Friday, March 25, 2011

Chapter 20 Of The Raise Your Vibration Book: "Chakras ~ Seven Seals Of God Consciousness" By Sabrina Reber

The Seven Seals Of God Consciousness

Reclaiming wholeness and divine union with our God self requires us to not only embrace the physical body but also our spiritual or energetic bodies. Our energetic body surrounds and penetrates our physical body with our predominant energy centers or chakras running from the top of our head, down our spine, to the bottom of our feet. Chakra literally means “wheel of light.” Chakras are energy vortices that bring energy from the universal life field into our entire human system. Chakras are the regulators of spiritual life force energy, prana or chi. Without properly functioning chakras our health is vulnerable due to a of lack of healthy energy that is able to move through our chakras. In addition, the lack of chi or energy that can be brought into our system will limit the potential for a spiritual opening that leads us into greater states of consciousness.

Through our chakras we send out energies affecting other people and the events in our lives. If a chakra is blocked or distorted the intake of energy will be depleted or excessive not only affecting us but also the people we interact with. Every thought and feeling we have passes through our chakras. When we allow ourselves to fully feel the emotions our thoughts and feelings stir up within us, our chakras will process the energy and allow it to flow through us so it can be released. Oftentimes, we resist negative feelings and emotions and we end up creating restrictions and blocks within our chakras creating imbalance in our system leading to illness. Each chakra is associated with a specific organ in our body. If a chakra is out of balance, it affects the correlating organs creating disharmony and dis-ease. All illness begins in the energy body first before it makes its way to the physical body. Thus, all illness has a spiritual / energetic origin. A healthy human system occurs when all chakras are aligned, balanced and functioning with an open flow.

For meditation purposes we will focus on the seven primary chakras that directly affect our physical body. Our primary chakras are the rainbow bridge that connects our physical body to our Spirit and they are the same colors as a rainbow. Our first chakra is red, our second is orange, our third is yellow, our fourth is green our fifth is blue, our sixth is indigo and our seventh is violet (ROYGBIV). In the Bible, these are also known as the seven seals. Each chakra is a doorway or portal into higher consciousness and once they are understood, opened and cleared we move into a state of wholeness bringing our Spirit down into matter. Our chakras are the bridge that unite Heaven and Earth energies. This balance between Heaven and Earth or Spirit and Matter requires a total surrender to God leading to the activation of the high heart. Once our lower chakras (Earth / Matter / Physicality) are transcended we activate our thymus gland or high heart chakra assisting with the opening of our upper chakras (Heaven / Spirit / Intuition) leading us into a state of heightened spiritual development. Our heart chakra balances the lower chakras helping us to stay grounded on the earth plane while the upper chakras allow us to draw in an expanded amount of divine love and wisdom. Once all chakras are cleared, aligned and balanced our heart chakra will activate the pineal, pituitary and hypothalmus glands signaling the kundalini to rise bringing our divine spirit into matter. When this occurs we merge with our God Self experiencing Divine Love, Unity, Ecstasy and Bliss. In this state, we experience the truth of God, that God is Love. We realize we are connected and never have been separated from God, anyone or anything in the universe. We realize the perfection of every perceived imperfect situation that has occurred in our life and we know that all is in divine order. We enter into a place of Divine Mind and understand greater universal patterns. We understand our reason for being here and develop a strong connection with our God Self, purifying our soul, leading us into our highest soul’s potential. 

Through meditation, visualization, purification and intention the kundalini will rise in perfect divine timing for each individual creating their own rainbow bridge of light into the higher realms of awareness and enlightenment. This process begins with the clearing and balancing of each chakra and the clearing, balancing and integration of the many layers of the human energetic field. Choosing to clear our chakras and energy fields will lead us into a greater understanding of ourselves and each other. The benefits are well worth it! Even the symbol for Medicine is a Caduceus which is a rod entwined with two serpents (DNA) in the form of a double helix. The rod represents the chakra system that runs along the spine and the double helix or snakes represent the kundalini energy rising up through each chakra opening us up to our God self which will activate our dormant strands of DNA. The Caduceus is a symbol for good health and when our chakras are open and functioning properly and our dormant strands of DNA activated our flow of Spirit (life force energy) will be greatly enhanced. When this occurs our physical bodies will naturally return to a place of health and balance, we will become mentally clear, our emotions will have less control over us and our connection to Spirit will be strengthened. This process is a journey and does require personal commitment, dedication, desire and strong intention to heal. However, this process should not be forced! The raising of energy from the root chakra all the way up the spine to the crown chakra requires patience, trust, faith and self-purification. Divine energy will rise at exactly the right time for each soul’s journey. Your focused attention on meditation and the clearing of your chakras and energy fields will activate your kundalini to rise when your system has been adequately prepared. Please do not force this process.

Activation of our Rainbow Bridge

The first three chakras (Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus) are our 3rd dimensional chakras and represent our yin, feminine energies. These chakras are very important because they help us manifest and create our desires here on Earth. When they are functioning properly we are fully in our power using it in a balanced, conscious, healthy manner to benefit the whole of humanity. We easily manifest our highest soul’s potential, we speak our truth and we set healthy boundaries. Unfortunately, many peoples lower three chakras are heavily distorted and unbalanced. That’s why our planet reflects chaos, turmoil, illness and separation. These chakras must be purified before we can rise above our ego’s defense system, our dualistic natures and our unconscious creations. We cannot fully open and utilize our higher chakras (Heart, Throat, Spiritual Eye and Crown) until our lower ones are cleared, balanced and integrated. If the lower chakras and the higher chakras are not working properly, a true awakening and activation of our divine energy cannot occur. We cannot deny any aspect of ourselves! We each have dark and light and masculine and feminine energy running through our systems. In order to be whole we must integrate and balance ALL aspects of our being. 

This material is copyrighted. You can share this information with proper credits given to Sabrina Reber as the author, complete title of the book "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION", provide an image of the cover of the book, and a link to the HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Facebook page. 
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