Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Creating Abundance Through The Heart Chakra

There are thousands of books on abundance ~ most of them  focusing solely on material wealth. There is nothing wrong with material wealth, in fact, money is one of the things we are suppose to master here on Earth. It is part of the program and we currently need money in order for us to survive. However, our insatiable egoic desire for money, possesions and titles oftentimes overshadows our soul's desire for spiritual abundance.

For the most part, many of us have forgotten true abundance comes from the heart chakra.
The greater expansion of our heart flame, the greater expansion of our auric field. It is a matter of vibration and our auric field draws to us whatever is in it. If it is filled with judgment, criticism, doubt and fear it will bring more of that into our lives.

Our heart chakra amplifies whatever we put into it ~ sending waves from the center of our being out into the universal field. When these waves are fear filled our energy fields contract and we are not able to vibrationally attract goodness into our lives. As fear, negative thoughts and distorted emotional energies leave our space the more expanded our energy fields become ~ expanding our world of manifestation.

The heart chakra attracts spiritual abundance, not egoic abundance. Spiritual abundance will bring us what is for our highest good and what is in alignment with our soul's purpose. Egoic abundance will bring difficulties, stress, anxiety, over-work, poor health, elitism and yes... sometimes a lot of money. However, egoic abundance will never bring happiness and soul satisfaction. It stays hungry and in a vicious cycle of re-creation ~ more, more, more.

So if we want to bring our highest good into our lives we need to spend time in meditation expanding our heart. When we expand our heart, we expand our consciousness deepening our connection to our Soul and our God self.  When we live from the vertical alignment of our being we are always on the right path creating our needs in divine alignment, joy and happiness.


  1. Excellent information! Thank you for reminding us. From my heart to yours ~ Namaste

  2. Hi Sabrina, thanks for sharing this. How does one expand the heart during meditation?

  3. Hi moonNstars,

    There is not really one thing we need to do to expand the heart. My entire blog, which is based on my book "Raise Your Vibration" is the process of heart/soul expansion. Meditation is a major key component as it helps to activate and awaken the chakra system and helps us to connect with and expand our inner being which is based on love and truth. In meditation you could focus your attention on the spark of divinity within your heart...it is your God flame. Focus on it like the flame of candle and generate as much love in your being as possible....this will help activate and expand it but there are many other things we need to do as well. Are you following me on facebook? I post daily messages there that help us on our journey back to wholeness. Here is a link. Be blessed!

    How To Raise Your Vibration Facebook Page:


  4. Thank you so much for this wonderful share. I love the meditation suggestion of picturing the flame of a candle to help expand the heart.
    Blessings All.

  5. What a lovely place the heart is. ♥


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