fear filled events, movies, fearful spiritual/religious beliefs and interactions etc. will keep your root chakra out of balance
SACRAL: Feeling overly emotional, confused, secretive, disconnected to others, and overindulgent in areas of our life such as with food, sex, alcohol, drugs, shopping etc. We also may feel anti-sexual and shut down our beautiful life force/sexual energies leading to depression. The Sacral feelings all point to repressed emotions that need to be brought to the surface to be healed and released.....we do this by FEELING these emotions. Allowing ourselves to go there ~ journaling and getting all our “secret” feelings and emotions out will help us dissolve the SHADOW (our secrets/things we don’t want to deal with) so we can gain more LIGHT.
SOLAR PLEXUS: Feeling controlling, manipulative, angry, always needing to be busy (which is an escape from dealing with our inner stuff), competitive ~ always needing to be right. This chakra can go in the other direction as well, and you may feel powerless, weak, passive, low on energy. We can heal the feelings of the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra by accepting responsibility for ourselves ~ taking back our self power (self control) while allowing others to think and be who they stop trying to control others. Our focus needs to be on the controlling of the self. We also need to heal our inner anger. We have been told anger is bad so we store it, we don’t allow ourselves to feel it so we can release it. Anger needs to be dealt with in privacy...journaling, crying, screaming, physical exercise....find something you can do to release the angry energy that is in your energy field.....otherwise the anger in your solar plexus will attract angry people to you to ignite that anger within you prompting you to heal it.
HEART CHAKRA: Feeling unloved and unlovable....remember we can not TRULY give to others what we have not already created for ourselves ~ so if we have not manifested LOVE FOR THE SELF, the love we are able to give to others will be limited and superficial. If we are feeling betrayed, depressed, critical, jealous and feel we are not deserving of self nurturing or self love then our heart chakra is out of balance. When we forgive ourselves for our own past, then we are able to naturally forgive others because we realize we are each here learning difficult lessons through oftentimes difficult situations. Forgiveness is a huge lesson of the heart chakra, but so are setting healthy boundaries out of self love with those who are stuck in the chaos and drama of 3D consciousness. Sometimes we may need to forgive and love from a distance.....self love and self preservation of our energy and vibrational frequency is our responsibility. Use your heart to discern your FEELINGS......what feels LIGHT for you is right for you. 
THROAT CHAKRA: Feeling like we are not heard or that we can not speak our truth ~ WITH WORDS OF LOVE! This is key! If all of our other chakras are out of balance then we may be speaking with the energy of fear, emotional imbalance and one will listen with this kind of energy being projected at them. We need to learn how to speak in a balanced, grounded, thoughtful, loving may not always be what people want to hear, but it may be what they need to hear. In order for us to have our throat chakra needs met we need to learn how to speak so people will HEAR. We need to be aware of the vibrational frequency we are emitting with the power of our voice. We also need to learn how to speak ~ convenient silence serves no one.....especially our own energy field. We also need to learn how to LISTEN.
SPIRITUAL EYE CHAKRA: Feeling as if we have no imagination, feeling disconnected to reality, feeling like we are not validated, feeling disconnected/detached to our higher guidance, unable to SEE things from a higher perspective. Releasing fear, meditation and tuning into our inner wisdom will help us heal this chakra.
CROWN CHAKRA: Feeling confused, disconnected, nervous, insensitive, uninspired, disconnected to the Earth and the Creator Of All That Is. Meditation and healing the lower chakras helps us to open the CROWN CHAKRA, which will help us feel more connected, loving and unified with others. Meditation will also help us balance the central nervous system and open us up to our higher guidance.
The chakras are energy vortices that pull in energy from our environment and also put out energy. If we are having difficulties with our chakras, we will have difficulty in our lives. Our chakras will literally pull events, situations and people to us “like magnets” who have the same kind of chakra distortions working within them so we can learn from each attracts like, and we will be reflecting distorted chakras and energies back to each other. Likewise, opposites attract as well..... if you have somewhat of a balanced chakra system (meaning your kundalini has risen, you have activated the LIGHT within you...which means you are a LIGHTWORKER/HEALER ~ people who have very distorted chakras may be both attracted and repelled by you. Those who are attracted to you are sincerely desiring to heal, and they understand that the sometimes uncomfortable and dramatic experiences they may be feeling by being in the presence of your energy is part of the transmutation and clearing they must go through. HOWEVER, for those who do not want to heal ~ which means they have to accept responsibility for their lives ~ they will absolutely detest being in your presence and may even respond to you in a very negative, energetically explosive way because you are bringing things up in them they are not ready to deal with. However, for the most part......we are attracting situations and events in our lives that reflect back to us our own issues and distortions within our very own chakra system.....if your kundalini has been awakened, and has risen to the crown then you may have two areas you need to discern.....attraction because it is your own distortion/lesson or perhaps you are assisting others with their lessons and healing.

2. SUBCONSCIOUS BELIEFS OR PROGRAMS: Another area to look if we are attracting negative situations to ourselves is our own BELIEFS. A Subconscious Program is a feeling, emotion, or belief held over a long period of time.....this becomes a program running in our consciousness and it will create our reality. It is like a program on a computer....the program creates whatever it has been programmed to do. Sometimes the programs become outdated and no longer serve our needs so we delete them off of our computer and install new ones that serve us well. We need to do this also with the old outdated programs running in our consciousness. We can figure out these programs by being honest about  our beliefs and being conscious of how our chakras are working or malfunctioning. Beliefs can be difficult because oftentimes we don’t want to admit we have certain beliefs like:
I hate myself.
I hate people.
I am stupid.
I will never be able to heal myself.
I deserve to be punished. 
People will reject me.
The world is unsafe.
The more I suffer, the faster I learn.
I am prejuidice against ~ blacks, whites, hispanics, muslims, gays, lesbians, christians, jews, rich people, sick people, people who eat meat, people who are in the new age, etc.......
We are full of beliefs and for the most part they are unconscious beliefs we are not even aware of. Some of these beliefs we inherited from our genetic lineage.....most of them we created from our own soul’s experience throughout duality, and some of them we received through the mass consciousness. Beliefs create our reality.....and they will create havoc in our lives if we are full of negative ones. Because beliefs are such a huge subject I highly suggest people find a DNA Theta Master Healer who works directly with The Creator OF All That Is CLICK HERE FOR A HEALER  to pull the old beliefs/programs from your consciousness and replace them with beliefs that would be for your highest and best good. You can also read Vianna Stibils book Theta Healing ORDER BOOK or you can take a Theta Healing Class THETA CLASSES  to learn how to pull beliefs from your own consciousness and send them to God’s Light, as well as, help others remove theirs.
So if you are having problems with negative, hurtful, manipulative people in your life ~ accept responsibility for your part in the creation. Analyze your CHAKRAS so you can heal them....perhaps even go to a Reiki, Chakra, Crystal or Cranial Sacral Healer to help you release the distorted energies that are blocking you from having a joy ~ filled, happy life. Also look at your SUBCONSCIOUS BELIEFS AND PROGRAMS ~ they will create havoc in your life. Find a DNA THETA MASTER healer to help you. In addition, remember, you are in the driver are the Creator of your life expereince....if you do not like it then you may have to relaease the things in your life that are making you SICK AND TIRED! However, be will attract the same kind of people and situations to yourself if you do not heal the inner workings that are creating chaos and drama in your life. Meditation, Prayer, Chakra Work, Belief Work, Energy Work, Yoga,  and many, many more modalities are out there to help you. 
Love Your Self ~ Be Willing To Look At Your SELF ~ Take Responsibility For Your SELF and FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOUR SELF......then apply energy towards it’s creation and be willing to let go of what no longer serves you. 


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Each Person Is Responsible For Their Own Level Of Vibration.

It is important to have compassion and empathy for others.... it is a natural human characteristic to have feelings and emotions about the pain existing on our planet. However, it is also important for us to recognize when we are getting absorbed in another soul's lesson and experience. Everything that ever happens to us is an opportunity for soul growth. We don't have to choose pain and suffering as a way to learn and evolve.....but many of us will choose this route to discover more about our selves. Pain and suffering is a order to eliminate it from our lives ~ each person is responsible for healing it within their OWN being.

Understand that when we resonate "strongly" with the pain and suffering in others, it is a reflection of our own inner pain that has not been healed. STRONG REACTIONS to anything outside of ourselves is always a reflection of our own inner turmoil. Many people are completely consumed with the suffering of animals ~ oftentimes, falling into the traps of strong opinions, righteousness, anger, negativity and judgments. They are consumed with the pain of "others ~ everything outside of themselves" which lowers their vibration and generates even more pain and suffering ~ within their very own energy field, as well as, the energy field of the entire planet.

This is simply a distraction from their own pain they have not dealt with within their own being. It is far easier to recognize the pain and suffering in "others" than it is for us to be truthfully honest with ourselves about the pain and suffering within our own being. If we "see" the pain within ourselves ~ then we have to accept responsibility for it, and make changes.....since most of us don't want to make the changes....we blind ourselves and resonate more with the pain of "others" which only generates more pain. The vicious cycle of pain and suffering is intensified because the root issues never get one one wants to accept personal responsibility for their own distortions.

When you find yourself having a strong reaction to an external issue ~ STOP. Turn it around and say ~ "this is my stuff". This is your place of POWER ~ because you are accepting responsibility for yourself/your emotions/your feelings/your vibration ~ and only then will you be able to tap into the underlying truth of the issue so you can create change.

Then ask yourself ~ What am I feeling right now? What fear is this bringing up in me? Where is this coming from.....the past or the future? Once you figure these out you will be brought into the NOW moment of your current feelings and level of vibration, where you can make a choice as to how you want to direct your energy.

If you stay in the turmoil of the past or the fears of the future then you will not be able to understand where your strong reactions, opinions, angers and judgments are coming from, and you will continue to perpetuate more chaos, pain, drama and duality for yourself, and the entire vibration of the Earth. Our place of power is in the NOW. Become present, accept responsibility for your emotions and feelings....stay on the inner path of salvation not the outer path of projection, denial and illusion. This is how we create change on the person at a time accepting responsibility for their own level of VIBRATION and direction of their energy.

It is time for us to stop expecting someone outside of ourselves to make the changes on this planet we so desire to see. Our power for change revolves around the person at a time. ~ Sabrina

ART BY: Michael Michael Motorcycle

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mirrors ~ Projections ~ Denial

QUESTION: I really didnt like how I was behaving with a certain person, so now they are no longer around me. I am fine but this person is still behaving badly towards friends and strangers alike, I'm a bit confused about where the lesson and mirror with them is, as they seem to be getting away with their bad behaviour to others.

ANSWER: Our goal is to not project anything outside of us. It doesn't matter if the other person changed or received their lesson. What matters is you were willing to "SEE" yourself through the other persons poor behaviors and make the necessary changes within your SELF. They may continue to blind themselves, and create more karma for themselves, but YOU can take back your power and make the changes within your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behavioral patterns so you can evolve YOUR soul. It is hard to accept a mirror.....none of us like to do it, and the ego keeps us blinded by the things we need to heal so it can remain in control. Stay on the inner path of salvation not the outer path of projection, blame and illusion. Whenever you start to focus on someone else and what they are doing wrong....realize that you have stepped out of alignment with your power to transcend your SELF and have stepped into the tricks of the ego....which is denial and blame. Never underestimate the tricks of the ego. Stay focused on SELF and what is going on within you.....don't worry about anyone else's behavioral are only responsible for yours. If someone else is hurtful to you....use your discernment ....accept the  mirror/lesson ~ but you have free will to choose whether this relationship is one you want to continue to invest your time and energy into. And always one is an EXACT mirror. Understanding mirrors requires self reflection and introspection......a mirror could be reflecting your negative thoughts, beliefs or perhaps a stored feeling that needs to be released. I have just gotten to the point where I accept everything shown to me......any resistance at all ~ simply is not helpful. If I see it in another....I label it and say OK......this is how I "use to be" and I choose not be like this anymore....and the universe is showing me a mirror as a reminder to keep me in alignment OR this is something I am doing NOW that needs to be healed. Name it, claim, it heal it....and give thanks for the opportunity to SEE yourself so you can evolve your soul. "As above in consciousness, so below in reality." ~ Sabrina

Thursday, January 5, 2012


You are responsible for your vibration. No one else can interfere with the level of your vibration unless you allow them to.
When we allow ourselves to get absorbed in other people's dysfunction~ mainly "their" opinions, beliefs, criticisms and judgments of us ~ we fall out of alignment with our truth and fall into the world of distorted projections and illusions.
Likewise, it would behoove us to be aware of our own projections and distortions we see in everyone else ~ but refuse to see within ourselves.
The universe is a holographic mirror.....although the reflection is not "EXACT"....the universe IS reflecting "something" back to us that we need to learn, accept, transcend and heal within our very own being.
If we see something within someone else and we get NO emotional reaction from it; then don't over analyze.....just take note and move on. Understand that they are reflecting a lesson to you that they are moving through....perhaps it is a lesson you have already learned, and therefore there is not an emotional charge. 
However ~ if you see something in someone else and your mind chatter increases, you start to blame and criticize ~ realize you are resisting the universal mirror that is trying to show you something about yourself that needs to be brought into your conscious awareness. Once you become aware of the mirror "lesson", and accept it as part of your creation, you will have the power (knowledge) to make the changes within yourself so you don't have to repeat the same scenarios over and over again.
Being truly honest with ourselves is difficult. It is something we must always be vigilant about. Our ego and shadow consciousness is tricky, and manipulative ~ blinding us from our truth and freedom. Our shadow and ego consciousness consist of all the “masks” we wear, and they are the very things we have to accept and remove from our being before we can clean out our divine tubes and channels that lead us to our Higher Selves. ~ Sabrina

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

When we rise in vibration do we help the world rise in vibration even when others don't do anything to help themselves?

QUESTION: I am aware that we are all we individually learn something or raise to higher vibrations, it naturally pulls up the rest of the world.... does it stand to reason that even if some people did NOTHING - their vibrations would raise just because we are connected to the collective consciousness and or source field ?
ANSWER: Yes, when we heal ourselves we heal the world. Everyone who truly wants to heal the world really needs to focus on the healing of the SELF. Oftentimes people will externalize everything outside of themselves thinking they need to change external circumstances when what we really need to change is our own internal consciousness, which in affect will directly shift the consciousness of the entire planet. For example, everything going on in the world today is a reflection of humanity's lack of love for the self. If we truly loved and honored ourselves, we would not give our power away to external sources to make decisions for us nor would we choose to engage in any kind of activity that would compromise the integrity of our LIGHT. Everything happening NOW is a direct response to lifetimes of unbalanced thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions. However, that is changing because we are each starting to take responsibility for ourselves and we are also willing to do the inner work necessary to heal and bring ourselves back into wholeness. We do have a direct affect on every single person on this planet, and through vibrational resonance, we help others also awaken to the fact that they too will need to do the inner work necessary to heal and expand their consciousness. For those who choose not to rise in vibration along with the planet will choose to leave this planet and will reincarnate somewhere else where they will get to continue their learning in a low vibrational, fear filled, egoic, dualistic environment. There is no judgment for this choice ~ all souls are deeply loved and are given as many opportunities as they would like to either begin to evolve their soul or continue the cyclic pattern of de-volution. We can spiral up or down in consciousness; the Creator loves us so much we have been given the free will to create however we want but our life, level of joy and happiness, will be a reflection of our level of vibration and expansion of consciousness. For the most part, a large part of humanity is choosing to evolve and rise up. We have grown tired of separation, chaos and the illusions of fear and we are willing to do what it is going to take to return our selves and the planet back to LOVE. The healing of the SELF is the biggest contribution we can make to the healing of the Earth.

Image By: farboart

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Universal Mirror and Critical People

QUESTION: I have an issue with critical people, Not so much personally, but in how to deal with them. I understand that criticism is generally a reflection of it's "owner", any thoughts on how to help these people? Understanding of course that we all deal with our own things at our own rates, but I do not wish to "block" anyone who is over critical.

HTRYV ANSWER: If you are in a place where you have done a lot of self work, you are very grounded, have a strong energy field and are able to tolerate critical people and not let it bother you, lower your vibration or close your heart then you can become a "Light House" for them and counteract their negativity with something positive to say about the person they are criticizing. You can be a LIGHT of awareness letting them know that words and thoughts travel to the person they are speaking negatively about (especially if it is done with strong emotion) and these negative "thought forms" actually accumulate around the persons energy field. If the person has a weak energy field these negative thought forms can turn into a "psychic attack" and invade the persons energy field making them feel very unbalanced, sickly, confused and overwhelmed. We can also create our own "pyschic attack" towards our self....our own negative, critical thoughts and emotions create havoc within our being and we are the ones doing it to ourselves.  I strongly feel if people "really" knew how powerful they were and had the awareness of how their energy works we would not do a lot of things many of us take part in everyday. Sometimes, we do far more harm than good ~ this is evident with many of our countries leaders. So much hate and negativity is projected to our leaders from the mass consciousness our leaders aren't energetically able to BE the difference we want them to be because WE aren't using our energy/power of intention/love/positivity to help our leaders fulfill what WE want. We spend to much of our energy focusing on what we don't want, spewing pyschic debris everywhere, instead of harnessing our power to create what we do want.  

Aside form being a Light house of awareness ~ you can also BLESS negative, critical people with what they need. Silently in your head, you can say ~ I bless you with positive energy. I bless you with love. I bless you with higher awareness. I bless you with joy. I bless you with beauty. I bless you with patience. I bless you with truth. I bless you with health. I bless you with happiness. Whatever they need, bless them with it. YOU can make a huge difference and everything you bless them with, you also receive. Likewise, if we are blessing people with negativity....well guess what, we create negative energy in our energy fields too.

I highly suggest for each of us to be wise and discerning with our relationships. Choose relationships that are in vibrational resonance, loving and uplifting. At this time on our planet half of us are choosing ascension and the other half are choosing to remain in duality. At any moment those choosing duality can change their mind to do what it is going to take to raise their vibrations and ascend..... you could be the catalyst that gets others to awaken and transcend their negative behavioral patterns. However, do not be attached to the outcome and understand it is not your responsibility ~ it doesn't matter what their choice is as they will have another opportunity for ascension in another 26,000 years. Everyone has the exact same opportunity right now to choose from their own free will how they want to evolve their souls. We can learn through the chaos and fear of duality or we can learn to transcend duality advancing our souls through love, balance and harmony. It's a choice each person must make ~ Father/Mother God will not make the choice for us. 

Also I want to address MIRRORS. It is true that the universe is our mirror but I feel it is very important for people to understand that nothing is an EXACT mirror. There are many reasons for a mirror and I am discovering that many people are willing to accept external reflections as mirrors of internal stuff,  but we often times take the mirror and immediately become our worst critic. Instead of spending the time for self introspection we immediately step into judgment of ourselves and others, viewing the mirror from only one perspective, which is the "exact" behavior the other person demonstrated and then we "own it" as if it is ours.  We need to use discernment with mirrors because mirrors always reflect variations of light and shadow back to us ~ mirrors are multifaceted and need to be addressed as such not just from the immediate superficial value we receive immediately. Oftentimes, it is the "FEELING" these mirrors create in us that needs to be addressed.....did the mirror reflection make you feel inadequate, fearful, disempowered....did it bring up an old childhood wound you have suppressed that needs to be healed? Also, many times the mirror will show us how we are treating ourselves. If we surround ourselves with a lot of critical people ~ perhaps there is a lesson in it for us. Are we being to critical to our self? Do we lack self love? Are we able to set appropriate boundaries and use discernment? We personally may not be critical of others but we may be incredibly critical and harsh to ourselves. ~ Sabrina

Here is a link to a blog about mirrors that will help you ask the right questions when a mirror reflection shows up in your life: