Showing posts with label soul ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soul ascension. Show all posts

Monday, September 8, 2014

Raise Your Vibration Book By Sabrina Reber

The Raise Your Vibration book has evolved into a new form and a new price. It is the same information, but it has been revised and updated. There are several places you can purchase the book and I also have a Kindle Edition available on Amazon USA and Amazon Internationally. If you would like to purchase discounted bulk books to give as gifts or to teach classes or small groups I have organized package deals for you as well. Links to purchase all around the world are provided at the bottom of this page.

Here is an overview of the book:

The Raise Your Vibration book is a light coded soul ascension manual designed to help people evolve from their current state of consciousness into a more enlightened state of being. For the next 2000 years the Earth will remain within a special planatery alignment immersed in a band of high frequency crystalline light where humanity's next level of spiritual advancement can be attained. The divine plan is unfolding and the Earth and all beings, who choose, are rising in vibrational frequency, activating dormant strands of their DNA, merging into oneness with their higher souls and returning to their truth. Humanity is being gifted with a cyclic time period of accelerated growth and soul expansion. It is up to us to utilize our own free will to become proactive in our ascension process during this most auspicious time on Earth. 


* KINDLE VERSION ($12.99)  
* SOFT COPY ($25.00 + shipping costs) Amazon periodically will also have the book discounted from the list price.

*Paperback books and Kindle Versions are available from:

You can do a search for the "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION" book or kindle edition by Sabrina Reber  on in your country.


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Friday, May 17, 2013

We Are Here To Evolve Our Own Personal Soul. When We Heal The Self, We Contribute To The Whole ~ There Is No Separation. We Are One! By: Sabrina Reber

We must understand that we are here to evolve our own personal soul. We do have soul contracts with others to help us heal, but we can not change others ~ we can only heal our self and perhaps be an example for others to follow. Every thing in our life is there for us to experience so we can heal and evolve "OUR" soul. Yes, it is true the law of attraction, karma and our current energy patterns of thinking and behaving create our current reality, AND people are mirrors for "something" within our being that needs to be healed. HOWEVER, if we are in an abusive, co-dependant relationship....WHY? What needs to be healed in your being? You would not be in your integrity, and in your alignment if you continue to allow abuse into your life. Love your self enough to be honest with your relationships, have the courage to speak up for your self and set loving boundaries. Communicate with your soul mates. It is karmically binding to allow people to continue to mistreat us. People treat us the way we ALLOW them to treat us.....why would you allow others to continue to create karma for themselves and for you? Stop the karmic dance. Heal your self, forgive your self and then you will be able to forgive them and move forward in your evolution; regardless if they choose to heal or not. This is not about them.....this is about you and what is for your highest good. Love your self, respect your self, heal your self, use your heart felt feelings of "discernment" and shift the direction of your energy so you will not attract negative relationships into your life anymore. The healing is all about YOU....say no with love, and move on. If the relationship is meant to be, it will heal....if not it will dissolve ~ unless you choose to artificially sustain a toxic situation because you are attached, co-dependant or you are feeding off of the chaos and drama. Unconditional love begins with loving the self. What needs to be healed within your being so you can create the life of your dreams? Attachment will weigh you down. Releasing what no longer serves your highest good will help you ascend. Do you want to learn through love or do you want to learn through pain ~ the choice is yours. Take responsibility for your life and make the changes necessary to evolve not revolve. Set you and your karmic relationships FREE....learn "YOUR" lessons and move on. ~ Sabrina

ART BY: Catrin Welz-Stein

Monday, April 29, 2013

External Answers From Others Can Inspire You, But What You Really Seek Are The Answers From Within: By Sabrina Reber

QUESTION: What do you call the subject matter you talk about? What is the official body of knowledge called? Is there a set of classic literature or books that teach the same ideas as your book? For example christians study the New Testament, Jews study the old. What is the equivalent nomenclature and body of knowledge for your teachings? Where did you first learn of these concepts and how do you continue to study them?

ANSWER:These teachings come from going within and reconnecting with my higher self....attaining oneness. The key of my teachings has always been to get people off the external path of "religions" and egoic 3D teachings and get people to step onto the internal path of meditation and self observation tapping into our feeling natures, which is the intuition of the soul. This requires meditation and activating the wisdom body.....all the answers you seek are within. I am simply here to inspire you to find your own answers within.

QUESTION: So what do you call the study? Spiritualism? You still did not answer my question. 

ANSWER: I teach the inner path of salvation. All the answers you seek are found within your self. You can access your answers through meditation. I do not like to apply a 3D label to my teachings, they are universal/cosmic in nature. The kingdom of god is must be come your OWN seeker of the wisdom within. I am simply here to inspire YOU to do your own work. Regardless of any answers I give you, they will not fulfill you.....they may inspire you, but it is YOU that must do the work and have a direct experience of the God/dess wisdom contained within you. 

The "Raise Your Vibration" book has been written to help you release the distorted beliefs and distorted energies within you that keep you blocked from attaining ONENESS with your higher soul/spiritual self that resides in a higher vibrating dimension within your energy fields. You are a multi-dimensioanl being....if you remain stuck solely in the 3D aspect of your limited physical being ~ only following the teachings of what other people "stuck" in the 3rd dimension are teaching....then you will not evolve your consciousness. We can gain inspiration and guidance from the 3D teachings however, your truth resides in the non-dualistic, non physical, spiritual aspects of your being. The "Raise Your Vibration" book has been written to guide YOU to evolve your soul. I can not do the work for you, my teachings are based on my own experience of tapping into my higher soul and they are meant to guide you to do the same ~ if you do not apply the spiritual teachings of meditation, going within for the answers, clearing the ego and shadow consciousness and overcoming your fears and deeply ingrained belief systems of the 3D mass consciousness.... then nothing I say or do will fulfill the kind of answers you are seeking. Go within your self......feel your self, talk to your self,  heal your self and you will discover your loving, eternal, powerful essence and divine wisdom of ONENESS that has been there all along.

For guidance and assistance on your soul's ascension journey, the "Raise Your Vibration book will be of great service to you in the process of raising your vibration to your wisdom/spiritual body so you can experience direct knowingness from your higher self. Click This Link To Be Taken To The Book Store:

Art By: Robert Donaghey

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Spiritual Tools For Spiritual Protection And Spiritual Hygiene: By Sabrina Reber

QUESTION: I feel so sensitive to the energy of other people how do I protect myself from negative energy without locking myself in the house?

ANSWER: This is a very common issue right now with many people. As we get closer to Spirit, we get very sensitive! We begin to FEEL energy. What once was hidden, comes to the surface.....we begin to tap into truth. And the truth is that our energy and other people's energy does effect us. We are ONE ~ our energies are constantly interacting with each other, regardless if we are in the same room together or not. Time and space are an illusion! I am sure you have noticed you can feel other people's energy through their "words" on Facebook, and also when you are talking to someone on the phone. Our physical bodies may not be directly in front of each other, but our energy is! So you really can't lock your self in the house to escape other people's energy.

Energy awareness and energy hygiene are very important! That is why it is so important to use your discernment with everything you do. Make sure you are submersing yourself in a life affirming energy environment ~ and you can do this by keeping your activities, conversations, relationships, thoughts and energy positive and loving. Even with difficult relationships (contracted karmic family relationships) ~ we need to set boundaries, and let them know we are only interested in expressing love. Anytime our relationship energies start to head in the wrong direction ~ we need to be conscious and lovingly dismiss ourselves before an energetic entanglement occurs.

In addition, spiritual hygiene and the proper use of our energy fields are imperative to our well being. Our aura is our PROTECTION so if we get in an argument with someone ~ and we are upset ~ it is highly likely our energy field will expand so rapidly that we will get tears and holes in it. In addition, excessive drinking and drugs also greatly effect our shield of protection, as well as, a very poor diet. We need to keep our aura STRONG, our thoughts in alignment with our highest good and also we need to pray and meditate so we can incorporate more LIGHT into our being. LIKE energy attracts LIKE make sure your thoughts are constructive not destructive, and also be careful of your FEARS. Whatever we fear will be magnetized to us.

Here are a few other tips to help you maintain your energy. You do not have to do them all, please pick and choose what you feel you need to do for your specific need at the moment, and these needs will change. The more you practice these, the easier it will be. Eventually, these little exercise will only take a few moments of your time but you will need to master them through SPIRITUAL PRACTICE....practice, practice, practice!

1. Everyday Ground Your self and put up a shield of protection, here is an exercise: Grounding Shield

2. Here is another mantra and visualization you can state to strengthen your energy fields, and put up a shield of protective light. I state this many times a day: CHRIST MANTRA

3. Energy Zip Up and Energy Break: Zip Up and Energy Break

4. Cutting Cords! Energetic Cords you have created with old relationships or new ones may be affecting you. Cutting cords will not harm you or the other person. New healthy cords will be created, and when they turn negative cut them so you can recreate new ones: CUT CORDS

5. Use the Violet Flame to help you transmute and purify any negative energy you may have created or that has been projected onto you: VIOLET FLAME

6. Ho'oponopono Forgiveness Technique: FORGIVENESS TECHNIQUE

7. MEDITATION! Meditation is very important! It incorporates more light into your being and heals the negative distortions that are already in your chakras that magnetize negative experiences to you. The Bringing In The Light Meditation is simple and highly effective. 10 minutes a day is all you need: MEDITATION

8. Two mantras I state everyday:

"Only those energies of the highest light vibrations may interact with my being. If there are any lower vibrational energies that I have created, that are attracted to my Light or that have been projected on to me by others ~ I command for them to leave my space now and to go to God's Light for purification." 

"Creator Of All That Is, It is commanded for all energy that is not mine to be removed from my being sent to your light for purification, and returned to where it belongs. It is commanded for all energy I may have left somewhere else to be sent to your light, purified and returned to me for my highest and best good." It is also commanded for a shield of protective violet light to be placed around me while I sleep. Absolutely no one ~ except those beings of the highest light vibration who have been sent by God/dess ~ may interact with my being at night while I sleep." Thank you.

For more information on tips, tools, meditations and ascension information purchase the Raise Your Vibration Book. PURCHASE THE BOOK

9. Take a salt bath at the end of your day or you can make a salt paste and apply it to the chakras, leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse off. The salt will draw out dense energies and help bring balance to the energy field. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012


QUESTION: When that old stuff comes up and we re- live it, feel it all over again, it feels like it can hurt me or manifest something - it's scary. How do we feel it and NOT allow it to scare us?

ANSWER: I wish I could give you an easy remedy for that. Unfortunately, the only way to release these energies is to fully feel them, giving them the time and space they need to be transmuted into a higher vibration. Energy never dies, so whatever negativity we have created in our being, from our past, must be changed into a higher form. This is what is called soul alchemy....placing our darkness (coal) into the fiery energies of ascension transmutation so we can turn our negativity into GOLD (the gold energies of the christ consciousness). 

Because we have chosen as a group consciousness to participate in planetary ascension, we are no longer able to stuff our issues in a deal with later folder. We are having to face things head on, and we are not use to doing that! Whether we like it or not, all of our stored pain is coming up for a final clearing. Our higher self is ushering us through these clearings/initiations/soul lessons and we are learning to surrender to this process knowing that in our darkest moments is when we have the potential to gain the greatest amount of light.

Fear is a product of resistance.....when we allow and surrender, KNOWING that we are a child of God ~ NEVER separated from the Creator Of All That Is, it is much easier to release the fear and have faith in the process. Understand that your feelings and emotions are not really who you are...they are not eternal. They are temporary. The only thing that is eternal is the divinity of your Spirit. The truth of you is eternal.

Whenever you run into fear tune into your HEART and find a mantra that resonates with you, such as:

"Great Being Of Light Please Shine Down On Me"
"I AM One With The Light"
"I AM Love"
"God/dess Is Here!"

This is also a wonderful prayer from Christian Science you can state:

"There is no life, truth, intelligence nor substance in matter. All is infinite mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is ALL in ALL. Spirit is immortal truth; matter is immortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal. Matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God and man is his image and likeness. Therefore man is 

not material- he is spiritual." 

For more help and greater understanding during these transformational times you can purchase the "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION" ascension manual here: PURCHASE BOOK   

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Soul Ascension Is Personal ~ It Is About Merging With The Higher Aspect Of The SELF.

We simply can not give to others what we have not created for ourselves. People will spend their whole lives trying to make "others" happy and what this actually is ~ is a "DISTRACTION". People distract themselves from their "own inner healing" and project happiness outside of themselves thinking if they make "others" happy then they will be happy. What creates happiness is spiritual healing, the healing of the soul, and that requires inner excavation of our OWN subconscious terrain. The inner path leads to salvation, the outer path leads to projection, denial and illusion.

Ascension is not an outer path (projection) ~ it is an inner path.....soul ascension is PERSONAL, it is about merging with the higher aspect of the SELF. Once this occurs ~ only then can we truly understand our ONENESS and UNITY with others.

Each person is responsible for "saving" the SELF ~ we can help, love and inspire others.....even hold safe space for them when they are in the depths of their soul lessons ~ but not at the expense of our own happiness and vibrational frequency. And we certainly can not guide them if we have not mastered these lessons within ourselves. Remember, we simply can not give to others what we have not already created for ourselves.

We are Gods in amnesia....everyone has the exact same amount of power and responsibility within themselves to generate and create happiness ~ ascension is about accepting personal responsibility for our inner workings. Each one of us are responsible for stepping into our own co-creative powers to create the life of our dreams. ~ Sabrina

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mirrors ~ Projections ~ Denial

QUESTION: I really didnt like how I was behaving with a certain person, so now they are no longer around me. I am fine but this person is still behaving badly towards friends and strangers alike, I'm a bit confused about where the lesson and mirror with them is, as they seem to be getting away with their bad behaviour to others.

ANSWER: Our goal is to not project anything outside of us. It doesn't matter if the other person changed or received their lesson. What matters is you were willing to "SEE" yourself through the other persons poor behaviors and make the necessary changes within your SELF. They may continue to blind themselves, and create more karma for themselves, but YOU can take back your power and make the changes within your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behavioral patterns so you can evolve YOUR soul. It is hard to accept a mirror.....none of us like to do it, and the ego keeps us blinded by the things we need to heal so it can remain in control. Stay on the inner path of salvation not the outer path of projection, blame and illusion. Whenever you start to focus on someone else and what they are doing wrong....realize that you have stepped out of alignment with your power to transcend your SELF and have stepped into the tricks of the ego....which is denial and blame. Never underestimate the tricks of the ego. Stay focused on SELF and what is going on within you.....don't worry about anyone else's behavioral are only responsible for yours. If someone else is hurtful to you....use your discernment ....accept the  mirror/lesson ~ but you have free will to choose whether this relationship is one you want to continue to invest your time and energy into. And always one is an EXACT mirror. Understanding mirrors requires self reflection and introspection......a mirror could be reflecting your negative thoughts, beliefs or perhaps a stored feeling that needs to be released. I have just gotten to the point where I accept everything shown to me......any resistance at all ~ simply is not helpful. If I see it in another....I label it and say OK......this is how I "use to be" and I choose not be like this anymore....and the universe is showing me a mirror as a reminder to keep me in alignment OR this is something I am doing NOW that needs to be healed. Name it, claim, it heal it....and give thanks for the opportunity to SEE yourself so you can evolve your soul. "As above in consciousness, so below in reality." ~ Sabrina

Friday, November 18, 2011

Images of Angels and Spirit Guides

These were some images I was able to capture on my cell phone during the 11-11-11 Earth Keepers ceremonial gathering in Little Rock Arkansas. I personally ascended in consciousness, and stepped into multi-dimensionality in 2006, and I have been very aware of my guides and angels through my visual sight..... but I have never been able to capture them on film to show to others.

For whatever reason, on the 11-11-11 they were dancing around my room wanting me to take pictures of them.  ....I believe it is because I can share these images with YOU, so you too will know that you also are divinely loved and cared for. Although you may not be able to see your guides, I promise you they are there. They understand everything you are going through, and they are here for your highest and best good.

Ask them to help you!!! State what you need....they can not intervene in your life unless you ask for help ~ they must honor your free will: " I ask for my highest WHITE LIGHT GUIDES to please assist me with _______________.

Sometimes we may not get what we want because there is a lesson to be learned....however, you can certainly ask for guidance and assistance. They will not tell you "what to do"....because you have free will ~ but they will guide you and give you hints as to what would be for your highest and best outcome. Oftentimes, our guidance will come through our THOUGHTS or through visions and sometimes feelings....divine guidance is subtle, soft, sweet, positive....egoic guidance is loud, aggressive, repetitive and negative.

The more you are open to your guides and angels, the more they will be open to you. They will not show themselves to you if you are afraid. As your spiritual eye opens through continued spiritual practice, know that they will take on different shapes and forms. For example, when I first started seeing my guides I would see sparkles, flashes of light, orbs etc.....and the more I developed myself, I began to see my guides and angels as human like "LINE DRAWING" forms that were in white light. They were not solid but you could make their form out based on the line drawings and their eyes were filled with LIGHT. They oftentimes held rods and symbolic instruments while they were adorned with long flowing robes.

Please do not be attached to "images" as everything will be shown to you in a manner that your consciousness can understand.  For example....the images I photographed above display my guides and angels in their sacred geometry forms, but when they were dancing around the room I was able to "see" them as the beautiful long flowing robed bright light beings that I have been able to see for years. They just wanted to show up for all of you today as images of sacred geometry. Just know that you are fully loved and supported and you have never,  ever been left alone. You have divine support ~ always!

Love and Blessings ~ Sabrina