Showing posts with label ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ascension. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2013


  • These are monumental times we're blessed to be living in. Humanity is waking up from eons of amnesia. Gaia has centered in the Fifth Density and powerful evolutionary transitions of consciousness will unleash the earth from the restrictive and exploitative karmic energies of our past. To many, in these early hours, the full magnitude of what's taking place will be challenging to grasp. It's entirely understandable. The key is to keep walking the path of the soul, allowing our natural Ascension to peel away the crusted veils. I can feel the birth of a new multidimensional humanity beginning to unfold, one which I feel given to call "Homo Divinicus"...

    Breaking the Intervention

    Humanity was always meant to be fully multidimensional, interconnected with the higher realms of consciousness and centred in the natural flow of the universe: a benevolent guidance that co-creates situations for maximum soulful expression, the bountiful experience of interconnectivity and expansive evolutionary growth.
      Although it's difficult to perceive and accept, until we reclaim that which was taken from us, we can't fully appreciate how humanity has been controlled and downgraded by an Opposing Consciousness which exists in the field all around us. Some are becoming fully aware of this now, but in actual fact, it doesn't matter too much whether you perceive it or not. Many would consider this veil as merely a projection of ones own ego or simply society's matrix of mass subconsciousness. And this too is fine. What matters most, is walking the path of the soul and fully unveiling our beingness.
    Gaia has now reclaimed herself from this global intervention, and although it will still take time to fully unwind, the time has come for those ready and willing, to truly begin to shake off the karmic layers that limit and become once more what we were always meant to be. So what is "Homo Divinicus" all about?

    The Seven Bodily Vehicles of Expression

    We don't just have one bodily vehicle of expression, but seven. There is one connected through each of the main chakras, and each at a variant vibrational frequency. Because of the Opposing Consciousness intervention, for most people, the soul has been fragmented and thereby contained within the lower physical and mental vehicles. You could consider the distortions of the ego have drawn the soul into eddy currents of lower density. Alternatively, full embodiment has been prevented by the distraction of higher blissful like frequency resonance (false love and light). These are the variant frequencies we must discern through in order to reclaim our full divine gift of multidimensionality.
    So how is the full compliment of Homo Divinicus truly meant to function? To me, the soul is meant to flow naturally down through the chakras from the higher dimensions creating and animating expression as it builds downwards through our being. When this happens, we become truly as one with the higher creative flow. In my knowing, based on my own experience and in working with many evolving people, here is a personal indication of how I feel that is supposed to happen. In sharing it, I encourage you to explore your own experience within this framework, which in itself, can help activate that destined beingness...
    • 7. Spirit-Light-Body (merkaba): the spirit-light-body is designed to receive soul consciousness through the crown chakra to align our being with the right dimensional activity inline with our higher purpose.
      Through the spirit-light-body, the soul has the capacity to act through multiple planes of consciousness simultaneously. It interconnects us with all other sentient life and is able to harmonise with the co-creative intent of other souls within our sphere of influence. Our divine purpose could be channeling in the harmonistic light of the Fifth Density to which we are ascending; it could be counteracting Opposing Consciousness in the Fourth Density to prevent distortional interference; alternatively it could be bringing absolute presence into the Third Dimension to fulfill creative activity. Thus the spirit-light-body shines the light of our soul interdimensionally.
    • 6. Celestial Body: the celestial body harnesses and stores reflections of our soul through the countless lifetimes we've experienced. It's purpose is to help us align with our true aspects of beingness.
      The downward shining light of the soul is next received into the third eye chakra, which ‘looks’ into the outer world comparing what it sees to the reflections of the soul in the celestial body. When the soul notices its own brilliance, it helps us align with and unfold those aspects of beingness that are most becoming of us; we settle into our groove so to speak. It is that feeling of complete self-belief, self-confidence, self-acceptance and contentment. When we can notice ourselves manifested in the outer world through our own authentic inner reflection, that is when we are truly living. We are frequently reduced to tears at the seemingly simplest of things because we are fulfilling our divine purpose.
    • 5. Higher Mind: from authentic being arises authentic creation. The purpose of higher mind is to co-create experiences with other sentient beings as 'sacred contracts' for higher education and self realisation.
      Through the power of the celestial body, we have noticed how to be within the external world and now is the time to experience this through creative action. At this stage, the creative impulse is quite abstract and undefined; the purpose is more about contemplations of educational higher truth, co-creating with other sentient life, rather than an actual creation itself. The soul now acts through higher mind, gathering together ‘elementals of consciousness’ into a directional flow of creation, like swirling clouds in the heavens.
    • 4. Causal Body: the causal body is where our "karma" is held. It is the cause of our incarnation, it sets the agenda for our learning experience based on the attachments and creative experiences we need to evolve through.
      As the soul shines its beams of creative light down through the higher vehicles, our karma casts shadows of attachment through the lower bodies and into our outer experience. The causal body (also known as the energy body) now attracts and manifests exactly the right conditions to unveil the learning experiences required for our evolution. We are invited to confront and dissolve the obscuring clouds of karma by fulfillment of non-judgmental Right Action. We perceive this directing influence as the "Christ Consciousness", a pull through the Heart Centre - "this is the way to go now".
    • 3. Lower Mind: lower mind is designed to receive, interpret and process higher channeled knowing through our clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient (psychic) skills.
      So now we know what to do, the question is how to do it? If our authentic, creative action does not get side-tracked, the gathering energies are next passed into our subconscious or "lower mind". Lower mind then helps us to ‘connect the dots’ within the co-creative weave. Through the clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient skills of lower mind, we notice rhythms and patterns of synchronicity in our “consciousness landscape” and have clear visions of the ‘garment’ to be created. As Right Action clicks into place moment by moment, it becomes abundantly clear what we are being invited to do and how to do it.
    • 2. Emotional Body: the emotional body builds energy, passion and conviction around our behaviours to bring our creative Right Action into fruition. 
      The creative process has now gathered together the right fabric for our creation, but it now has to be woven into form. The soul now utilises the emotional body to garner more consciousness 'elementals' and weaves emotion around the creative act. It provides a multi-coloured palette of experience that brings the garment to life. It makes the illusionary reality feel very real, yielding meaning and sense of purpose to life. However, once the creative action has come to fruition, the weave of the garment is meant to quickly unwind again, so that something else may be created. It is not a part of the divine design that we hang onto emotions and build identities around them as is so often the case.
    • 1. Physical Body: the physical body provides the ultimate vehicle to bring the creative, downward flowing process into full expression; it provides the experience of separation - of one thing relative to another.
      Finally, the soul’s gathering weave of elementals takes form around our ultimate vehicle of creative expression - the physical body. As the master weaver, our brain reads the pattern that has been crafted through our higher bodily vehicles and then orchestrates a magical symphony of activity throughout our billions of material cells. The physical body finally brings life to the creative action experienced in the myriad of human, physical possibility. The physical body is a multifaceted mirror of higher creative intent. It is the jewel in the crown; when functioning as designed, it makes the illusion of reality real.

    So for me, the onward journey of humanity and first step is all about reclaiming this multidimensional nature, which we'll look at how to facilitate in a moment. It's something that a growing number are beginning to fully reclaim here and now. Despite our convoluted DNA heritage, the infusion of light around the planet is helping to ease that path.
    In following the ascending path of the soul, core beingness will begin to resonate the tone of one's soul ray harmonic. It is this that shapes aligned bodily vehicles through which to express.
    In my vision of the way higher co-creative flows appear to be shaping, I see humanity beginning to divide into three 'camps' for the onward journey and next evolutionary chapter:
    • An appropriate form: Firstly there are those souls who have been contaminated by the polluting nature of the matrix and are clearly not progressing. As the Earth becomes increasingly uninhabitable during what will likely become a long cleansing and rejuvenation process, for these souls I see alternative incarnations in appropriate form elsewhere in the cosmos. I sense a long period of recalibration necessary to gently find realignment over time. There will also be many souls dissolved back into the source, as the bottleneck of denser energy retarding the universal flow is unraveled.
    • Homo Divinicus: There's a broad spiritual awakening for another group of souls who are following the spiritual path, but taking a medium, longer period of time to fully ascend. I see these souls initially shaking off physical form but then moving into the bridging 4th Density. A period of healing and recalibration will be necessary after eons of convoluted DNA. The causal energy body, which forms the blueprint for physical incarnation, will then shape the newly aligned and much more resonant form of Homo Divinicus. Whatever the name that ultimately settles, I feel this form already beginning to shape in the field, created by a collective higher yearning - the natural aspirational impetus that causes evolution to happen.
    • Divinicus: There's a relatively small group who are fully confronting, processing and peeling away past life karma of this lower realm. These souls are getting ready to ascend and will fully do so in the next few human generations. When Ascension happens, the old physical form of incarnation will no longer be necessary - the required lessons have been integrated. In my vision, these beings will move into the Middle Realm and settle temporarily in the 8th Density, the next karmic bridge where form can be manifested based on the new agenda of realisations to be made. New bodily vehicles formed of more light based frequency will then take shape in the 5th/6th/7th densities (the Middle Realm) so that a new embodiment can happen. The 8th density will continue to provide the karmic barrier and the bridge into the Higher Realm where the new higher self will also be taking form. The higher evolutionary process will then begin for what I see as "Divinicus".

    Reactivating our Multidimensionality

    So what can we do in our day-to-day lives to currently facilitate the maximum inflow of this new evolutionary consciousness? How may we provide the most fertile inner ground for the seeds of Divinicus to germinate and grow? The "Five Gateways" project has been designed with plenty of insight, guidance and tools that evolving souls can benefit from. Here below are seven recommendations from the book...
    1. Surrender: be absolutely clear that the ONLY game going on in the universe is self-realisation and that we might as well finally surrender and take an active part in that game rather than trying to conveniently ignore it while it plays with us! So accept that ALL events, happenings and circumstances have but one discover our absolute completeness - our "absoluteness" - beyond all circumstances. Realise the aim of the game is to be completely free inside WHATEVER happens.
    2. Become the "Observer": the next step is to become the Observer of ourselves in all activities, events and circumstances. We notice where we lose our temper; where we become tight inside because of other people's behaviour; where we might blame another for the reality we are creating ourselves; where our addictions to something in particular cause us to act in predictable ways. When we notice this, firstly it is important just to watch it, accept responsibility for it, but not judge ourselves. In this way, we are already beginning to break free. It's also important to contemplate and utilise techniques for regaining the place of the Observer when we lose it, which inevitably happens in the beginning. It could be a deep breathing exercise for example, a visualisation meditation, or a mantra of some kind. Some people find it of particular benefit to put up strategically placed 'post-it' notes around the house; "let go" for instance.
    3. Open the heart: next we need to open the heart further by attuning to those experiences that generate the sublime taste of interconnectedness; feelings such as lightness, expansiveness, timelessness and crystal clear clarity - the sense of the Fifth Density. So the key is to follow those experiences of a sense of higher 'rightness' as much as possible - "what makes your Heart sing" - until you are tuning in and centering consistently in that vibration. So to keep attuning to the feeling, could mean moments of deep breathing or meditation during day to day life, frequent bodily movement expression, walking in nature as much as possible (or at least noticing nature where you are); following the sense of rightness and what feels good to your higher beingness.
    4. Follow the inner pull: as the heart opens, we begin to notice the natural synchronistic order of things and an inner pull to "Right Action". Sometimes this pull can be felt as an energy through the heart chakra, sometimes it is a simple inner knowing "this is what to do now". In which case it will benefit to always respond to that pull. Where does the pull lead? It will guide you to events, circumstances and experiences that provide an opportunity to express a "divine gift of beingness", and to expose the density of trapped eddy currents formed from an attachment to a desired or resisted outcome. These are "distortions" of authentic beingness, often created by the matrix in which we live, causing people to get tight, worried, angry or frustrated.
    5. Deal with distortions and addictive behaviour: the key to dealing with distortions is to realise each conceals a divine gift of beingness and to ultimately unveil that instead. So for example someone might smoke because it gives them the feeling of relaxed completeness; you might drink because it makes you feel more sociable and confident; you might comfort eat because it gives you the feeling of contentment. Alternatively you might get worried, stressed or tight around particular issues because you think you need a particular outcome. The key to overcoming such conditioning is to go within, breathe deeply, settle into the pregnant pause before the moment is born, find your sense of inner completeness, unwind the tightness you can feel, thus making space for an authentic act of beingness to arise naturally. This is by no means an easy thing to do, but the more we practice it, the more we'll realise every moment offers a black and white choice: give in to conditioning or surrender into the soul. In this way, we become the masters of our own destiny.
    6. Raise your energetic vibration: this can be achieved by regulating the denseness of vibrations we bring into the body thereby limiting the stimuli that raise our internal metabolic rate. So for example, if we eat dense, processed foods polluted with toxins then the body has to work harder to process them and the extra effort swallows up consciousness. Or if we pollute our minds with too much clutter, or the negativity caused by the judgmentalism frequently expressed through the media, then we tend to tighten inside. Internal tightness is also heightened by too much computer time, over use of electrical gadgets and chemical toxins used in household cleaning materials. The key is to organise your immediate living environment to raise energetic vibration.
    7. Conduct regular spiritual practice: we live in a world that de-sensitises us and it is therefore of paramount importance that we redress the balance by conducting regular spiritual practice such as daily meditation. Traditionally meditation is considered as sitting quietly in stillness, but it could also happen during movement or breathing. Practices such as Yoga, Tai Chi, the martial arts, dancing, singing and painting can all be considered meditation. The key to true meditational benefit, is to be watching yourself in the practice whilst doing it. Such practices liberate powerful "endorphins" into the body which counteract the effects of stress and negative energy. They redress the internal balance helping you find greater harmony and peace that you may reactivate the designed, downward creative flow.       ~AUTHOR: Chris Bourne OPENHAND WEBSITE

    Thursday, October 4, 2012

    How To Open, Clear And Activate The Chakra System: By Sabrina Reber

    Once the seven chakras have been purified ~ where 51% of our divine spiritual energy is able to flow through our system ~ the divine energy from the kundalini will rise, breaking the seven seals that have been placed over our seven chakras that have kept us veiled and bound by the duality of the 3rd dimension. Once the veils of amnesia/blocks are removed our higher/spiritual chakras will be activated, and we will continue to open and expand our being based on our commitment and level of dedication to our "spiritual practice". There are many, many chakras beyond the 7 ~ but it is the 7 primary chakras that are the rainbow bridge that connect our physical body to our Divine Spirit.

    The best way to open and purify the seven chakras is through:

    2. Meditation and Visualization
    3. Energy work such as Pranic Healing, Reiki, DNA Theta, Cranial Sacral or any other energetic modality
    4. Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi or any kind of exercise will increase energy circulation through our chakra system and break up old stagnant blocks.
    5. Allowing yourself to process through your emotions and feelings by "FEELING" them. Stored unprocessed feelings create blocks in the chakras that block the flow of divine energy.
    6. Practicing Self Love and Oneness
    7. Living an AUTHENTIC life.
    8. Speaking Our Truth with words of LOVE.
    9. Expressing Gratitude.
    10. Channeling Creative Energies through art, dance, cooking, writing, singing etc....
    11. Energy activations such as a Reiki Attunement, Deeksha, DNA Activation etc.....

    I have read several teachings where people are saying ~ if you do not focus on your higher chakras, those above the seven ~ you will be limited and holding yourself back. However, from my perspective, the only way you could hold yourself back is if you don't do any spiritual work at all, and you choose to keep your self stuck in shadow and ego consciousness. In addition, the higher spiritual chakras simply will not open until the lower seven have been purified. Each chakra is a doorway or portal into higher consciousness and once they are understood, opened and cleared we move into a state of wholeness bringing our Spirit down into matter. Once this occurs, then we can focus on the higher ones and our spiritual self will continue to open and expand those that we are ready to have activated ~ based on our level of vibration.

    If we get over zealous in our spiritual practice thinking we can skip over the building blocks of our spiritual expansion we may run into problems. It is kind of like a baby learning how to walk. First we must build up our muscles to lift ourselves up, then we begin to crawl, then we begin to walk and then we begin to run! We don't just come out of the womb ready to run....there are prerequisites and stages to our development and we want our spiritual expansion to be safe and GROUNDED. Too much too soon can be overwhelming.

    During meditations and visualizations, AFTER you have spent time with the intention to clear your 7 chakras, you can connect with your HEART and CROWN space directly above your head. Send love to these areas and know that you are deeply loved and fully supported. The raising of divine spiritual energy from the root chakra ~ all the way up the spine ~ to the crown chakra requires PATIENCE, TRUST, FAITH and SELF PURIFICATION. Divine energy will rise at exactly the right time for each soul's journey. Your focused attention on meditation and the clearing of your chakras/energy fields, as well as, your desire to live a life of "good will" will activate your dormant kundalini energy to rise when your system has been adequately prepared. Please do not force the process.

    The "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION" book is also a wonderful resource to guide you through the process of soul purification and ascension in consciousness. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

    CLICK HERE to be taken to a chakra clearing exercise.

    Saturday, August 18, 2012

    Earth Is A Parasitic Environment ~ Watch Your Thoughts! By Sabrina Reber

    We live in the world of energy, and it is our thought energy or state of consciousness that attracts LIKE energy to us. 

    If we are angry, we attract the "energy form" of anger to us, and this energy form of anger will feed off of our lower vibrating energy ~ and it will also help us create more anger so it can get fed.

    All states of consciousness have "energy forms" that are attracted to the "en
    ergy perfume" our energy fields emit.

    Worry, Stress, Anxiety, Fear, Addiction, Paranoia, Depression, Greed, Domination, Control, Anger, Self Doubt, Irritation, Judgment, Hate and Powerlessness

    Love, Joy, Peace, Oneness, Acceptance, Faith, Happiness, Compassion and Serenity

    Whatever we are emitting ~ we are attracting!

    We have the free will choice and the power to fully FEEL whatever comes up for us so we can release it....OR we can hold onto the energy and create an "energy form" that will feed off of the perfume our energy emits. These energy forms once attached, drain our energy, distort our thinking and way of being causing us to create MORE of the very same energy so they can get fed. It is a vicious cycle.

    If we get angry....feel it! State I am angry because ________.
    FEEL IT, and then consciously decide to let it go. Learn the lesson the anger is trying to teach you. Then find something to do that makes you feel JOY. Do not give the energy forms something to feed off of....and also do not store the feeling or it will continue to emit an energy scent or signature. Just let it go.....if you are still thinking about it ~ you have not let it go. LEARN THE LESSON! Perhaps you said yes to something you should have said NO to ~ set appropriate boundaries!

    As long as we are conscious about our daily states of consciousness ~ and we are willing to FEEL what arises, and learn the lesson from the experience we will not hold onto our lower states of consciousness and the "energy forms" will not be able to feed off our energy. The key is to LEARN from our experiences, and not repeat them over and over again. We will be tested ~ keep in mind that Earth is a parasitic environment.

    Everyday, be aware of your SELF and your environment. Choose relationships, activities and thoughts that are supportive of your higher states of consciousness.....anything that creates anger, fear or any of the lower states of consciousness within your being are not conducive to your well being. Even so called educational, religious and sometimes spiritual teachings can be detrimental to your higher states of consciousness.....use your discernment! ~ Sabrina

    The "Raise Your Vibration" book will help you maintain higher states of consciousness, and help you stay in alignment with your higher truth. PURCHASE BOOK

    Art By: Alex Grey "DESPAIR"

    Wednesday, August 8, 2012

    Experiencing Doubt On The Ascension Journey By : Sabrina Reber

    STATEMENT: No matter how much I try and try all I keep getting is pain, illness, negative thoughts like what if all of this is FAKE! Then I try and try again and feel wonderful for a couple of days then into darkness again. Today is especia
    lly hard for me. It started about 3 am and I just can't shake it off and make it go away. I'm afraid I'm going to miss the whole thing this December.

    RESPONSE: No way! If you resonate with any messages about ascension, then you are ascending! Your uncertainty, fear and doubt is just your ego acting up as it continues to get dissolved more and more into the light of your higher self. When this happens, it does not feel so great because you are processing through all your distortions as they rise to the surface.

    We all go through a period of extreme uncertainty and doubt about our ascension process, but your heart (soul), higher self and your ascension teams will keep you on track. Look for the signs and confirmations along the way....the little syncronicities they will provide for you, and don't let your human mind dismiss them.

    Also, 2012 is not the end all be is simply the time when the planet will begin to spin within a new frequency. Right now, we are dropping density at an alarming rate so our systems can handle the upgrade in vibration! The healing crisis many are experiencing is actually a blessing, and is a sign of your rapidly ascending we are taking our bodies with us.

    After the Earth begins to spin within a new torque and all the portals and chakras on the Earth are functioning in their full will take time for the new light filled "Christed" crystalline energies to be "fully integrated" into our being. We are in the thick of our muck right now, but in 2013 things are expected to get a little easier for us, because we will be operating with greater awareness and spiritual faculties....many of us will be accessing the truth of our multi-dimensionality ~ which will help us establish greater strength and faith to continue with the healing and transformation of the entire planet.

    YOU are a transformer ~ LOVE your self through this.

    ~ Sabrina

    Saturday, July 21, 2012

    When The Seven Seals Are Opened The Trumpets Will Blow And The Second Coming Of Christ Will Be Near By Sabrina Reber

    QUESTION: In the Bible they speak of the 7 seals that will be opened by the Angels and that you will hear a trumpet which one of the Angels will play. There after, is suppose to be the 2nd coming of Christ. Does this relate to the rising of the kundalini and the 12 strands of DNA?

    ANSWER: Yes! The Bible is symbolic with it's messages.There is an angel guardian (higher aspect of your SELF) over each chakra. There are seven main physical chakras with seals or veils over them that need to removed so more divine energy can flow through them which will open and activate our higher/spiritual chakras (8-12) so we can return to our TRUTH as divine beings.

    As each chakra opens (which is shaped like a trumpet) a trumpet is blown and energy moves up to the next chakra to be opened. Each chakra holds a strand of DNA (whether it be physical or etheric in nature)...eventually, all 12 chakras/strands of DNA/angels or guardians merge with you and you become ONE. Your chakra system becomes unified and you are no longer separated from your SELVES. This is the return of the Christ Consciousness....ONENESS ~ which is also represented symbolically as the 12 apostles of Christ. The 12 apostles are actually representations of the 12 root races that seeded this planet with our DNA potential. We too, just like Jesus have our own 12 apostle council we can awaken ourselves to and become ONE, no longer separated by the duality of our energy. This is also symbolic of the 12 zodiac signs as each sign governs a specific chakra.

    We are moving into our Christ consciousness....with each person on different levels of their ascension NOW! ~ Sabrina

    The seven main chakras need to be purified in order for the seals to be removed so we can merge with our spiritual selves. This happens in PERFECT DIVINE TIMING when the souls energy has been purified. The "Raise Your Vibration" book is a tool book for those who would like to be proactive in their ascension will help you navigate through your soul's purification. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE BOOK

    Wednesday, June 13, 2012


    Ascension requires everyone to understand that you nor anyone else is ever separated from the Creator. Therefore, the Creator is fully aware of everything going on within and around you. EVERYTHING happens for a divine reason.

    The reason people are born into difficult situations is due to KARMA. Karma is not punishment. Karma is off pitched vibrations in the human energy system that simply seeks  energy balance. Each soul along with a team of spiritual advisors ~ with final approval from the Creator, chooses their major life lessons and key players before they even incarnate into a physical body. Yes, we each still have "free will" and not everything is set in stone, however family situations and major life events are agreed upon based on the lessons the soul needs to learn.

    Absolutely nothing happens without higher self approval. No one is a victim! Whether it be through our own subconscious energy, the law of attraction, karma or simply an agreed upon life experience to learn and grow from ~ everything that happens to us is here to help us evolve and advance our souls so we can remember who we are and return to LOVE.

    The longer people stay in victim, separation, dualistic, evil/good consciousness ~ refusing to accept personal responsibility for their own lives, soul lessons and healing the longer they will not be able to rise above the lower self/egoic consciousness that keeps them enslaved. The sooner people understand that whatever is happening to them is an opportunity for a deeper level of healing ~ the sooner they will be able to learn and integrate the soul lessons that are being shown to them.

    If you are submersed in evil circumstances then you attracted those situations to you, and it is only you who will be able to shift your energy into a new direction so you can create change within your being for a better future. Evil is actually "live" spelled backwards....evil means you are living backwards from the universal laws of the Creator. Evil also means you  have a veil (evil) over your consciousness and you are veiled from your truth and light. The veil is of the ego and it must be removed before you will fully be able to put on 
    your garments of light. 

    The spiritual path is the path of personal responsibility is about transforming your self and your energy. If people do not accept responsibility for their creations, they will never be able to stand in a place of empowerment to create the change they so desire....they will always loose their power expecting someone else to make the changes for them when they had the power to create change all along. 

    Denial of your creations will keep you in a vicious cycle of re-creation. The inner path of soul healing and self responsibility leads to salvation....the outer path of victim consciousness, projections and staying focused on other people's soul lessons will lead to the world of illusions and more pain. The spiritual path requires us to look at things from a higher perspective.....however the ego will keep you looking at things solely from the human perspective which is full of criticism, opinions, limitations and judgments......the ego can never see the spiritual solution. The ego "Edges God Out" and makes you feel like you are victim ~ when you are actually a Creator Being. 

    Only those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will be able to see reality for what it truly is. In order to get to this place; we each must accept personal responsibility for the expansion, healing and transformation of our energy. 

    Thursday, May 24, 2012

    Someone Hurt Me...Should I make them Pay? By Sabrina Reber

    QUESTION: When someone hurts me do I make them pay for what they did or do I just let it go, and not bring any more pain into the world?

    ANSWER: The ego will want to make them pay for what they did, but the soul simply wants to grow and learn from the experience with greater love, compassion and forgiveness so the soul can get closer to Spirit.

    You will be able to "let it go" once you process through the emotions and feelings this event brought up for you (true for-give-ness). Eventually, with time, you will be able to digest all of the lessons and hidden gifts in the experience and you will be able to express a sense of gratitude towards the other person for helping your soul to evolve.

    However, be kind to your self and non judgmental of your normal natural human feelings.....allow your self the time to heal so you can process through any hurtful energies so they can be released from the energy field. Unprocessed distortions (stored emotions and feelings) that we put in a "deal with later" folder in our energy field are like little magnets that will ATTRACT another similar interaction in the future ~ perhaps with another person.

    We want to rise out of duality and break the cycle of energetic entanglement with the other soul, and we also want to evolve out of re-creation which means we learn how to turn our wounds into wisdom! However, that does not mean we just let it go (deny that it happened), store the negative feelings in our energy field and not address the situation. You may need to speak up for your self and set a boundary with them....but make sure you do this in a grounded way and with words of love so you don't create any additional karma for your self.

    As hard as it may be....send them a blessing, and you will be blessed as well. ~ Sabrina

    Monday, May 21, 2012


    The Light Codes of Cosmic Consciousness - Sacred Codes of Light Open Beginning in 2012 for Humanity to Reach Divine Potential of Cosmic Consciousness 
    An exciting year awaits you ahead!

    Channeled from the Cosmic Council of Divine Light through Pat Crosby
    We greet you as the Cosmic Council of Divine Light - a collective on a divine appointment to assist humanity during this wondrous and rapturous time known as the Grand Ascension ~ The Great Shift in Consciousness.

    Our Collective includes some names you are familiar with ~ Archangel Michael, Reshel and Metatron (feminine and masculine aspects of the Universal Architect), and legions more than you have ever heard of. Even the names mentioned here give only an iota of an inkling of the powers that reside within these names known thus in recent human history.
    The energies of 2012 continue to accelerate - a time of exponentially increasing frequencies of love and light.
    This wondrous and amazing journey is full on.  Humanity and we guardians and shepherds of your journey of light are sharing and co-creating this grand experience of the Creator's loving intention.
    2012 will expand the unfolding and interweaving of the earth plane with the galactic forces of light through the expansion of the Light Codes of Cosmic Consciousness.
    We remind you that some of you embodied ones on planet earth are from our ranks before and after your precious earthly incarnation whether you choose to remember or to forget this affiliation during your earthly sojourn.
    It is to this grand stance that we have now come.  It is the time of the seeds of the light codes on your very precious, gifted, and endowed planet to begin to manifest their gifts. To awaken. To sprout.
    You know that seeds of the plant kingdom on your planet remain dormant  until such time as conditions are right for them to sprout - rather it be the manifesting of a tomato, a head of lettuce,  a coconut, etc.  
    Each seed has its own intelligence and codes and is connected to light grids of its species to "come to life" at the right time and space for its own awakening. Gardeners know it is not just external things such as temperature that effect the time of sprouting. Even living plant seeds within an artificial environment such as a refrigerator - cut off from cues of sun rays and daylight hours - will begin to grow at the right season for their life cycle. This activation phenomenon shows that the plants are connected to a higher informational energetic grid that is beyond the 3D observable physical reality.

    Similarly, it is for you, Dear Humans of the Cosmic Family of Loving Light.  Many of you carry the seeds of the new divine and golden age within the complex of your energetic grids and bodies. Most of you have not remembered that you carry these light code seeds within you. Yet the divine intelligence that governs these codes knows full well when the time is ripe - the awakening time to release and unleash the cosmic power of manifestation that is held within these cosmic light code seed forms that you carry.
    While some incarnated with the light codes embedded in their system, others are downloading these codes from the power portals of the planet, or are receiving them from their light guides during meditation transmission sessions - in waking or sleep states. Some are receiving them from the light grids directly. 
    The name of these seeds is The Light Codes of Cosmic Consciousness.
    Just as plant kingdom seeds are connected to their energetic information grid, so the light code seeds within you are connected to the divine intelligence of the cosmic and galactic grids.  They have the innate intelligence to awaken and develop at the right time in the right place.
    The earth and all her inhabitants have gone through the Great Cleansing the past few years.  We do not have to tell YOU that! You have felt and experienced the deep cleansing in the very depths of your souls - as well as in the depth of your cells. Ditto in your minds, hearts and bodies as you continue to shake off the older historical denser energies of the 3D experience - just as a dog shakes off the water after getting wet.
    Mother Earth now is experiencing her great cleanse as waves after waves of cleansing energies rush through her weather patterns, pushing accumulated karmic debris out of the way and into the oceans and the air where it can be aerated and cleansed by the divinely-appointed organisms that live there just for that purpose.
    The force of the wind assists in churning and swirling old energetic holding patterns - bringing newness upon the land and the peoples.
    transferences into third dimension from higher galactic sources.
    We remind you that you have the free will to accept these shifts of the grand plan (even though they are experienced traumatically for many on earth right now) or you can choose to grow and adapt to all the changes and adjust to the new energies (recommended by us).
    You who are reading these words are among those who have chosen to adapt and to shift.  For this grand decision, we congratulate you!
    Among you who have chosen to shift are the carriers of the new codes of light to assist humanity and the earth to align with the new frequencies, rays and energies that are coming onto the earth plane as we speak.
    These Codes of Light are multidimensional quantum geometrical energetic patterns of irradiating seeding cosmic intention.  These codes are propelled with living light and made of cosmic substances capable of galactic interweaving.  
    They adapt to changing conditions which holds the structure and form to manifest the new vision for your planet.
    They vary in their structure, form and activity in keeping with their unique intention and purpose.

    Many of you carry light codes in the centers of your spiritual DNA strands which were implanted long ago before your embodiment. Some of these codes have been held in abeyance through their dormancy periods embedded in some humans' DNA - just as some seeds can remain dormant on your planet for hundreds and thousands of years until conditions are ripe for their sprouting.

    Other codes are being released, and have been being released for several years through the portals of sacred sites - which serve as inter-dimensional and galactic doorways. Many have been guided to visit sacred sites and perform rituals that activate the receptors within you to receive the implantation of these divine Codes of Light.  

    Still others are being downloaded with codes directly from the crystalline and other grids.  
    Some are receiving the codes through connections to cosmic beings of light and love - such as angels, ascended masters, galactic light workers, etc.
    Some will receive codes from reading these intentionally empowered words.
    It is the time now of the activation of these light codes of cosmic consciousness from various sources.
    These light codes carry the mathematical matrices of the new beginning - the seed forms of new thoughts that will both bridge the old reality to the new, and also create hitherto unknown and exciting new reality structures as the shift unfolds and develops.
    Some light codes weave the far reaches of the galaxies together in vast infinity loops with your own galaxy, solar system and earth and human consciousness. Thought forms are encoded in geometrical configurations - some of which are known on earth as the structures defined in sacred geometry. 
    Other light codes are coming in through the galactic star gate portals that are quantum multidimensional.  That means they carry intentions that will initiate, activate and enhance humanity's emerging elevation in consciousness. 
    Humans who carry these codes are usually not known even to themselves. 
    Some codes are implanted at the soul contract level before incarnation. As each soul is preparing for their early round of incarnations, they agree to carry codes into that reality. These seed light codes await the right time and circumstances to spring into new life, to activate - just as your plant seeds sprout when the seasons and conditions are right.
    The newly sprouting light codes on this earth plane are timed to accelerate their sprouting process in the season of the 2012 phenomenon as galactic conditions ripen and the energetic doorways open. 
    It is in 2012 that the energetic shift of the ages will enable the conditions to nurture the new realities that these thought and energetic seeds light codes carry.
    Light code seeds are finely compacted and interwoven geometrical complexities that interweave the energetic matrices of different realities and dimensions.  Each thought form seed crystal light code has a different message and a different set of connections for different realities. 
    Indigenous traditions talk of Grandmother Spider weaving the loom of creation. Similarly, some light code’s purpose is to weave information and knowledge from different corners of the universe - from different galaxies - thus creating new and enticing patterns of light, sound, and manifestation.
    The connection of the galactic grids to the crystalline grid of planet earth happened on Jan 4, 2010.
    To understand this better, think of each thought form seed crystal as an appliance. Until the appliance is taken off the shelf, plugged in, and started, it is not yet functioning nor manifesting its potential -  rather it be to wash your clothes, or blend up your dinner. But when intentional purpose takes the appliance, plugs it into a power switch - pushed the START ON button, the appliance activates its intentioned abilities.
    Think now, Dear Startlings that you are about ready to plug in these code appliances that you have had sitting in your quantum DNA repository.  You are taking them out of storage, plugging them into power (the new energetics on the planet - including the increasing photon band power and crystalline grid matrices), and are poised to push the START buttons. Isn't this grandly exciting?  We think so!
    1. Time-space travel collapse. This is the ability to realize and eventually to be in all times and places of your choosing simultaneously.
    2. Cellular consciousness conversations - wherein you speak directly and lovingly to the cells of your body as to what tasks you would like them to perform - whether healing, regeneration, repelling disease, connecting to other consciousnesses, morphing your form - on and beyond earth.
    3.  The ability to readily contact other forms of consciousness easily and with clarity and understanding - from rocks to angelic, galactic and divine realities.
    4.  The ability to pull in information from other galaxies and to understand other realities while living in 3D and multi-dimensional consciousness. 
    5.  The ability to extract wisdom and strategies from other realities and other galaxies and to apply and fit this knowledge into the earth system.
    Additional light codes are being created. There is not a static number.
    Light codes are light switches that can turn on and activate dormant DNA.
    Light codes can connect human DNA to galactic sources of information. 
    Light codes weave incoming new galactic DNA into the planetary system.
    The galactic portal of Lake Titicaca is a main doorway for releasing light codes into the planetary matrix.
    Light codes exist in human spiritual DNA - elusive filaments of light cross-dimensionally.
    Light codes can be implanted by higher frequency beings. There is a parallel with the Reiki initiation process wherein a being receives the symbols or light configurations that are capable of manifesting intentioned results upon using the symbols.
    Light Codes can be transferred. Sacred ceremonies ritualized this transference process. Then can also transfer in meditation, healing, and various intentional inter-connections between carriers and recipients.
    Creation is contained within form and structure. These sacred Codes of Light contain the geometrical seed patterns that will grow and multiply as they activate and begin to grow and multiply within human consciousness in 2012.
    Prior to 2012,  Light Codes have been seeded onto the planet through beings who have made themselves ready by going through the purification process of releasing old energies of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
    Just as in cleaning any house, when old things are taken out, there is now room to receive new things aligned with the new purpose.
    So it is with our precious human beings, Beloveds.  Continue your sacred task of emptying out old debris from your four body systems. Continue doing the diet and cleansing routines to eliminate toxins from your physical bodies. Improve your nutrition - which will adjust as you go through frequency modulations. Continue taking courses and studying to release old energies from your emotional bodies and your mental thinking processes.  Continue to learn and practice higher spiritual awarenesses.  Practice and continue on this pathway of unburdening these older denser and toxic energies. Practice being connected and grounded with Mother Earth while you go through this shifting process.
    In this way, you can receive more of the newer light energies and more of the incredible divine grace that is transmitted through the new Lights Codes of Cosmic Consciousness.
    2012 is going to see an incredible blossoming and unfolding of newer higher frequency vibrational events.  You will not believe now how far you will travel in the next year.
    So many hold great anticipation of the prophesized new paradigm of 2012.  These prophecies are becoming realized now, Dear Ones.  So much greatness, so much grandness awaits you.  Ready yourselves; prepare yourselves to receive the gift of all gifts - the dawning of a new golden age - an age unlike any other in all the Creator's grand designs. You are specially invited grand participants.
    You have chosen to be here now to experience this cosmic grandness opportunity.
    We continue to do this journey with you from our light dimension. Through your embodied journey, we share the joy, the trauma and the exhilaration of the ride. Reach out to us, Dear Human, for we are only too ready and too willing to extend our golden threads to be with you through all the twists and turns of the dawning of the new age ~ and through you, we share the ride. It is as exciting for us as it is for you.
    We will share more with you - step by step - of the unfolding of the Light Code energetics onto your planet as you are open and ready to receive the next installment of the revelation of their purpose and meaning.
    2012 is going to be an outstanding year on so many fronts. We are thrilled and happy to participate in this grand timeline with you, our human family of light.
    We hold you in the Creator's Love and Light,

    Cosmic Council of Divine Light

    Through Pat Crosby
    Sept 8, 2011

    Copyright 2011. Pat Crosby. Creative Commons License. You may republish non-commercially, with all links and credits left intact. article published in entirety.



    About Seed Dormancy
    Pat Crosby

    PAT CROSBY has traveled in sacred sites, meditated, and taught healing for over 30 years in 4 continents while studying with masters in various planes of consciousness.  Combining a background of Ph D studies in psychology, a successful business career, running a healing center, she now serves as a voice for messages from exalted higher planes of consciousness to help humanity through the magnificent 2012 doorway