Showing posts with label mirrors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mirrors. Show all posts

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mirrors ~ Projections ~ Denial

QUESTION: I really didnt like how I was behaving with a certain person, so now they are no longer around me. I am fine but this person is still behaving badly towards friends and strangers alike, I'm a bit confused about where the lesson and mirror with them is, as they seem to be getting away with their bad behaviour to others.

ANSWER: Our goal is to not project anything outside of us. It doesn't matter if the other person changed or received their lesson. What matters is you were willing to "SEE" yourself through the other persons poor behaviors and make the necessary changes within your SELF. They may continue to blind themselves, and create more karma for themselves, but YOU can take back your power and make the changes within your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behavioral patterns so you can evolve YOUR soul. It is hard to accept a mirror.....none of us like to do it, and the ego keeps us blinded by the things we need to heal so it can remain in control. Stay on the inner path of salvation not the outer path of projection, blame and illusion. Whenever you start to focus on someone else and what they are doing wrong....realize that you have stepped out of alignment with your power to transcend your SELF and have stepped into the tricks of the ego....which is denial and blame. Never underestimate the tricks of the ego. Stay focused on SELF and what is going on within you.....don't worry about anyone else's behavioral are only responsible for yours. If someone else is hurtful to you....use your discernment ....accept the  mirror/lesson ~ but you have free will to choose whether this relationship is one you want to continue to invest your time and energy into. And always one is an EXACT mirror. Understanding mirrors requires self reflection and introspection......a mirror could be reflecting your negative thoughts, beliefs or perhaps a stored feeling that needs to be released. I have just gotten to the point where I accept everything shown to me......any resistance at all ~ simply is not helpful. If I see it in another....I label it and say OK......this is how I "use to be" and I choose not be like this anymore....and the universe is showing me a mirror as a reminder to keep me in alignment OR this is something I am doing NOW that needs to be healed. Name it, claim, it heal it....and give thanks for the opportunity to SEE yourself so you can evolve your soul. "As above in consciousness, so below in reality." ~ Sabrina

Friday, September 16, 2011

Why Am I Attracting Angry And Aggressive People?

QUESTION: Hello, I wanted to ask about anger and aggression. The more peaceful I become and the further into my spiritual work I progress the more anger and aggression I am experiencing from people around me - some of these people dont know me personally, but I experience their anger when I go out and about? I would be interested to hear what you think about this situation and whether anyone else is experiencing this as well? Blessings

Well, congratulations. You must be pretty far along on your journey. There is a period on our spiritual path ~ after we have committed ourselves to our spiritual practice ~ where our soul will feel it is time to bring forth our SHADOW. Most people are completely oblivious to their shadow behaviors, because their soul has not brought the shadow forth to be healed.....the shadow is still hidden from their conscious awareness and people are literally blinded by themselves because they are unwilling to heal and change.

This time period is bizarre ~ because as we meditate and focus on the LIGHT, bringing our God Self more and more into our being, a sense of inner peace and calm begins to transforms us. We are much more balanced and loving, and the last thing we want is confrontation or negative energies....however, when we least expect it ~ our SHADOW energy appears and is reflected in every person we interact with through "their" very aggressive behaviors. The key is to accept that you too have been angry, aggressive, disrespectful and hurtful along your journey as well. Perhaps not now.....but in your past. You will need to be really honest with yourself and accept that the people externally of you are showing you energies within your very own energy field that are desiring to be released and transmuted. You must acknowledge these energies ~ shine the light of your conscious awareness on them, so they can be healed.

I went through a crazy period where a man literally climbed our backyard fence screaming at my kids because they threw a pine cone over the fence, and it almost hit his  car.....he was very aggressive and it was a very scary ordeal. He then returned the next week and egged and keyed my car. Every cashier ~ no matter where I went ~ was rude and aggressive. My daughter's friends parents were irrationally picking fights with me, parents in the school pick up line were honking their horns and throwing their fist in the air at me.....even neighbors would yell at even turned the sprinkler system on at the neighborhood pool while my kids and I were at the pool on the lawn in our lawn chairs tanning and reading books. He wanted to maintenance the sprinkler system, right then and there, regardless if anyone was at the pool or not. Honestly, "everyone else's" behaviors were so crazy and unexpected....but they were all reflecting the negative hidden energies within my own being that were trying to be healed. They were not "exact" reflections, but none the less.....they were showing me aggressive energies within myself that I needed to accept as part of my being so I could "see" them and choose to transcend those behavioral patterns within myself. It really doesn't matter if "they" look at themselves, and see how inappropriate their behaviors are ~ what matters is that I was willing to look at myself and transcend the "inappropriate" behavioral patterns and energies within me. We must keep ourselves on the inner path of salvation vs. the external path of egoic recreation where we project and blame everyone ELSE for their poor behaviors while we still have poor behaviors within us that need to be addressed.

Our shadow is the gatekeeper to our higher LIGHT. We must move through the darkness of our shadow before we reach our en-lighten-ment. Because our ego's are strong, defensive and resistant the Universe lovingly provides a Universal Mirror to reflect back to us the things within our own being that are fragmented and not connected to the LIGHT of our God Self. These aspects must be brought back into wholeness and the only way to allow them to return to us is to accept them as distortions within ourselves. Once we accept them and lovingly let them return to the light of our awareness....they will be transformed into a higher vibrational energy and we will heal them and transcend the old behavioral patterns that are attached to them.

This period is also a time of total surrender to our higher self where we ALLOW our inner darkness to come forward so our soul can make new LIGHT filled choices instead of repeating the old negative egoic behavioral patterns from our past. We get to demonstrate to the Universe that we are willing to only create good in our lives for ourselves and others. This is the period where we prove we are grounding the LIGHT into our being by BEING the Love and the Light we claim ourselves to BE. If we are really peaceful and loving then no matter what happens, we remain in that state at all times and we will be given opportunity after opportunity to show that we have mastered ourselves and our energy through experiencing very difficult circumstances. We will be tested.

So the best way to determine how we are doing is to notice our energy when unpleasant circumstances arise. How does our energy feel? If we feel anger.....are we able to accept that someone has made us angry? Can we notice it, release it and move on or do we carry that anger with us all day blaming everyone else for their poor behaviors...which will only create more angry situations for us to learn from. When people make us angry, are we able to hold the space and ground our light or do we react negatively lashing out at them as well. Can we speak up for ourselves in a firm and loving way when someone is being irrational or do we run and scurry away form confrontation? Are we able to set boundaries with people or do we continue to let them treat us poorly.... repetitively? 

Eventually, the distorted energies within our energy fields begin to dissolve and we become balanced co-creators, creating a loving, peaceful, joyful, reality for ourselves. However, we must always keep in mind that our external world is a reflection of our inner workings. There will be times when we fall out of alignment ~ we are all learning and evolving into greater states of consciousness and soul expansion. It is part of our growth and it is through our experiences that we gain the most advancement. At this point on our journey, we are stepping into our mastery, which means we will ALWAYS need to accept responsibility for whatever is going on in our lives. Sometimes we may need to release something that no longer serves our highest good or we may need to accept something about ourselves that needs softening and refinement. 

Always remember that the Universe is holographic. There is always something to learn from other peoples behaviors that have been brought into our very own personal is our state of consciousness that creates our reality. We are magnetizing EVERYTHING to us as an opportunity to learn, heal, strengthen, soften and advance our soul.

Here is a chapter from my book, "Raise Your Vibration", about the Ego and Shadow Consciousness and how they work together to keep us from gaining our light. The ego and shadow are our greatest teachers and help us to evolve our soul's when we finally decide to take dominion over them:



Art Image: By Chain and Gang

Monday, April 25, 2011

3 Reasons For a Mirror and Questions to Ask Yourself

Universal Mirrors

    1. Someone is being a mirror for you to show YOU how you are thinking, feeling, behaving, vibrating. They are a reflection of a lesson you need to learn. Usually both people have the same core belief or issue that needs to be healed. Both are reflections for each other. This is the mirror most commonly used but please understand that no one is an EXACT mirror of the other. Mirror understanding requires self honesty, observation and understanding. 
    2. You have volunteered on a soul level to be a mirror for someone else. Through their actions, words, beliefs etc… have chosen to hold the space for them so they could behave or react out of alignment and  “see” and “feel” the pain they have inflicted on you. IF they witness your pain and “acknowledge” their behavior they will be less likely to repeat the lesson again and will clear their karma. Through experience and consequences lessons are learned IF the person is willing to accept responsibility transcending the need to repeat the lesson in the future.
    3. If you have done a lot of work on yourself, another person can reflect your progress. People will reflect back to you lessons you have recently moved through. They are seeking assistance from you to help shed light on the situation so they can also move forward without having to repeat the same lesson over and over. In this case, you provide a new perspective and are a lighthouse lighting the way for others helping them to bring their unconsciousness forward into the light of awareness so it can be healed.
  • Understand that mirrors are not about the “story”. The mirror is about the FEELINGS and REACTIONS the “story” provokes within us. Do not get hung up on the He said/ She said, “story”. Focus on the interaction and how it made you FEEL and how you wanted to REACT. The reflection is about the FEELING that needs to be transformed within yourself. If there is no feeling or need to react there is nothing you need to transform. Look for the emotion!
  • When you find yourself in a negative situation ask yourself: “What is this person reflecting back to me?” What behavior, thought or belief does this person have that I also need to heal within my own being?
  • If someone is mistreating you, ask yourself: “ How am I mistreating my soul or the soul of someone else? Where am I being abusive?
  • Become your own Inner Witness and ask yourself:
  1. What is this person or circumstance trying to teach me?      
  2. What behavior are they revealing that is a mirror of my behavior?
  3. What negative thoughts and beliefs am I holding onto that need to be released?
  4. What am I allowing to be drawn to me? Have I been negative or positive lately? Where am I holding my vibration?
  5. Am I evolving or revolving? Where am I repeating the same things over and over? What is the pattern?
  6. What is the gift (lesson) they are trying to give to me?
  7. What is the gift (lesson) I am trying to give to another?

"Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it." 

Ernest Holmes 

"There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that
reflects it." 

Edith Wharton 

"The secret of life is that God has created a universe that acts like a mirror. You are living in your own personal house of mirrors. You are literally the center of your own personal universe. If you want your outer situation to change you must begin by changing your inner situation because the Universe can only reflect back to you what you send out. If you want the universal mirror to show you a smiling face, you must first smile at the universe." 

Kim Michaels 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chapter 12 Of The "Raise Your Vibration" Book "Relationships" By Sabrina Reber

Our most difficult relationships are our karmic relationships. These relationships are created with our soul mates specifically to assist both souls learn their lessons and balance their misqualified energy. When the lesson is learned, the karma is cleared and the contract has been fulfilled. Choosing to stay in these relationships becomes a choice. If both souls are willing to retrieve their lessons, step into a place of healing and shift their consciousness the relationship will evolve from one based on karma to one infused with the new energy of transformation. Unfortunately, both souls do not always choose to evolve and heal. Some souls will choose to stay in the old energy where they will continue to recreate the same lessons over and over again keeping them stuck in drama, trauma and chaos. They will cling to their old belief system, fear and ego and will refuse to open their mind to change. Each of us has the opportunity to expand our current level of consciousness and step into greater soul advancement but many will avoid moving forward and will get stuck in their soul lessons. It will be very important for those of us choosing to raise our vibration to not get caught up in other people’s despair, confusion and denial. This can be very difficult to do because we care about our soul mates, however, we must respect their freedom to choose. Compassionate detachment and discernment are absolutely necessary if we plan on continuing with our own personal healing and the raising of our frequency. The one rule of all living things is our freedom of will and many of us have given our freedom of will away. We must learn to say “NO” when we need to and “YES” when we feel it is for our highest good. Each of us must learn to stand in our own power and learn to discern what is a good investment of our time and energy.

Staying involved in toxic relationships will deplete us and keep us from moving forward on our own soul’s advancement. The only person we are responsible for is our self. Everything outside ourselves is merely a reflection of the relationship we are having with our own inner being. We teach others how to treat us by the way we treat ourselves so when we make ourselves of equal value and stop sacrificing our energy in order to please others, we will build a sense of personal power helping us to set up very strong boundaries. Keeping ourselves fully anchored on the spiritual path by choosing not to get caught up in relationships that lower our vibration is not selfish, it actually serves the whole of humanity! We cannot be of service to humanity if we continue to allow others to pull us down into the lower vibrational energy of confusion, chaos, denial, limited beliefs, addiction and drama. We need to pull ourselves out of denial and be really honest with ourselves and ask if our current relationships are based on love or fear. If they are based in fear, you will need to love yourself enough to disengage from anything that is dis-empowering and does not serve your highest good. This does not mean if you have made a mistake in a relationship you should take the easy way out and abandon it. You cannot change a negative behavior if you do not acknowledge it. Recognize your mistakes, bringing them into your awareness so you can transcend them. All mistakes should be immediately dealt with so the imbalanced energy will not be returned to you. The relationships we are speaking of here are the toxic ones where there is a split. One soul chooses to awaken and step into their empowerment while the other soul chooses to stay in denial and refuses to change and accept responsibility for their unconscious creations. These souls will no longer be a vibrational match and will only create continued disharmony for each other. It will be up to you to listen to your heart when it tells you your contract with another soul is complete. The only person who can decide this is you! You have total free will to choose which relationships serve you and which ones deplete you. Sometimes when we set a strong boundary with another soul and they see the changes we are making in our life it will prompt them to also make changes in their life. Pain can be a catalyst for transformation! If this relationship is meant to be a part of your life, give it the space it needs to heal. Release it with love knowing that it will be returned to you if it is for your highest good.

The highest way we can be of service to others is to stay in the higher vibrations of love, joy, peace, compassion, forgiveness and understanding setting an example for others to follow. One person holding their mastery core and radiating their energy can transmute the fear energy of hundreds of people who choose to keep themselves in limitation and fear. Set an example that others will want to follow. When we remain in the higher frequencies, we lift others up! Each of us will need to stay in alignment with our Spirit, listen to our heart and choose not to allow other people’s unconscious behaviors, motivated by their ego and shadow consciousness, throw us out of alignment with our spiritual core. Stepping into a place of detachment, surrender and allowance for our soul mates is absolutely necessary. They have free will and every right to choose to stay stagnant in their soul’s evolvement. It will become imperative to look at everything from a bigger perspective, not a human perspective, and know that there is always divine order and a bigger picture in every event that occurs. We are all on different consciousness levels with the free will to choose whether we want to move towards the higher vibrations and divine union with our God Selves or stay stuck in the lower vibrations of limitation. Sometimes it takes others more time and many more lives before they will finally surrender their ego to their God self and move forward into enlightenment.
  • Is this relationship, activity, thought or belief for my highest good?
  • Is this relationship, activity, thought or belief a wise energy investment?
  • Does this relationship, activity, thought or belief enhance or deplete my light?
  • Do I wish to integrate this relationship, activity, thought or belief into my being?
  • Does this relationship, activity or belief contract my energy through fear or expand my energy with love?

You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself. The single relationship that is truly central and crucial in life is the relationship to self. Of all the people you will know in a lifetime, you are the only one you will never loose.
Jo Courdet

Karmic relationships are like a dance. When one person stops dancing, the dance is over.
Jennifer Hoffman

Every time our unconscious is working something out, it calls into our lives the people who have within the pieces of the answer we are seeking.
Martin Schulman

Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.
Tao Tzu

This material is copyrighted. You can share this information with proper credits given to Sabrina Reber as the author, complete title of the book "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION", provide an image of the cover of the book, and a link to the HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Facebook page. 
Any attempts to take the information and alter it in any way or try to claim it as your own is karmically binding for you, and puts you at risk for legal action based on copyright infringement. Please be respectful and provide proper credits so this information can remain freely available to all. Stay in alignment with your higher self and integrity. Blessings. 

    Saturday, March 12, 2011

    Chapter 9 Of The "Raise Your Vibration" Book: "Understanding Mirrors" By: Sabrina Reber

    Chapter 9 Of The "Raise Your Vibration" Book: "Understanding Mirrors" 
    By: Sabrina Reber

    You are the creator of your life and you must accept responsibility for all of your creations. All that you create for yourself is you loving you even when you have created a difficult situation. Your creation is for the purpose of greater awareness, understanding, healing, energetic balance and soul advancement. If you are in denial of the crappy stuff in your life you are rejecting your creatorship and have chosen to be powerless. God gave you free will and you have the power to change. In order to change your reality, you must first accept it as part of your own creation.

    Each of us must accept responsibility and realize that the only problems in our life stems from our own unconscious behaviors and free will choices. God does not create suffering; humans create suffering! Through attention, self-examination, reflection, conscious awareness of our core beliefs, emotions and feelings we will be able to heal and release the majority of our life problems. Everything always goes back to SELF. Fortunately, the universe is on our side providing us with a mirror so we can see ourselves. If we are seeing something in someone else we don’t like, it is also within us. Likewise, if there is something we don’t like within our being we will see it in everyone else. Our outer reality is a mirror of our inner being. Everything we see in our family or in another human being is a reflection of our own inner being. We would not be able to recognize their imperfections unless they were within us as well. Likewise, if we admire someone and find qualities within them we really like we must understand that those qualities are also within us.

    Our God self is always bringing people and situations into our life to show us things within ourselves that need to be healed. The universe is our mirror and until our patterns and issues get healed we will continue to run into ourselves everywhere we go. We attract relationships with certain individuals so they can show us areas in our own life that need to be healed through their actions and behaviors. These contracts are formed because both people are working on the same core belief that needs to be seen, acknowledged and released. The other person acts as our mirror so we can see ourselves. Everyone reflects back to us the relationship we are having with ourselves. They are there to shed light on an aspect of ourselves that needs healing. Denial and suppression keeps us in the cycle of recreation until we learn the lessons they are here to teach. We cannot be an empowered and enlightened being and also see ourselves as a victim of circumstances. No one is a victim. Everything is created for you by you in perfect design. Nothing in the Universe is by chance, everything is carefully designed for each soul’s unique growth. It is now time for each of us to remember who we are and to actively participate with our spiritual self in learning our lessons and clearing out our energetic bodies. Our personal vibration rises as we master our soul lessons eventually bringing us into divine alignment with our God self. Once this occurs we will no longer need to continue to draw negative lower vibrational circumstances or people into our lives. 

    • When you find yourself in a negative situation ask yourself: “What is this person reflecting back to me?” What behavior, thought or belief does this person have that I also need to heal within my own being?
    • There are usually 3 reasons for a mirror:
      1. Someone is being a mirror for you to show you how you are thinking, feeling, behaving, vibrating. They are a reflection of a lesson you need to learn. Usually both people have the same core belief or issue that needs to be healed. Both are reflections for each other. This is the mirror most commonly used!
      1. You have volunteered on a soul level to be a mirror for someone else. Through their actions, words, beliefs etc… have chosen to hold the space for them so they could behave or react out of alignment and  “see” and “feel” the pain they have inflicted on you. IF they witness your pain and “acknowledge” their behavior they will be less likely to repeat the lesson again and will clear their karma. Through experience and consequences lessons are learned IF the person is willing to accept responsibility transcending the need to repeat the lesson in the future.
      2. If you have done a lot of work on yourself, another person can reflect your progress. People will reflect back to you lessons you have recently moved through. They are seeking assistance from you to help shed light on the situation so they can also move forward without having to repeat the same lesson over and over. In this case, you provide a new perspective and are a lighthouse lighting the way for others helping them to bring their unconsciousness forward into the light of awareness so it can be healed.
    • Understand that mirrors are not about the “story”. The mirror is about the feelings and reactions the “story” provokes within us. Do not get hung up on the He said/ She said, “story”. Focus on the interaction and how it made you feel and how you wanted to react. The reflection is about the feeling that needs to be transformed within yourself. If there is no feeling or need to react there is nothing you need to transform. Look for the emotion!
    • If someone is mistreating you, ask yourself: “ How am I mistreating my soul or the soul of someone else? Where am I being abusive?
    • Become your own Inner Witness and ask yourself:

    1. What is this person or circumstance trying to teach me?      
    2. What behavior are they revealing that is a mirror of my behavior?
    3. What negative thoughts and beliefs am I holding onto that need to be released?
    4. What am I allowing to be drawn to me? Have I been negative or positive lately? Where am I holding my vibration?
    5. Am I evolving or revolving? Where am I repeating the same things over and over? What is the pattern?
    6. What is the gift (lesson) they are trying to give to me?
    7. What is the gift (lesson) I am trying to give to another?

    Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.
    Ernest Holmes

    There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
    Edith Wharton

    The secret of life is that God has created a universe that acts like a mirror. You are living in your own personal house of mirrors. You are literally the center of your own personal universe. If you want your outer situation to change you must begin by changing your inner situation because the Universe can only reflect back to you what you send out. If you want the universal mirror to show you a smiling face, you must first smile at the universe.
    Kim Michaels

    This material is copyrighted. You can share this information with proper credits given to Sabrina Reber as the author, complete title of the book "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION", provide an image of the cover of the book, and a link to the HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Facebook page. 
    Any attempts to take the information and alter it in any way or try to claim it as your own is karmically binding for you, and puts you at risk for legal action based on copyright infringement. Please be respectful and provide proper credits so this information can remain freely available to all. Stay in alignment with your higher self and integrity. Blessings.