This blog spot has been created to assist you in the Raising of your Vibration. It will provide tips, tools, techniques and knowledge to help you expand your consciousness and raise your energetic frequency.
Showing posts with label soul lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soul lessons. Show all posts
Monday, March 18, 2013
QUESTION: I have recently separated from a long term relationship with young children involved. I find myself torn between wanting to work things out ~ because it is the "right thing to do" ~ or releasing this relationship because it has become dysfunctional, unloving and we are unable to communicate. I do not feel comfortable moving forward with this relationship BUT I don’t know whether it is fear holding me back or whether I am supposed to be in this place to continue my soul lessons of awareness and unconditional love. I have become very aware of my ego of late, but can’t seem to set aside expectations and feelings of disappointment and frustration with this relationship in order to sustain it.
ANSWER: First of all, you can not continue to artificially sustain an unhealthy relationship. However, if you BOTH feel ~ from the depths of your hearts ~ that this relationship can be healed, then I would do everything possible to infuse it with a higher vibration, and transform it into a loving relationship where the entire family would benefit.
Here are a few questions to ask your self to help you make your decision.
1. Is this relationship a healthy, positive, respectful, loving, nurturing relationship I want my kids to witness as an example for "relationships" in their life when they get older? If not, can WE heal it or should it be released so all involved can attain their highest and best good.
2. Do I truly, truly love this person or is my love based on "attachment and fear" of what would happen if I let it go? Am I afraid of stepping out of my comfort zone, even though it does not serve me?
3. Is this relationship helping our souls EVOLVE out of ingrained behavioral patterns or are we REVOLVING with the same issues unable to grow from our current state of consciousness into a higher state of consciousness.
4. Does this relationship provide a safe ENERGY environment for us to raise our kids in. Home environments with a lot of negative, toxic psychic energy from fights, negative emotions, harmful behavioral patterns and negative thoughts attract "LIKE" energies and these energies contaminate our homes and our children's energy fields. Are we providing a safe, sacred space for our children to grow and evolve in?
5. Am I treating myself the way I want my partner to treat me? Do I respect, love and honor myself? Do I know of my worthiness.....if not, my lack of self love and inability to set loving boundaries with other people ~ in addition to, my allowance of their behavior will only continue to manifest more of the same. What changes do I need to make internally so my outer reflection reflects back to me what I truly desire?
6. What do I want? Will this relationship provide me with my heart felt soul's desire?
7. Does this relationship add to my "LIGHT" or deplete it?
These are tough questions, and they will require great effort on your part to answer them honestly. If you decide to remain in this relationship please understand BOTH of you will need to put forth a heightened level of energy, and be consciously aware of your behavioral patterns in order to make the changes necessary to transform this relationship. If you feel this relationship does not serve you ~ then set your self FREE. You have free will to choose what is for your highest and best good. You will open up doors for new relationships to come in where you can continue to learn lessons about acceptance and unconditional love in a more LOVING way.
~ Sabrina
ART BY: Vladimir Kush
Monday, April 30, 2012
Getting Picked On! By Sabrina Reber
My main job is that of an artist. I am blessed to have a local restaurant where I can display my art on the walls as my art gallery. I use a 3D technique, and I have had people literally pick the paint off of my art trying to figure out what kind of products I use. Unfortunately, it happened again. A labor intensive, large sea turtle I painted was physically abused with a significant portion of it's leg picked off. Given that there is always a lesson in everything that happens in our lives I have tried to figure out what the "message" might be....why do people keep picking at my art displaying absolutely no respect for me, and the time I have put into my creations? I reflected on my week, and realized I have also had people being disrespectful of my time and effort "picking on me" and my messages on Facebook.
As with all things, there is always a lesson for ALL people involved in any kind of negative interaction. I have figured out a few of the lessons, and realized that some of this could be me balancing some of my karma from my past unconscious behaviors. But the main lesson Spirit keeps reminding me is, we are in a dimension with many, many different levels of consciousness and some people have not learned respect or gained a conscience....they are vibrating at a different level! That is why Earth is a highly desired place for souls to creates a breeding ground for very profound soul lessons to be learned to help souls evolve into their mastery.
Mastery requires testing! It requires us to interact with people in difficult situations so we can learn how to use our energy in a positive direction through the mastery of patience, compassion, respect, forgiveness, unconditional love, acceptance, surrender, tolerance, proper use of our free will (yes or no) BOUNDARIES, SELF LOVE, thought control, soul strength etc.....and one of the most important lessons we need to learn is how to maintain a high vibrational frequency no matter what is going on around us.
Mastery requires us to master our energy bodies (chakra system)! When we are grounded and in our center our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies are balanced and free flowing. When one of the energy bodies is out of balance it affects all of the energy bodies, and we literally contract our energy creating blocks within our being, which will block us from our highest spiritual guidance. Whatever we are going through, whether it be a positive or negative experience, there are lessons to be learned and opportunities for us to demonstrate to our higher self how far we have evolved our souls. We have the free will choice to allow other people's lower level of consciousness disrupt our energetic balance or we can take responsibility for ourselves and our vibrational frequency.
This week has definitely been full of little tests for me. It does not matter what level of consciousness we are on....all of us will go through periods of revelations where those things that are hidden from our conscious awareness will be brought forth from the depths of our shadows to reveal themselves to us for a final healing with the purpose of transcendence and transmutation. Every time we clear the energy of an old behavioral pattern, negative emotion, program or belief system from our being not only do we raise the vibration of our soul signature, we also help raise the vibration of the entire planet!
When difficult times arise state to your self: "I AM THE MASTER OF MY FREQUENCY!" We have to learn to not let other people's negative behavioral patterns attach to us bringing us down to their level. This serves no one! Many people think they need to be doing something spectacular or grandiose in order to help with the healing of the planet, but truly the greatest gift we can offer for the highest level of healing on the Earth is the stabilization of our OWN energetic frequency! When we are truly able to not let our emotional and mental bodies (ego) take over our being we will be able to stay aligned with our higher self and remain in the higher vibrations of love, joy, calm, peace and happiness.
Becoming the MASTER OF OUR OWN FREQUENCY is truly how we master the Earth Game. In order to maintain our frequency we need to keep our energy fields balanced so we can hear our highest guidance ~ which may ask us to make different decisions in our own life, set boundaries with others, or even remove ourselves from unhealthy situations. We can not control how others behave but we can control our SELF. If everyone made this their highest priority ~ to be responsible for the healing of the SELF ~ our world would reflect what we truly all want.....Heaven HERE On Earth! ~ Sabrina
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
If The Creator is All Knowing, Why Do We Need To Learn Soul Lessons...What Is The Creator Wanting To Learn From Us?
QUESTION: The more I try to learn these concepts the more I get confused.. please help me find an answer as to WHY do we need to learn these lessons? For what purpose? Where are they gonna be used... when God, the supreme being, the creator of this all, must be knowing all this already, so what does HE want to learn thru us??!
ANSWER: The Creator doesn't need to learn anything, as the Creator is All Knowing, although the Creator enjoys experiencing all the many diversified extensions of itself that have incarnated into physicality. We are divine extensions of the Creator who each chose, according to our own free will, to break away from the pure energy of Source/Unconditional love so we could experience the contrast of being a spiritual being with a variety of emotions and creative potentials that can only be experienced when we are in the physical realm. When we were whole and complete... basking in the energy of unconditional love we all decided it would be more interesting and more creative if we actually left the pure energy of Source "ONENESS" and incarnated into a physical body so we could fully experience the wonderful attributes of physicality where we perceive each other as separate beings. When we are in physicality we have a range of emotions, feelings and sensations such as taste, smell, touch, hearing etc......when we are in the pure energy of Source it is beautiful and loving, but everything is the same.....there isn't much creation going on, everything just IS. So we left the world of Spirit so we could actually be more creative....with the power to create through our thoughts, emotions, feelings, words and beliefs. The goal is to remember that we are powerful co-creators and to begin creating from a place of love and not fear so we can actually create what it is our soul truly wants, which is to learn and EVOLVE within the physical dimension so it can one day completely return back to the ONENESS of Source where it then will have the free will choice to reincarnate back into a physical being or not. The Creator experiences itself through every single one of us.....whatever we are creating the Creator experiences. So the big question is.......Is your life what you want The Creator Of All That Is to experience? Is it what you want to experience? If not, you have the power and the free will choice to change are the Creator of your own life experience. Everything you have ever thought, said, believed or done has created this NOW moment. If you want to change your future....begin to take steps to change your NOW. Anything that is not working in your life NOW will not work in the future either unless you heal it, or release it from your being. You have the free will, the responsibility and the power to create the change you desire to see in your life. ~Sabrina
The "Raise Your Vibration Book" can be purchased off of the "How To Raise Your Vibration" Facebook Page. CLICK HERE to purchase. Look for the GREEN SHOPPING CART BUTTON under the profile picture.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Triggers, Relationships, Soul lessons, Soul Strength and Self Love
Question about “triggers”....when we should stay in a relationship because we are learning through being triggered and when we may need to leave the relationship because it is no longer for our highest good.
I get confused about whether a person should be in my life or not. Obviously it is a personal choice, but... what's the difference between being trigged through a relationship where I am learning about self, and getting a trigger where I feel it is time to get the heck out of here?
You must learn how to be discerning with all things you do. We are on a planet filled with choices, and we have the free will to choose what feels LIGHT for us. Discernment is a very important aspect of soul growth. We must learn discernment. Yes, unconditional love and forgiveness are requirements for soul ascension, but that does not mean we give people a free ticket to walk all over us....that is not loving to the self, and when we don’t have self love we tend to give our power away. We must learn how to balance Self Love with Universal Love for our brothers and sisters....we have to learn how to not only give of our energy, but also to receive it. We must bring ourselves in balance ~ Love combined with Strength....this is divine Love. The Creator is Unconditionally loving, but the Creator is not weak. I can’t tell you how many people have gotten on the spiritual path.....which is the healing path, and they became so loving and ungrounded.... they threw all discernment out the window and became weak and imbalanced. When we tap into self love we become more discerning with our energy because we are no longer "attached" to the relationships we previously use to base our self- worth on. Everyone needs to understand that it is o.k. to let relationships go.......the only constant in the Universe is change, and if you are rising in vibration and shifting your energetic frequency you will naturally want to surround yourself around like minded frequencies...that is how energy works. Like attracts like. Having said that, there are many, many tests we will pass through during our soul's ascension and these are spiritual "setups" with others that will show us our negative thoughts, emotions, distorted beliefs and repetitive behavioral patterns that need to be healed....these "set ups" help us gauge our progress.....some will reflect back to us our growth while others will show us what we still need to work on. And trust me....the universe has many, many ways to reflect back to us our egoic behavioral patterns and distortions that need to be refined. The dog escaping from the back yard, kids throwing temper tantrums, the grocery store clerk who is talking on the phone while she rings your groceries up slowly, and then proceeds to squash your loaf of bread because she puts canned goods on top of it, the car driver who cuts you off and then shoots you a bird....these are all opportunities for you to "see" and "hear" your SELF. Of course the "other" people have things they need to work on as well, but we loose our power when we focus on "them" and what they did "wrong". When we bring our attention back to the self we are empowered to OBSERVE our SELF.....what are the feelings these events bring up....does your mind chatter, impatience, perfectionism, judgments, intolerance, anger etc.... increase? The Universe lovingly sets us up with people who "play the part" to show us our imbalances. And those imbalances we refuse to accept about ourselves will be repetitively re-created with loved ones, friends, strangers, pets and even through inconveniences with our car, computer, house etc....until we finally accept the imbalanced thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs that need to be healed. The more we allow ourselves to FEEL the negative emotion that has been activated within our being the more we will be able to figure out the lesson. The more lessons we learn ~ the more loving interactions and experiences we will attract to ourselves because we will have removed a lot of the imbalances within us that were not based on LOVE.... remember like attracts like. If we have a lot of fearful vibrations within our being we will continue to attract fearful situations to us for us to learn from....and all negative emotions are of the fear vibration. As far as which relationships you should keep, and which ones you should let go of is...that is something each individual will have to figure out for themselves using their own inner discernment and guidance....and this is the key ~ follow YOUR guidance not someone else's.... because for the most part society bases their decisions on fear based "attachments". Remember, you have free will ~ if someone is constantly fragmenting the energy of your soul, then perhaps your lesson is to love your self enough to stand up for yourself and say no more...."I value myself and my energy, and I am not interested in participating in this kind of energetic exchange anymore." I have had relationships that were very painful and abusive that I needed to withdraw myself from so I could begin the process of healing, finding myself, stepping into my power, discovering my truth (not their truth) and when the timing was right....I was able to return to these people with a greater sense of awareness, compassion and forgiveness. If the relationship is meant to be, it will return to you. Remember.....people who do not love themselves do not know how to love others. Wounded souls wound others......we can learn a tremendous amount of lessons through difficult interactions, but there is no need for any of us to have to remain in dark, unloving, abusive situations. If you feel it is time to release a relationship then learn the lessons involved and move on with love and forgiveness for your self and all involved.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
How do you tell what is and what is not a soul lesson?
QUESTION: Is there a way to tell the difference between what is and is not a soul lesson?
HTRYV ANSWER: Honestly....everything is a soul lesson, regardless if it was contracted or not. How we respond to the negatives and positives in our lives is what will determine our evolution or devolution. Some of the most hurtful things that others have done to me, and some of the most hurtful things I have done to others were experiences I learned a lot of lessons from. The key is to look at what is going on (to become the witness) and address the deep feelings these events stir up within our being. When we allow our feelings and emotions to be powerful teachers, and we fully feel them so we can release them, we are then able to make a conscious decision about whether we want to continue on learning from that particular energy stream ~ revolving through it over and over ~ OR we can choose to change and transcend the need to learn from those kind of events again. Every negative and loving experience that occurs in our life is put there to help us understand greater levels of LOVE. For the lack of LOVE is a powerful, powerful teacher. It shows us what does not feel good, and through that experience we learn how to treat others and we also learn how to say NO ~ and how to love ourselves. Everything that ever happens to us serves is a lesson to learn from ~ and leads to our awakening ~ if we allow it to. ♥
One of the most powerful techniques we can apply when we fall into a negative learning situation, is to keep our attention focused on the SELF and NOT what the other person did or is suppose to be learning. Keep your attention on the inner path of salvation, not the outer path of illusion, discord, projection and blame. The power point is within YOU ~ what is going on within do you feel.....what are you this something you want to invest your energy in again or are you ready to move beyond it? Ask yourself questions. It is easy to see what others need to do or how hurtful THEY are, but it is difficult to keep our energy focused on ourself and what is occurring within our being. However, it is the inner path of soul alignment and spiritual alchemy where we take our darkness which is our negative feelings, beliefs, traumas, stored pain and karma (lead) and transmute it in to the light of our awareness which is soul knowledge, truth, personal experience and self love (gold).
The ego will take you on the outer path to darkness....the soul will take you on the inner path of illumination. You get to choose. ♥ Sabrina
I have written a book that will help you move through your soul lessons with ease and grace, it is called "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION"CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE
Image taken from Digitally Fashionate
Friday, June 24, 2011
Soul Contracts
Sometimes one person in the soul contract will learn but the other person needs more time. Our energy fields and consciousness is what creates our reality. Each soul is growing at their own pace....if you are reading this message you are choosing to evolve at an accelerated rate. Our soul mates, who we create contracts with, may choose to grow slowly and they may choose to hold onto the distorted beliefs, subconscious programs and distorted energies within their energy fields that keep them in a pattern of re-creation over and over again until they choose to release what no longer serves them.
Our pain is suppose to be a catalyst for our growth pushing us into an upward spiral of greater awareness, but sometimes, it will catapult people into a downward spiral where they choose the darkness of limitations~ going deeper into the void of repression, denial, numbness and another opportunity over and over again until they decide to choose differently in the future. Sometimes these contracts will continue lifetime after lifetime until the soul finally decides to evolve and balance their misqualifed energy.
When a contract is set up with another soul, it is our job to stay focused on what "The Self" is suppose to learn. This is the inner path. The act of self observation, analysis and willingness to self transcend will lead to the transmutation of the negative energies in our energy fields that need to be cleared so we can create a life of harmony, peace and balance for ourselves. It really doesn't matter what the other soul was suppose to learn....we are here for our own soul growth and when each person takes responsibility for their own growth ~ we help the entire human consciousness rise in vibration because we are creating more loving circumstances for ourselves that create healing for the entire planet.
The universe and our higher selves love us so much they will continue to draw circumstances to us that are reflective of our hidden inner workings so we can heal and create the life of our dreams. By becoming proactive in our spiritual process through meditation, being consciously aware of our inner workings (how we are feeling) and being willing to "see" the behavioral patterns and negative thought forms within our own being ~ we can create the life we desire by clearing out the unnecessary debris in our energy fields that keeps us blocked and veiled from the truth of our being which is love. This is our birthright....we just need to choose from our own free will to change and to return ourselves to a place of wholeness.
Many blessings on your souls journey.
Namaste, Sabrina ♥
Friday, May 13, 2011
Self Empowerment
Everything that has ever occurred to us has been part of our evolutionary experience. No one is a victim of circumstances. We can fall into the egos tricks of victimization and hold onto our painful "stories" or we can step into self-empowerment knowing that every difficult soul interaction is a gift and an opportunity to learn at an even deeper level than before. Everything that has ever occurred in our lives, or will occur, is a learning experience that prepares us to reach our souls highest potential.
Take the medicine (lesson) ~ fully feel the feelings that arise ~ discover the cure ~ and leave the pain behind. Give thanks to The Creator for the opportunity to advance your soul. ♥ ♥ ♥ Sabrina ♥ ♥ ♥
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Chapter 12 Of The "Raise Your Vibration" Book "Relationships" By Sabrina Reber
Our most difficult relationships are our karmic relationships. These relationships are created with our soul mates specifically to assist both souls learn their lessons and balance their misqualified energy. When the lesson is learned, the karma is cleared and the contract has been fulfilled. Choosing to stay in these relationships becomes a choice. If both souls are willing to retrieve their lessons, step into a place of healing and shift their consciousness the relationship will evolve from one based on karma to one infused with the new energy of transformation. Unfortunately, both souls do not always choose to evolve and heal. Some souls will choose to stay in the old energy where they will continue to recreate the same lessons over and over again keeping them stuck in drama, trauma and chaos. They will cling to their old belief system, fear and ego and will refuse to open their mind to change. Each of us has the opportunity to expand our current level of consciousness and step into greater soul advancement but many will avoid moving forward and will get stuck in their soul lessons. It will be very important for those of us choosing to raise our vibration to not get caught up in other people’s despair, confusion and denial. This can be very difficult to do because we care about our soul mates, however, we must respect their freedom to choose. Compassionate detachment and discernment are absolutely necessary if we plan on continuing with our own personal healing and the raising of our frequency. The one rule of all living things is our freedom of will and many of us have given our freedom of will away. We must learn to say “NO” when we need to and “YES” when we feel it is for our highest good. Each of us must learn to stand in our own power and learn to discern what is a good investment of our time and energy.
Staying involved in toxic relationships will deplete us and keep us from moving forward on our own soul’s advancement. The only person we are responsible for is our self. Everything outside ourselves is merely a reflection of the relationship we are having with our own inner being. We teach others how to treat us by the way we treat ourselves so when we make ourselves of equal value and stop sacrificing our energy in order to please others, we will build a sense of personal power helping us to set up very strong boundaries. Keeping ourselves fully anchored on the spiritual path by choosing not to get caught up in relationships that lower our vibration is not selfish, it actually serves the whole of humanity! We cannot be of service to humanity if we continue to allow others to pull us down into the lower vibrational energy of confusion, chaos, denial, limited beliefs, addiction and drama. We need to pull ourselves out of denial and be really honest with ourselves and ask if our current relationships are based on love or fear. If they are based in fear, you will need to love yourself enough to disengage from anything that is dis-empowering and does not serve your highest good. This does not mean if you have made a mistake in a relationship you should take the easy way out and abandon it. You cannot change a negative behavior if you do not acknowledge it. Recognize your mistakes, bringing them into your awareness so you can transcend them. All mistakes should be immediately dealt with so the imbalanced energy will not be returned to you. The relationships we are speaking of here are the toxic ones where there is a split. One soul chooses to awaken and step into their empowerment while the other soul chooses to stay in denial and refuses to change and accept responsibility for their unconscious creations. These souls will no longer be a vibrational match and will only create continued disharmony for each other. It will be up to you to listen to your heart when it tells you your contract with another soul is complete. The only person who can decide this is you! You have total free will to choose which relationships serve you and which ones deplete you. Sometimes when we set a strong boundary with another soul and they see the changes we are making in our life it will prompt them to also make changes in their life. Pain can be a catalyst for transformation! If this relationship is meant to be a part of your life, give it the space it needs to heal. Release it with love knowing that it will be returned to you if it is for your highest good.
The highest way we can be of service to others is to stay in the higher vibrations of love, joy, peace, compassion, forgiveness and understanding setting an example for others to follow. One person holding their mastery core and radiating their energy can transmute the fear energy of hundreds of people who choose to keep themselves in limitation and fear. Set an example that others will want to follow. When we remain in the higher frequencies, we lift others up! Each of us will need to stay in alignment with our Spirit, listen to our heart and choose not to allow other people’s unconscious behaviors, motivated by their ego and shadow consciousness, throw us out of alignment with our spiritual core. Stepping into a place of detachment, surrender and allowance for our soul mates is absolutely necessary. They have free will and every right to choose to stay stagnant in their soul’s evolvement. It will become imperative to look at everything from a bigger perspective, not a human perspective, and know that there is always divine order and a bigger picture in every event that occurs. We are all on different consciousness levels with the free will to choose whether we want to move towards the higher vibrations and divine union with our God Selves or stay stuck in the lower vibrations of limitation. Sometimes it takes others more time and many more lives before they will finally surrender their ego to their God self and move forward into enlightenment.
- Is this relationship, activity, thought or belief for my highest good?
- Is this relationship, activity, thought or belief a wise energy investment?
- Does this relationship, activity, thought or belief enhance or deplete my light?
- Do I wish to integrate this relationship, activity, thought or belief into my being?
- Does this relationship, activity or belief contract my energy through fear or expand my energy with love?
You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself. The single relationship that is truly central and crucial in life is the relationship to self. Of all the people you will know in a lifetime, you are the only one you will never loose.
Jo Courdet
Karmic relationships are like a dance. When one person stops dancing, the dance is over.
Jennifer Hoffman
Every time our unconscious is working something out, it calls into our lives the people who have within the pieces of the answer we are seeking.
Martin Schulman
Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.
Tao Tzu
This material is copyrighted. You can share this information with proper credits given to Sabrina Reber as the author, complete title of the book "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION", provide an image of the cover of the book, and a link to the HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Facebook page.
Any attempts to take the information and alter it in any way or try to claim it as your own is karmically binding for you, and puts you at risk for legal action based on copyright infringement. Please be respectful and provide proper credits so this information can remain freely available to all. Stay in alignment with your higher self and integrity. Blessings.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Chapter 11 Of The Raise Your Vibration Book: "The Importance of Forgiveness" By Sabrina Reber
When we fully accept responsibility for our lives knowing that we are the creator of our entire life experience and remember that we are not powerless victim of circumstances, how could we not forgive those who have harmed us? Forgiveness has nothing to do with the other person; it has everything to do with you, your own inner freedom and desire to move forward in your life. Each life experience has made you the person you are today and it is your soul who has chosen to experience these circumstances. Nothing can happen to you unless your soul is in agreement to experience those life challenges for your own soul’s growth. Your soul chose your life circumstances in order to best serve your continuing evolution.
Forgiveness is not a thought, an idea or a mental concept. True forgiveness is a process of greater understanding and analysis. It requires attention, healing and time…. it does not occur instantaneously. In order to truly forgive, each of us must process through the full range of lessons, feelings and emotions associated with the traumatic events in our lives. Blind forgiveness is the easy way out and is usually the route most people prefer. Blind forgiveness is denial and avoidance. It helps people brush things under the rug without ever getting to the root cause of the problem. Unfortunately, this leads to a pattern of recreation in the future because it was never properly addressed. You cannot change a problem with the same state of consciousness that created the problem.
In addition, blind forgiveness is a way for people to avoid truly getting in touch with their feelings. When we avoid our feelings we hold onto them, stuffing them in our energy fields giving them great power. These stuffed feelings become reactive emotions fueling the fires of emotional imbalance, depression, disease and illness in the body. True forgiveness is an energetic experience that occurs when we dissolve and release stuffed traumatic events that are stored in our energy fields. When we experience trauma and are unable to fully process through our intense feelings and emotions, we protect ourselves by shutting off the flow of our divine life force energy. We literally contract our energy fields, deposit our unprocessed feelings into a “deal with later” file and go about our day as if nothing has occurred. The stored energy from these traumatic events creates blocks and barriers in our energy fields separating us from the divine love, wisdom and healing energy of our God self. True forgiveness occurs when we are willing to process through our feelings and emotions from our “soul lessons” gaining the wisdom yet leaving the pain behind. Once our stuffed emotions and feelings get released, we re-open up space for divine energy to freely flow through our system allowing us to keep our hearts open. When our hearts remain open and we release all unforgiveness we have the potential to activate our high heart or thymus leading us into greater states of love, compassion and understanding. When we look back at paintings of Jesus, he is oftentimes pointing to the high heart area giving us clues as to where we need to focus our attention for healing, salvation and personal ascension to occur. Once the high heart is activated (it is an orgasmic event) we will have a direct experience with God and understand our unity with each other and the divine perfection in all things. Our consciousness will be expanded and we will realize that all souls are trying to balance misqualified energy and gain soul growth and understanding sometimes through difficult soul lessons. When we truly understand that everything that occurs in our life has been set up by our God self for our soul’s advancement and evolution, forgiveness and compassion come naturally.
Unfortunately, many of us have given our power away because we have bought into the belief that Jesus has taken on the responsibility for all of humanity’s sins or misqualified energy. This belief halts our spiritual growth because we don’t learn the lessons behind our forgiveness opportunities thinking Jesus has already done all of the work for us. This belief fosters blind forgiveness and keeps our energetic imbalances, stored emotions and feelings stuck in our energy fields. We end up revolving in the same repetitive behavioral and psychological patterns lifetime after lifetime because we always react and respond from our stuffed emotional wounds that we have not released from our energy fields. Each of us needs to stop expecting Jesus to save us, he has given us the potential to save ourselves. Jesus seeded the planet with a higher consciousness activating the potential for each one of us to achieve his level of Christ Consciousness. All we need to do is clear out our energy fields and raise our vibrations high enough to merge with our God self activating our very own Christ Consciousness within our own being. It is our birthright….it is our divine mission!
We all want to take the easy way out, unfortunately, the only way out is for each of us to accept responsibility for our own shame, pain, unforgiveness, anger and fear we feel from all of the traumatic events that have occurred in our lifetimes. We cannot avoid what we have done to others or what others have done to us. We must move into our feelings and emotions and allow them to heal before we can truly forgive each other and ourselves. Many continue to say they have forgiven, but underneath their words there is a seething energetic eruption just waiting to burst. Many of us have masterfully constructed beautiful masks to place over our pain and we continue to hide behind food, alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals and escapism. We numb ourselves out! Many feel it is a waste of time and energy to truly express and experience their deepest feelings and emotions moving forward in their lives as if nothing is wrong. Energetically however, by avoiding our pain, we create layer upon layer of festering negative energy in our energy fields creating disharmony and dis-ease in our lives.
Many of us have childhood trauma, pain and unforgiveness we have been carrying around for years. Childhood trauma is toxic and sets the foundation for our entire adult life. Those of us who have chosen to learn intense soul lessons from our families have a very difficult time forgiving our parents because we live in a constant state of fear. We have spent the majority of our childhood and adulthood not expressing our emotions or feelings because we are fearful of disrupting our families. However, in order to truly forgive our parents we must first access all of those old emotions and feelings before we can truly move into a state of genuine forgiveness. True forgiveness, letting go and releasing does not involve pushing away or suppressing our pain, it is actually a process of embracing our pain so we can integrate and heal the situation by coming to terms with it. We can only come to terms with something when we understand that each event that occurs in our life was chosen by our soul as a life lesson or experience for further advancement. Once we realize this, it is easier for us to release our emotional attachment. By allowing our emotions to surface, we can understand and integrate them helping us to dissolve our judgments about ourselves and each other. We can then move into a place of clarity and understanding, choosing to release our pain, while we retrieve the wisdom from the event that will help our soul grow. Once the lesson is learned, forgiveness is an essential step on the path to healing.
Forgiveness is a journey each of us must take on our own. It is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves! Many people do not want to forgive because they feel it will make the other person right for what they did. From a higher perspective, in God’s dimension, there is no right or wrong. God is not in duality; humans are! However, there is energy balance and every person’s action has a consequence. Everything anyone has ever said or done is recorded in the energy body of their soul and there will be a life review at the time of death. So instead of holding on to unforgiveness, resentment and blame allow yourself the time and space you need to access all of your stuffed emotions so you can release them. Forgiveness sets you free from the other person’s energy so you have more space in your energy field for God’s love, light, compassion and grace. When we hold onto unforgiveness we literally keep a chunk of that persons energy stuck in our energy field. This can create all kinds of problems for us because when our energy or life force is not able to flow freely we create blocks or energetic imbalances in our own system leading to all kinds of emotional, mental, spiritual and physical problems. Unforgiveness is cancerous to our entire system and it will halt divine union with our God self!
Keep in mind that our God self or Spiritual self is always with us, loves us unconditionally and would never allow anything to happen to us unless it was for our highest good. The quicker we set our intention to forgive, recognizing that our God self has brought us an opportunity for greater soul growth, the less likely we will find ourselves in a painful energetic entanglement with the other person. When we continue to hold negative feelings toward another person some of that energy gets stored in our own personal energy field and some of it gets sent to the person we are upset with. The universe will eventually return our negative energy back to us creating a destructive negative spiral. Whatever we put out always returns to us, so it is in our best interest to immediately disengage from all negative entanglements.
No matter how bad, how traumatic, how horrible or how damaging a person has been to you, set your intention to forgive and release them so you can free yourself. Forgiveness has nothing to do with them and everything to do with you. When we continue to hold grudges against others for previous offenses, the person we are really hurting is ourselves. However, forgiveness does not imply you must maintain a relationship with the people who have hurt you, especially if they continue to stay in the same state of consciousness that brought on the pain in the first place. You can forgive others and have compassion for them knowing that they are reacting from their egos and their lower state of consciousness and simply do not understand what they have done. In fact, stepping into your power, standing up for yourself, setting boundaries and choosing not to be a martyr may have been the lesson your soul wanted you to learn in the first place. Retrieve the gift each of these circumstances has brought into your life and step into true forgiveness, your most difficult and greatest soul’s advancement!
Everyone is working from their own soul agreements, karmic contracts and forgiveness lessons. It is very important to surrender and allow the process while resisting the urge to pass judgment onto ourselves and others. We are all playing out our roles in a dualistic environment advancing our souls into mastery. When we allow ourselves to step into a place of unforgiveness and judgment we lower our vibration. Although some of us have had some pretty tough lessons, it should be our goal to move into compassion, release our stored negative emotions and feelings while setting the intention to step into forgiveness. Give yourself permission and the time and space you need to fully feel whatever you need to feel in order to release it. Eventually, we will all reach a place of inner peace allowing forgiveness to rise to the surface.
If you fall into unforgiveness, victim hood, blame and judgment recognize you are out of alignment with your soul consciousness and have fallen prey to your ego. Bring yourself back to your center, the truth of your being, knowing that there are no victims and everything is simply an opportunity for soul growth. The human energy field is very much like an onion and there may be many layers of pain and unforgiveness that will need to rise to the surface to be released. As these layers are cleared you may re-experience the pain and fall into blame. Simply recognize what is occurring, allow it to happen and choose to rise above it knowing that you are the co-creator of your entire life experience. Do not beat yourself up for falling out of alignment; embrace your humanity. Be aware you have slipped back into an old pattern and you have the power to step back into the higher vibrations of personal responsibility. When we are in resistance instead of allowance our negative mind chatter will intensify. This is an alarm for us to stop resisting and step into acceptance and forgiveness. Become aware of your thoughts, take several deep breaths and bring yourself back into the present moment aligning with your spiritual self.
Instead of looking at someone who has hurt you as your enemy, shift your focus to seeing them as your greatest teacher. Instead of being bitter, thank them for bringing you the greatest gift of all, the gift of personal transformation! Forgiveness is of the highest order and is the most difficult for most to master. Forgiveness brings you into a state of greater clarity and alignment with your soul helping you to release all pain, anger, regret, disappointment and frustration. There is one person in particular that needs the most forgiveness and that person is you! When you forgive yourself for your previous actions it will be much easier to step into a place of forgiveness for others.
- Forgiveness is a process! We cannot simply make a mental decision to forgive and let go. We must first process through the negatively charged energies that have held us in unforgiveness. Get in touch with your negativity. What emotions, feelings, fears are you experiencing? Write them down, acknowledge them, feel them but do not hold onto them! Ask God to help you release them.
- Write on a piece of paper the name of every person who has hurt you. Connect with your heart and speak to this persons soul letting them know you would like to forgive them and release them from any energetic entanglement that may have occurred. Once you have stated what you need to state, burn this piece of paper releasing all unforgiveness and pain up into the smoke returning it back to God to be turned into love. Repeat this process except this time bring into your awareness all of the beings you have harmed.
- State daily with your hand over your heart:
- I forgive you _______. Thank you for the lesson, we are free.
- Trauma gets stuck in our energy fields, muscles, tissues and cells and needs to be moved out energetically.
- Recommended Therapies:
- * Energy Work: Reiki, Sacral Cranial, Emotional Freedom Technique,
- Rolfing, Qigong, DNA Theta Healing
- * Massage Therapy
- * Psycho Spiritual Therapist (will help you get in touch with the
- emotions and feelings stored in your energy fields/subconscious mind.)
- The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
- Gandhi
- Forgiveness is freeing up and putting to better use the energy once consumed by holding grudges, harboring resentments and nursing unhealed wounds. It is rediscovering the strengths we always had and relocating our limitless capacity to understand and accept other people and ourselves.
- Sidney and Suzanne Simon
- When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.
- Catherine Ponder
- Forgiveness is choosing to love. It is the first skill of self-giving love.
- Gandhi
- We achieve inner health only through forgiveness – the forgiveness not only of others but also of ourselves.
- Joshua Liebman
This material is copyrighted. You can share this information with proper credits given to Sabrina Reber as the author, complete title of the book "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION", provide an image of the cover of the book, and a link to the HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Facebook page.
Any attempts to take the information and alter it in any way or try to claim it as your own is karmically binding for you, and puts you at risk for legal action based on copyright infringement. Please be respectful and provide proper credits so this information can remain freely available to all. Stay in alignment with your higher self and integrity. Blessings.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Chapter 10 Of The "Raise Your Vibration" Book: Mastering Soul Lessons By Sabrina Reber
Families are our greatest indicators of where the bulk of our soul lessons reside. Our past is a huge part of our story. In order to learn from our soul lessons and create a new story we must embrace the past without avoiding it, denying it, placing judgment or blame on it. Our soul and God self carefully chose the family line that would give us the greatest opportunity for soul growth. Our families show us the very things we need to own, heal and learn from. If these lessons aren’t learned, families find themselves revolving in a vicious cycle of disharmony. It takes great strength and perseverance for a soul to pull themselves out of this chaotic, toxic energy so they can view the situation from a higher perspective, learn the lessons and begin to heal. This type of chaos can also be a catalyst to move a soul forward into transformation. Tremendous soul advancement is made when a being is able to move into their feelings, emotions and pain from their family history and strive to release all blame, resentment, anger and hatred.
Once our soul lessons are learned and we choose to heal and move into a place of unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion our vibrations will begin to rise rapidly. As we rise in vibration ALL of our relationships will change because we are changing. Some of our relationships will rise in vibration with us and some relationships we may have to let go of. This can be one of the most empowering and freeing things we can do for ourselves, as well as, one of the most difficult. It is not healthy for anyone to artificially sustain an unhealthy relationship. Once we raise our vibrations, we will naturally want to surround ourselves with relationships that are based in the new energy of love, compassion, joy, acceptance and peace. Lower vibrating relationships cannot be brought up into a new space of higher vibrating energy unless each person is willing to accept responsibility for their own healing. Unfortunately, many people will resist this process because they will have to connect with their heart, their feeling center. This can be a very difficult task because we oftentimes avoid acknowledging our true feelings and emotions, keeping ourselves in denial, which will block us from accessing the higher vibrations. Many souls are not ready for a breakthrough and are not ready to release the pain and suffering in their hearts. They will choose to hold onto their pain because they live in fear of accessing those parts of themselves they have disowned and rejected for so long.
The level of desire and the willingness to change and look within ourselves will determine how quickly we shift, master our lessons and raise our vibration. Intention is everything. Some of our soul mates will choose to continue to experience the lower vibrating energy of fear and disconnection. Stepping into a state of allowance and staying detached from the situation will be necessary. Unconditional love is allowing our soul mates the freedom to choose whether they want to shift their vibration or not. Many will cling to their old ways and will not choose to shift their frequency. It will be difficult to maintain relationships with people who choose to stay stuck in the old energy while you are focused on transcending it. Some of your soul mates may not know how to respond to you when you begin to respond to them in a new way. They may try to push your buttons and keep you from moving forward. Have great compassion for them but understand that you no longer have to participate in their soul lessons. Your soul mates will draw another being into their circle for them to continue to learn from and gain greater soul growth and clarity. Be supportive but stay detached. Sometimes people will have to experience the same lesson over and over again until they finally learn from it. This can be a painful process. Part of your new lesson may be to learn how to stand in your power, how to use discernment and how to be unconditionally loving without allowing yourself to get sucked into someone else’s drama. Eventually, everyone who chooses will rise in vibration. It is divine plan. Make the conscious choice right now to attract relationships that empower and enhance your light and vibration. There is no need for you to sacrifice your happiness, joy and energy for someone else’s. No one needs to sacrifice anything. The universe is abundant with love, joy, compassion and peace. Every person has a choice as to what they want to experience - a life based on love or a life based on fear.
In order for us to move forward with our journey into healing and wholeness, we may need to release relationships that are holding us back from reaching our highest soul’s potential. Each of us will know in our hearts which relationships have had their time. Set your intention to learn the lessons these people have reflected to you and love yourself enough to give yourself the space you need to bring yourself back into alignment with your highest good. Sometimes it takes our soul mates longer to learn their lessons. If we cannot heal these relationships, lovingly release them holding each individual in their highest light while you continue to evolve. Everyone is on a different consciousness level and we do not learn our lessons at the same time. The healing work we do on ourselves will affect our soul mates and the rest of humanity energetically, so it is possible that these relationships in the future may be healed. Stay focused on your healing knowing that the relationships that are meant to be a part of your life will be there effortlessly, naturally and lovingly.
- Locate 3 childhood events that repeated themselves later in your life. What were the events trying to teach you?
- Examine your parents, siblings and grandparents. Whatever negative traits you see within them are also within you and can only be recognized if YOU need to work on them as well. What traits have been passed down generation to generation?
- What negative traits within your family have you overcome? Are you a better parent? Have you overcome addictions? Are you aware of your creatorship and consciously creating a positive life for yourself? Are you compassionate? Are you actively working on forgiveness? Do you see the divinity in all beings? Are you aware of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs?
- What are you going to do with your soul lessons? Are you going to use your soul lessons as a platform for victimization or for empowerment and soul growth?
Gary Renard
We say we exchange words when we meet. What we exchange is souls.
Minot Savage
You do not face difficulties as punishment; you attract them because you are moving to the next level of understanding your sacred nature.
Sonia Choquette
Are you going to work from your back bone or your wish bone?
Leonard Crohn
The design of your life…the people, places and events in it have all been perfectly created for you by you.
Neale Donald Walsh
This material is copyrighted. You can share this information with proper credits given to Sabrina Reber as the author, complete title of the book "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION", provide an image of the cover of the book, and a link to the HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Facebook page.
Any attempts to take the information and alter it in any way or try to claim it as your own is karmically binding for you, and puts you at risk for legal action based on copyright infringement. Please be respectful and provide proper credits so this information can remain freely available to all. Stay in alignment with your higher self and integrity. Blessings.
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